1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 219 Just look at him and you will lose

After hanging up the phone, Su Yuanshan quickly calmed down.

He took a shower and then changed his clothes - he was able to stay calm and thoughtful while doing these daily tasks.

In Yuanxin, even Chen Jing who shouted 1 million, bring it only knew that he was keen on external expansion, but did not know why he was keen on expansion.

This has nothing to do with the nature of spontaneous expansion of capital. Simply because he knows that in the future, when everyone realizes how terrifying the market and future will be once the pair of mobile communications and the Internet are combined, it will be difficult for domestic basic communications companies to go global.

He can only take advantage of the fact that digital mobile networks are just beginning to expand and the Internet is still in its ascendant, and he can sneakily occupy a few high ground in order to prepare for the future.

Now, Sun Xihui and Chen Jing have actually taken care of this matter.

Su Yuanshan knew that these two women were both very capable people, and the choice of Siam must have been carefully considered - any cross-border business must consider the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Now, the relationship between Siam and China is in a good state of de facto alliance period. At the same time, the current prime minister of Siam is also a very independent figure who supports the self-owned market. (Skip the relationship description, see it in this chapter)

It is not difficult to understand why the meeting came up with an extremely likely intention.

In Chiang Mai, Chen Jing and Sun Xihui have returned to the hotel from Bupa Rang Temple.

After playing together for the past few days, the two of them came here not so much to discuss business, but as a vacation at public expense - and they also brought bodyguards.

Of course, this bodyguard is not a real bodyguard, but an employee of Xinghai and Yuanxin.

Putting down the phone, Chen Jing shrugged at Sun Xihui with a smile: Sister Sun, he said that Li Yinan will bring a technical team over tomorrow.

Well, Li Yinan...is he the one who is very good at building base stations?

Chen Jing nodded: It is said that he is a genius. He has only been here for a year and is already the technical chief of the base station.

Sun Xihui smiled and said: But Yuanxin still has quite a lot of geniuses.

Chen Jing said: Haha, yes... Maybe True Corp was shocked by the people from Yuanxin when they first cooperated with Yuanxin. By the way, Sister Sun, were you in Hong Kong or the provincial capital at that time?

I had already gone to HK when the people from Siam came over, but I was always in charge of contacting them before. These people are quite capable.

The weather here is already a bit hot, and Sun Xihui is wearing cool clothes. She sits on a chair, hugging her legs, leaning her head on the table while taking notes and saying: But your tone just now was a bit...

What's wrong? Chen Jing looked at her doubtfully.

Sun Xihui stopped writing, stared at Chen Jing and smiled: A bit too sure? If we can't reach an agreement, Mr. Xiaoshan will probably be so angry that he will curse.

Chen Jing thought Sun Xihui would say something. Hearing this, she breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: It should be fine. Siam does not have its own telecommunications equipment vendors. They are all Nokia's base stations now. You know, Nokia's base stations are not It's cheap...and our base stations have been rolled out across a large area in China, so we have a reference. And from a purely commercial perspective, True Corp is a private company, and the government has a good impression of us, so it's impossible. Overturned.

Yes. Sun Xihui nodded and asked, How is the current domestic mobile phone market situation?

As soon as she mentioned this, Chen Jing immediately became serious, thought for a while and said: If you follow what President Xiaoshan said, then the strategic goal has not been achieved yet.

But time is on our side. Chen Jing immediately added with a smile: That's also his mantra.

Sun Xihui laughed and gave Chen Jing a meaningful look.

As someone who has been there, she can certainly tell that this girl - Chen Jing is eight years younger than her, so of course she is considered a girl - has an almost blind trust and admiration for Su Yuanshan, so much so that she will show a kind of anger from time to time. The general emotion of infatuation.

Although Chen Jing concealed it well, Sun Xihui could still see it.

This emotion is different from my love and admiration for Su Yuanshan.

Thinking of Su Yuanshan, Sun Xihui felt a little emotional.

As she said, although Yuanxin was only thirty years old when she joined, among the hundreds of people in Yuanxin, only Su Yuanshan's father and brother-in-law were older than her - this was a fact that drove her crazy.

Su Yuanshan was only seventeen years old at that time. Although Sun Xihui always regarded him as a younger brother, she found that sometimes, this guy had a maturity that was completely lacking when he was young.

To put it mildly, he is more mature and stable than his divorced husband.

Now three years have passed and Su Yuanshan has turned twenty. This feeling makes Sun Xihui even stronger.

Especially during the Spring Festival this year, while having dinner in the cafeteria, Sun Xihui drank a lot, but her mind was not confused. She had been paying attention to Su Yuanshan's every move. When Chen Jing and him were heckled by Ding Lei and others, Su Yuanshan's behavior was very unlike a twenty-year-old young man.

Even when Su Yuanshan decided to raise the big cup, Sun Xihui did not see the slightest hesitation in Su Yuanshan - he resolutely stated that he would not cooperate with Ding Lei and the others to play ambiguously with Chen Jing.

In comparison, Chen Jing is really a complete child.

Seeing Chen Jing sitting cross-legged on the sofa and beginning to discuss tomorrow's negotiation content and techniques with her secretary, Sun Xihui shook her head without leaving any trace.

Yuanxin Technology Park.

After dinner, Su Yuanshan called Li Yinan.

The continuous sunshine has wiped away all the spring cold, and the breeze blows, only the fragrance of flowers floats.

Walking by the artificial lake, Li Yinan was slightly behind Su Yuanshan.

Senior Brother Li, come over tomorrow, firstly, to showcase our products, and secondly, to demonstrate our technical strength. Standing under a few peach blossom trees, Su Yuanshan turned to face Li Yinan and said seriously: This time with True Corp Cooperation is very important to us.”

Yes! Mr. Shan, I understand. Li Yinan nodded heavily and said in a deep voice: I'm not bragging. Siamese people just worship Buddha. They don't know how to play with high technology.

Haha... As a boss, I cannot agree with this statement.

Su Yuanshan immediately added: As a technical person, I simply can't agree more!

Li Yinan laughed: I heard that they cooperated with Yuanxin to do Thai paging and gave us a lot of trouble?

Yeah, they can be very stubborn sometimes. So... Su Yuanshan said seriously: Remember, we are here to do business, not to argue with others or compete with others. Show our professionalism and technical strength Just don’t get into fearless arguments.”

Li Yinan nodded: Okay.

Su Yuanshan thought for a while and smiled: Let me give you an example.

You are working on a base station. If a layman next to you comes to you and tells you that your base station cannot use iron towers, it must use wooden towers, and it cannot use ordinary cypress wood, it must use green steel wood. What would you do?

I told him to get lost.

You should ignore him. If you look at him, you lose.

(It will start to explode tomorrow)

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