1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 207 The temperament of a man in science and engineering

Su Yuanshan also realized that he had made a mistake and laughed a few times, humbly admitting his mistake.

However, he still said something stubborn: In the macroscopical context, the contribution of my words to the information entropy of future event states is zero. It is not even counted as data, it can only be counted as noise, and there is no need to exclude it.



Xi Xiaoding sighed: You can make information entropy nonsense into nonsense, you... are really a talent.

Su Yuanshan laughed.

But it has to be said that Yuanxin's current scientific research funding arrangements are indeed very casual - this is the benefit of Su Yuanshan's one-note speech.

Everyone, not just Chen Jing, had any objections to the funding arrangements.

Last year, Yuanxin's book balance exceeded one billion yuan, and its US dollar balance exceeded 2 billion. A very scary fact is that this money theoretically and actually belongs to Professor Su Xinghe and Zhang Ke personally!

However, these two shareholders seem not to know that Yuanxin is rich. Both of them still only receive basic salary every month.

Only last year, Professor Su Xinghe approved a million yuan to take home, and he was embarrassed to tell the finance department that the money was to be taken home, which made my wife feel a little unsure... He said that if it is difficult to do the accounting, it will be deducted from the salary in the future. And so on.

As for Su Yuanshan, it's even better. Although he always has a pen that can approve money, and it has a special name called Yuanshan Office. But he doesn’t use it a few times throughout the year, and he has almost no habit of carrying cash.

All of this money will continue to be invested in scientific research and development and investment expansion.

In addition, Yuanxin's virtual share system began to solicit opinions last year, and Yuanxin Holdings, which is still a skin company, was established. However, the shareholders of Yuanxin Holdings are all the leaders and founders of Yuanxin present here.

After Yuanxin completes key international cooperation, Yuanxin Holdings will directly control the current Yuanxin Technology. By then, everyone here will be a shareholder.

Moreover, Yuanxin’s salary and welfare benefits are now ridiculously good. The annual incomes of several bosses are in the six-digit range. Xi Xiaoding has only been working for a year, and he has already bought a three-bedroom apartment in the provincial capital with full payment based on his salary alone. Housing with two halls...

——Tell me, what other opinions do you have about a boss like this?

Okay, today's meeting will be held here temporarily. Chen Jing flipped through the diary and looked at everyone: Feel free to add anything.

As she spoke, she put down her notebook, raised her hands, clenched her fists to her shoulders, and did a relaxing chest expansion exercise.

The sound of moving benches also sounded in the conference room, and everyone began to chat casually.

Since it is not a special meeting for critical or urgent business, Yuanxin will basically stay for discussion after announcing the end of the meeting, and the atmosphere is very relaxed.

There are not many scenes as serious and urgent as the mobile phone conference convened by Su Yuanshan a few years ago.

Oh, by the way, I remembered something. Chen Jing opened her notebook and sat upright: Yuru, the legal department will consider how to better audit and standardize the job behavior within the group.

As soon as these words came out, everyone who had started chatting immediately stopped.

Yu Yuru was whispering some gossip with Tang Wenfang. She was startled when she heard this, but immediately she pursed her lips and nodded: Okay, Mr. Jing.

Although Chen Jing said something nice - auditing and standardization.

But since it is being carried out by the Ministry of Justice, no matter how nice it sounds, it cannot hide the fact that it is to prevent and combat job-related crimes.

Chen Jing nodded and looked at the row of bosses on her right: Based on experience, market, procurement, and logistics. These are the three hardest-hit areas. Yuanxin is now in its fourth year of establishment, and it is also a year of rapid development. . This year’s VCD business and mobile phone business will both explode in production capacity. Therefore, the special economic zone must be careful not to get caught in the bad habits of other companies. If you dare to take advantage of the card in the supply chain, you will find a way out. One, for no reason.”

By the end of Chen Jing's words, her tone was already very serious.

Wan Yongliang nodded immediately.

Then Wang Rui glanced at Su Yuanshan, and he nodded with a smile: Mr. Chen is right, we are too big now, we can really eat upstream and downstream, but we can't do it without catching.

Chen Jing's jaw dropped slightly.

Of course she didn't say this casually - when she returned to the mainland after the year, she and her brother were the first to arrive in the Special Administrative Region.

Since her brother was stationed in the Special Administrative Region last year and had good relations with many surrounding manufacturers, when she arrived in the Special Administrative Region, some companies that had business dealings with Yuanxin took notice and threatened to treat her to dinner.

