1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 232 Concern

The two of them were chatting and tidying up, preparing to go back to their respective offices.

When Chen Jing saw Su Yuanshan was about to go out, she suddenly stopped him: By the way, my brother still plans to set up a design team to work on notebooks first, but there are not many people, only two or three people. He wants to During the design stage, call people to the science and technology park first to see if your senior brother can organize a team to cooperate.

Chen Jing spread her hands helplessly: I'm not familiar with research and development. Besides, your senior brother has to cooperate with your father to design a supercomputer...

Su Yuanshan immediately stopped and looked at Chen Jing seriously. Chen Jing was a little confused by his look. She lowered her head to check herself and asked curiously: Why are you looking at me like that?

Nothing... haha, Sister Jing. Su Yuanshan pursed his lips and smiled: The supercomputing team is about to end, and they have also accumulated a lot of experience that can be used in motherboard design - by the way, your brother is preparing to design It’s a book based on YX architecture, right?”

Of course.

Su Yuanshan nodded: Thank you, Sister Jing.

Chen Jing coughed immediately: Thank you for what I'm doing, but I think the biggest problem with the combination of YX+Linux is the software ecosystem. So it's hard to say about the market prospects... I'll be thankful if there is no loss.

Well, I understand, it's enough to make it into industry-oriented office notebooks and business notebooks. For example, our chip design industry and software development industry have now begun to fully support Linux. When the time comes, we can develop some Linux network applications, which will basically be able to To meet the demand. If that doesn’t work, we can also use it as office equipment and distribute it to internal employees for use.”

Su Yuanshan returned to his office, sat down and exhaled softly.

He could guess that this was definitely not Chen Daohua's idea, but Chen Jing's plan - because Chen Daohua's attitude towards notebooks was indeed a bit negative.

First of all, a notebook is equivalent to a complete machine and requires a lot of investment. Before the VOODOO accelerator card reaches the expected profit target, the risk of venturing into a new field will be magnified.

Secondly, Meijie's motherboard technology has been catching up with its counterparts on the island. If he wants to maintain Meijie's high-end image, he must increase investment in technology research and development.

For example, now, Mei Jie has made several plans such as motherboard energy saving, dual BIOS, USB bus, sound card and network card integration, etc. Chen Daohua even thought of working with chipset provider SIS to integrate a 2D display core into the chipset...

Su Yuanshan knew all these plans and had made suggestions.

Meijie has now returned to the top spot in the motherboard factory, both in terms of technology and market. But precisely because of this, Mei Jie is determined to stick to motherboard technology, and then secure this first deal.

As for Yuanxin doing it on its own - neither technically nor strategically, Yuanxin is allowed to open up a new battlefield on its own now.

So Chen Jing must have persuaded her brother to ask Mei Jie to form a design team with Yuanxin and start the project first.

After taking a short rest, Su Yuanshan grabbed the phone and dialed his father's mobile phone.

After dinner, Duan Yongping and his apprentice and deputy Cao Xiaoliang took a walk along the artificial lake. Cao Xiaoliang graduated in 1992 and is considered his junior. But after entering the factory, he followed him and became his apprentice.

Listening to bursts of laughter coming from the other side, Cao Xiaoliang said with envy: No wonder I heard that the people who are doing CPU don't even want to go to the Shanghai stock market, they just want to stay here... This working and living environment is indeed not an ordinary enterprise. It can be done.”

And the treatment is pretty good. Duan Yongping chuckled: Shan is always an idealist, and now it seems that his ideals are quite likely to be realized.

What is President Shan's ideal?

Duan Yongping looked ahead at the Pandora Laboratory behind the peach forest, thought for a while and said: It's hard to make a conclusion. In short, the trust has no chance of running away, maybe it's Concern.

Kang Caien? Cao Xiaoliang recalled the terms that flashed across the political economy in college: It's not that scary, right? Yuanxin itself is a research and development technology company...it's not about finance or investment.

Yuanxin doesn't play in finance, which doesn't mean that Mr. Shan doesn't play in finance, and finance is not an element of Concern. Duan Yongping thought of what he thought when Chen Jing took out reports from various enterprises and units during the quarterly meeting during the day. Shocked...

As long as Yuanxin strictly implements and promotes all current investments and deployments step by step, it will only be a matter of time before Yuanxin becomes a giant that is too big to fail...

Whether it is photolithography machine research and development, wafer fabs, chip design, or communication equipment and protocols... Yuanxin is currently the only company in the country that is at the forefront!

If this fails, I don’t know how bad the country’s advancement of relevant science and technology will be.

Is this telecore strong enough? But in Silicon Valley, there is actually a sister called Xinghai Technology, and an investment company that has quietly invested in hundreds of companies, and its value has exceeded billions of dollars...

Not to mention there is a trading company in Hong Kong that has turned to acting as an agent for global trade.

In addition, Yuanxin still holds shares in Yuanzhi EDA, although strictly speaking, Yuanxin and EDA only have this relationship. But actually?

Duan Yongping did not believe that Su Yuanshan had no influence on Jiang Wanchao.

Mr. Shan is so awesome. Duan Yongping lit a cigarette, stood on the shore of the lake and looked at the rugged water waves and sighed: Xiao Liang, work hard. In three to five years, maybe you will be fully responsible. The mobile phone business is over.”

Cao Xiaoliang was stunned: Huh? What about you, master?

Me? Duan Yongping chuckled: Yuanxin's current organizational structure has actually been suppressing it - according to Mr. Shan's meaning, now is the development period, so keep a low profile.

Look at the current revenue of the VCD department, which is more than 20 billion. It is still just a department. The department leader has not even arranged a vice president. Of course, it is a factory system over there, and the factory director is also his senior brother. He is one of his own. That makes sense.”

But the base station division also has annual sales of several billion, and it is only a director-level department...and it is also controlled by the higher-ups. You should know how low-key Yuanxin is.

When the growth period is over, the structure will naturally be internationalized and developed into a giant. By then, if we rely on Mr. Jing to dominate the world with just a girl, I'm afraid she will be exhausted to death... Duan Yongping took a deep breath. Yan Yan looked at the administrative building in the distance with eager eyes.

The next day, a detailed activity report came from the business, including more than ten pages of customer feedback records alone. As Duan Yongping expected, the brand recognition of Yuanxin mobile phones is not high, but everyone still believes that Yuanxin is a domestic company that can stand up and compete with international giants.

Then some users asked, why is it so expensive since it is made in China?

Su Yuanshan handed over all the questions to Duan Yongping.

Two days later, Duan Yongping left the provincial capital with a completed plan and officially took office.

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