1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 213 Occupying the user’s desktop is the way to go

Mr. Shan, I knew you were done.

On the phone, Ding Lei's voice sounded a bit mean when he laughed.

Su Yuanshan laughed: I just heard Sister Xiaohui talking about your electronic post office. Can you tell me specifically what its functions are?

It's just as planned, in the form of a WEB website, the page language is HTML, and the framework uses CC - the CC language is really awesome, it's so convenient, and it's small and compact, just suitable for the Internet.

Stop flattering me...my dad did it.

Hehe... Ding Lei was also thick-skinned and didn't take it seriously at all: It supports sending attachments and supports sending by multiple users.

Su Yuanshan praised: Great job - but why not use a group?


There was obvious silence on the phone for a few seconds, and then Ding Lei immediately shouted: Holy crap! Wait... let me guess - are you putting a group of people into a group?

Yes, it is very convenient to send it in groups to enterprise-level users. For example, if you want to send it to management, just select the group.

Ding Lei said excitedly: Yes, yes!

Su Yuanshan just smiled. He could guess that Ding Lei was nodding like a chicken pecking at rice without even thinking: But for enterprise-level users... it's actually best to get an email client.

Hi! I was just going to consult you. Brother Xiao Ma suggested that I should get a client and occupy the user's desktop.

Su Yuanshan couldn't help laughing: Yes, he is right, he wants to occupy the user's desktop.

Okay, the next task is to develop the client and create a group!

Well, now everyone is using Euroda. Everyone who has used it knows how bad it is... As long as the email client you create is convenient and easy to use, we can even directly authorize it to be sold to big companies, especially multinational companies. , providing them with internal email services...

When he heard that it could be sold to corporate users, Ding Lei was excited: Okay! This is a good idea. Foreigners are willing to spend money!

By the way, how's the progress with Pony?

Brother Xiao Ma is still working on the server data. He just copied a few pieces of code from me. It will be soon. Ding Lei said with a chuckle.

Su Yuanshan: ...

Not long after hanging up, the phone rang again.

After the call was connected, Ye Rudai's voice came from the microphone.



San Francisco Airport.

Yang Yiwen was wearing single clothes and was a little bit cold by the sudden afternoon breeze. She then changed her position and stood next to Tang Wenjie.

Looking at Tang Wenjie's burly figure, Yang Yiwen patted his belly with a smile: What should I do if I suddenly want to sing Shajiabang?

Sing. Tang Wenjie put his hands on his waist and kept looking at the exit of the station. He replied casually, but he came back to his senses immediately and reached out to Yang Yiwen's armpit: Young kid can even learn to curse. It’s over.”

Yang Yiwen was scratched by him, giggled, and jumped a meter away with agility and grace that was not expected of a twenty-five-year-old girl.

Seeing that Tang Wenjie wanted to chase him, she immediately said: Don't make trouble, the little girl is out.

Where? Tang Wenjie had just taken a step, and upon hearing this, he immediately stood still and looked towards the exit again.

Then Tang Wenjie saw three men, two women, and five mainland faces walking out of the station exit.

These five people, two men and one woman, looked like students. The other man and woman looked like the team leader.

The student-looking girl is very beautiful, with a ponytail, and wears a casual thick shirt with elegant stripes on her upper body, a white T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. She dragged her suitcase and looked at Tang Wenjie and Yang Yiwen as soon as she went out.

Xiaoshan is absolutely right, why do we need any photos? Yang Yiwen waved her hand in the direction of the girl in front of her: Is she from the electrical engineering department?

As soon as they heard Yang Yiwen shouting, the five people who had just left the house breathed a sigh of relief. The teacher headed by them strode towards Tang Wenjie and Yang Yiwen.

Senior Brother Tang, Sister Yiwen, please excuse me. Ye Rudai thanked her in a low voice.

No trouble. Yang Yiwen looked at Ye Rudai with a smile, thinking that such a beautiful girl could study engineering, or programming... It's really...

What's the trouble? I'm an old revolutionary who has been in the Electrical Engineering Department for seven years. Teacher Zhou should have returned to China after I left, right? Tang Wenjie insisted on helping Ye Rudai carry the box, and he rushed to lead the team Teacher Zhou said.

Teacher Zhou smiled and nodded: Yes, I just returned to China last year.

Well, then you've stayed here longer than us.

No, I'm in Canada. I've only been to the Lighthouse Country a few times. I'm really not familiar with Phoenix.

Tang Wenjie said: Oh, we're not familiar with each other, but it's okay. Qin Si happened to be in Arizona to talk about something, so you guys can rest here for a day. Get rid of the jet lag, and then take a flight directly there tomorrow. We'll be there in three hours. It's very easy. Fast.

Tang Wenjie chatted all the way. He always talked a lot, but he gradually relieved the restraints of several contestants.

As an old revolutionary in electronics science as he said, even if Su Yuanshan hadn't called him, he would have definitely volunteered to help when his alma mater sent a delegation to participate in a competition like the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest for the first time.

After settling everyone down, having a simple dinner, and booking a flight for the next afternoon, Yang Yiwen contacted Qin Si again, and then she and Tang Wenjie stayed in the hotel.

The two of them did not bother the contestants next door—it seemed that these people were staying awake waiting to catch up on the jet lag, so as not to affect the finals a week later.

Yang Yiwen was lying on the sofa and raised her chin at Tang Wenjie, who was peeling an apple: This is the first time I've seen Xiaoshan like this.

But that girl is very nice, polite, not afraid of trouble, and smart. Yang Yiwen thought of this short time of contact and gave Ye Rudai a high evaluation.

Tang Wenjie added: The main thing is that she is beautiful.

Yang Yiwen rolled her eyes at him: ... He's a bit promising. Is Xiaoshan the kind of person who values ​​appearance?

Tang Wenjie chuckled: He doesn't value appearance, he values ​​appearance extremely! Look at the girls at the front desk at Yuanxin, which one is ugly? There are also his secretary, his boss... all of them are very beautiful.

Yang Yiwen opened her mouth. Even if she liked Su Yuanshan and wanted to defend Su Yuanshan, she found that she could not refute what her fiancé said - because it was indeed the truth.

Then I haven't heard of anyone he hooked up with?

He's a rabbit and doesn't eat the grass next to the nest! Tang Wenjie skillfully cut the apple into four pieces, shaved off the core and handed it to Yang Yiwen: He is too young and doesn't know that the grass next to the nest is the best. Open your mouth.

Virtue! Yang Yiwen patted Tang Wenjie gently, but she opened her mouth obediently, bit into half of the apple, and said while chewing the apple: Now I have begun to suspect that those two gangsters are the actors you found!

Yes, yes, life is like a play, it all depends on acting. Tang Wenjie chuckled, not caring at all. The two of them have been together for almost ten years, and they are already used to each other's teasing: Honey, let's do an action movie?

Snapped! Yang Yiwen slapped him hard and scolded: Go and revise your paper!

When it came to the essay, Tang Wenjie immediately stopped talking and sat down in front of his notebook, like a primary school student who was forced to write an essay.

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