Chen Jing, who couldn't save face, had a casual meal with these bosses in her own name with her brother.

Then... as Wang Rui said, in the current field of domestic consumer electronics products, Yuanxin is indeed very large - after the VCD and mobile phone business explodes in production capacity this year, it is very likely to surpass Changhong and become the domestic electronics product category. The NO1.

Volume means the right to speak. Whether it is an upstream component supplier or a downstream agent, Yuanxin can control each other.

So Chen Jing was keenly aware that it was time to promote the integrity process of Yuanxin.

But of course such a big matter cannot be decided by a professional manager like her. After returning last night, she found Su Yuanshan overnight. After getting Su Yuanshan's full support, she chose to throw it out in a post-meeting discussion today. and promoted by the Legal Department.

This can be regarded as leaving a little leeway, so that people who have shit behind their butt can quickly wipe it clean and forget about it. Otherwise, Chen Jing wouldn't mind killing the chicken to scare the monkey.

Compared with the serious faces on the corporate side, the R\u0026D side was much more relaxed. They even entered into technical discussions after being stunned...

Qin Weimin touched Su Yuanshan: But how to check?

You have to ask Sister Yuru about this. Su Yuanshan chuckled.

Over there, Yu Yuru also laughed and said: It's nothing more than the anti-corruption scheme brought to enterprises. Corruption relies on auditing, and kickbacks rely on analysis and complaints.

Xi Xiaoding asked: Behavior analysis?

Uh... probably. Yu Yuru said: We have to hire experts in criminal investigation in this regard. This is not my specialty.

Simple, it's mainly based on various feedback data from the people one deals with. Su Yuanshan said smoothly. He raised his head and glanced at Wan Yongliang opposite: For example, Lao Wan is the vice president. He is now responsible for the entire marketing and brand operations. , He has a lot of power in his hands.

Wan Yongliang coughed and said with a smile: Mr. Shan, don't use me as an example. You are insulting people's innocence out of thin air.

Su Yuanshan chuckled: Suppose Lao Wan met an advertiser one day, and then the brand operations department immediately signed a contract with the advertiser - we can think that Lao Wan played a key role in this matter. But this key role does not mean that there is a problem with Lao Wan - we need to analyze whether Lao Wan has often directly intervened in this kind of situation in the brand operations department.

The director of the brand operations department was Xiong Bohong, who had just been promoted. Hearing this, he joked: Vice President Wan did not directly intervene in the brand operations department.

At this time, Xi Xiaoding said thoughtfully: It means analyzing Lao Wan's daily work habits, contacts with people, and even consumption habits...

After a pause, Xi Xiaoding smiled and said: This data is too big.

How about calling it big data? Su Yuanshan said with a smile.

Big data? Xi Xiaoding was startled for a moment, then nodded slowly: If there are enough data samples, we can perform neural network operations, generate algorithms, and then conduct behavioral predictions and judgments...

Deep learning. Su Yuanshan added again.

Qin Weimin smiled and said: The next step is artificial intelligence.

Yes. Su Yuanshan nodded again.

Xi Xiaoding smiled and faced Su Yuanshan: After fully entering the Internet field, we will indeed leave enough traces and obtain countless behavioral samples. It seems that we will usher in a climax of neural network algorithms?

Su Yuanshan smiled and nodded: That was... quite a climax!

Chen Jing: ...

Everyone: ...

From legal issues to deep learning and artificial intelligence, this can be regarded as the tone of Yuanxin's group of science and engineering men.

This is a group of people who can spare time from wedding toasts.

Yes, it's interesting. I'll go down and think about it. Xi Xiaoding finally said.

Think slowly, don't be in a hurry. Su Yuanshan looked at him with a smile, and then looked at Chen Jing: The Xinghai CRM user system has a system database for retail customers, which can theoretically support the information of tens of billions of customers. These customer data are The first-class secret is also our most valuable asset, we must do it well.

Chen Jing nodded: Yes.

As the time slowly approaches noon, the first meeting of the new year finally comes to an end.

The next morning, Su Yuanshan personally put Sun Xihui on the plane, and also sent Li Mingliu and Wang Rui off.

In the afternoon, Su Yuanshan entered the lithography machine joint research and development center.

He did not preside over the meeting. He just expressed New Year's greetings to these cooperative units on behalf of his father, and also announced this year's funding investment.

In the past year, this group of scientific researchers who enjoy good food, drink and subsidies at Yuanxin have deeply realized an idiom.

Happy to miss Shu.

