1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 225 The Little Overlord and the Big Vision

On the phone, Wang Rui smiled heartily.

You know Little Overlord, right? The one who made learning machines so popular in the past two years?

Su Yuanshan was slightly startled, then nodded and said, I know, what? Are they going to make a mobile phone? Or are they going to make a VCD?

No, it's Xiao Bawang. It was originally just a small factory... and then last year its output value reached one billion. During this period, it can be said that the factory director Duan Yongping played a major role.

Su Yuanshan smiled and nodded: Yes, I've heard of it. What next?

He had not only heard of it... This guy was once called the Worker Emperor. Because the Little Overlord did not accept the joint-stock reform, Duan Yongping quit in anger, and founded BBK the next year... and then was born. OPPO and VIVO and OnePlus.

Thinking of this, Su Yuanshan immediately realized that this year seemed to be the year for Lao Duan to give up his job. He immediately asked: He resigned?

You... Wang Rui took a gentle breath over there: Why do you suddenly think of someone resigning? But you are right, his demands there have not been met, haha.

Su Yuanshan smiled and said, It sounds like senior brother and Factory Director Duan have a good relationship?

It's not bad. After the year, the SAR government invited all the factory directors from the province to have a meal. Later, because of the accessories business, we got to know each other. After a pause, Wang Rui said: Xiaoshan, Factory Director Duan is a talent.

Su Yuanshan said in his heart that of course this is a talent.

But not all talented people have to put their food in the bowl. For example, Su Yuanshan didn't touch any of his old club's people. There are still several friends he is very familiar with at his old club. Based on his current status and understanding of these people, he will definitely dig them out as long as he takes action.

But that would not be beneficial to the overall improvement of the entire domestic industry. In such a large market environment in China, it is impossible to sustain it by relying solely on telecore.

Yuanxin can only play a guiding role and then become the backbone.

Seeing Su Yuanshan's silence, Wang Rui said: I have talked a lot with him in the past two days about the domestic communications and electronic product market. I found that he has a very keen sense of smell and has provided me with a lot of suggestions. Although I am not completely sure about him. I have the idea of ​​​​coming to Yuanxin, but once he can come, he can definitely lead a business unit to glory.

Su Yuanshan hummed softly and flicked the fingers of his left hand on the sofa.

Wang Rui continued: Xiaoshan, as a senior brother, I will say whatever I want. The biggest problem of Yuanxin now is actually not technology, but the enterprise. China is no better than Silicon Valley, whether it is CPU or microcontroller, it needs to be monetized Technology requires an effective market plan and a sense of the market, as well as people who understand technology, and Lao Duan is this kind of person and cannot be buried...

Su Yuanshan was about to think about how such a person could be buried, but he immediately looked serious and said solemnly: Senior brother is right!

Because Su Yuanshan thought that after Duan Yongping resigned, he founded BBK to engage in VCD and then mobile phones - but now, Yuanxin has taken over these two industries.

To be honest, if he follows the same trajectory, no matter how awesome Duan Yongping is, he will only remain silent.

Brother, go and get in touch with him. If he is willing to change jobs, let him take over your job and be in charge of the mobile phone business department. At the same time, your work focus and vision will shift. Su Yuanshan paused as he said: Brother, you have big plans. Vision man.”

On the phone, Wang Rui was stunned for a moment and then burst out laughing: Hahaha, can I take this compliment to mean that you want me to be responsible for Yuanxin's global affairs?

Yes, you see, if we want to discuss overseas business now, we have to rely on two women, Sister Sun and Mr. Jing... Su Yuanshan said with a smile: Senior brother, can you bear this?

Why can't I bear it? I am still very convinced of Mr. Chen and Mr. Sun. Wang Rui said with a smile: Then I will go find him - by the way, what about the treatment?

The salary will be the same as yours now, and then we will give you options to join the holding team. Su Yuanshan said with a smile: Isn't he unhappy about being a part-time worker? Let him come to us, and everyone of us will be the master.

OK, then I will definitely dig them out for you.

Wang Rui hung up the phone quickly, and Su Yuanshan took a long breath.

This time, he really didn't feel sleepy at all.

In his previous life, he didn't have much interaction with Wang Rui. He only knew that his senior brother stayed at Hongguang Factory until it was restructured, and then used the restructured Dongfeng to set up a mechanical processing factory by himself. He did not do well or was not bad. I can only say that I have no worries about food and clothing.

But he didn't expect that after Wang Rui's trajectory was changed in this life, his vision and structure would suddenly expand.

Wang Rui is right. Yuanxin's weakness is not in technology - with Su Yuanshan as a bad guy, Yuanxin inherently avoids the most deadly pitfall of technology companies - directional errors. At the same time, Su Yuanshan himself is also an integrated circuit engineer who can fight in person.

But the result is that Yuanxin has strong R\u0026D capabilities and is very forward-looking, but its corporate aspects are slightly lacking.

Although Chen Jing is strong, she is the only one after all, and she is the CEO, so she is more responsible for the overall situation.

At the same time, with the advancement of technology, it is no longer like the Silicon Valley companies of the past. As long as they have technology, cooperation is easy to negotiate, and they can just take their products to large companies to promote them.

Today's products are more mass consumer goods for the public, which require strong market insight and various market means to stand out.

For example, BP machines and VCDs do very well because they have few opponents. As for the mobile phone side, once it faces a head-on opponent... it will be difficult for Yuanxin's marketing department to come up with a set of effective methods, and it will also force Su Yuanshan, a dabbler in technology who has always been engaged in technology, to borrow the experience of later generations to support the situation.

If Duan Yongping can really come over, then the company will really have one more general.

In the afternoon, Su Yuanshan waited for Zhang Xiaolong in the office.

He listened carefully to Zhang Xiaolong's views on Email, and he could also see that Zhang Xiaolong had been preparing for this meeting throughout the afternoon - because Zhang Xiaolong had considered many ideas about Email.

For example, he believes that since 163Email will take two routes, enterprise and personal, it can carry out specific optimization for office and add support for various office software. At the same time, calendar management is added to facilitate work schedule arrangement. You can also add sender classification - for example, you can arrange emails from the same sender together to facilitate query history.

Su Yuanshan chatted with him until seven in the afternoon.

At the end, Su Yuanshan saw the light shining in Zhang Xiaolong's eyes. He had no doubt that if he rejected Zhang Xiaolong or showed that he didn't take it seriously, then this guy would definitely destroy these functions in his brain as soon as possible. come out.

As for whether it will be called Foxmail by then, Su Yuanshan is not sure.

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