It's just the other way around - enjoying music in Sichuan and not missing home.

At the end of February, Su Yuanshan sent Ye Rudai back to school, and he also went to report it. With the official announcement of his father as the dean of the newly established School of Computer Science and Engineering at the school meeting, Su Yuanshan completely became known to all women and children. The presence.

Those who don't know him yet are probably the only brothers who really don't hear anything outside the window and only focus on making circuits.

Therefore, he really couldn't stay in school. He just secretly stuffed a mobile phone into Ye Rudai's hands and left the school as if he was running away.

At the end of March, Su Yuanshan received an invitation from the Thatched Cottage Club, saying that he hoped he could take some time to get together with everyone. The Qingming Festival was coming soon, so he could find a place to have a good outing.

Qingcheng is secluded in the world. It's secluded, but it's a bit deserted.

Walking on the Qingcheng Mountain Road, Shi Dazhu smiled at Su Yuanshan.

He is over thirty years old and his body looks a little stronger than Su Yuanshan.

Well, the country has just implemented a trial of a five-day work system, and the transportation here is not very convenient, so it is indeed a bit deserted if it is not the first day of the lunar month or the solar term. Su Yuanshan looked back at the people climbing the mountain and wiped his head. Khan, smiled and said: The main reason is that during the Qingming Festival, I want to go back to my hometown with my father to worship my ancestors. Otherwise, I can still see people during the Qingming Festival.

The reason why we chose Qingcheng Mountain on the edge of the provincial capital for this year's party was mainly because everyone gave Su Yuanshan face.

In other words, Su Yuanshan is a landlord, and now everyone is generally poor, so he can come here to enjoy the autumn breeze.

Professor Su was promoted to dean this year, so he should really report to his ancestors. Shi Dazhu chuckled.

Yeah, isn't it... Su Yuanshan smiled.

The group of people continued to climb the mountain. Occasionally they would stop to rest when they encountered a pavilion, chatting all over the place. Finally reached the top of the mountain at noon.

The holidays are still too short now, and the basic transportation facilities are not enough. People's money is still busy buying home appliances. Su Yuanshan stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the vast mountains in the distance, and counted several factors that affect tourism with his fingers: When these things are done, the tourism industry will definitely be heading in a good direction in the future.

I don't know how long it will take.

It should be soon. These factors are ultimately economic factors.

Su Yuanshan thought of the battles that would take place on Golden Monday five years later...

After resting for a while at the top of the mountain, everyone took a group photo together. Unfortunately, there was no place to stay at the top of the mountain, so the group just checked in and started going down the mountain.

Although it is nominally an annual gathering to bring people closer together, in fact everyone knows that this time everyone mainly has to think about the upcoming Las Vegas exhibition.

In January, PlayStation officially announced its release at the World Consumer Electronics Show, and more than 30 games were released on the same day.

Among them, eight games come from mainland China.

In less than three months now, mainland game manufacturers have initially tasted the benefits.

Especially the shooting game called Future Soldier developed by Giant Hi-tech. Although it was relatively late when it obtained the Quake engine license, it relied on creativity to develop a hell mode challenge map, allowing it to compete in a game with fewer levels. The situation provides a lot of game dependent time.

In later generations, to put it bluntly, this is the pattern of repeatedly brushing dungeons.

This setting made Future Soldier famous in one battle. It also made Su Yuanshan very emotional. This guy is indeed a master of insight into human nature.

But PlayStation had a good start in January, but Yuanxin was not so lucky.

First of all, Voodoo chip production capacity encountered problems, and the yield rate was slow to increase, so that Meijie was helpless and could only wait helplessly for the chips.

Then there was the stubbornness of Quake's development team itself - perhaps because of the performance of Future Soldier, as the father of the engine, Id Software said that it must polish Quake and display it with perfect quality. to players.

As a result, the official release of graphics cards and Quake has been moved to April - for games, compared to January's CES, the effect is really not a little bit worse.

Now that the production capacity has been solved and the game is ready, the rest is up to God.

Here, several domestic game manufacturers are also preparing to move the games that were previously adapted to PlayStation to desktop computers. They need to collectively discuss how to successfully enter the desktop market.

According to me, the game industry should not organize computer exhibitions or electronic product exhibitions.

On the way down the mountain, everyone sat or stood under the pavilion to rest. Some people took out their cigarettes and smoked a round. Smoking a cigarette, Qiu Bojun smiled and said: Especially PC games, what does it belong to? It is more software-oriented, but it is more aimed at individual players. And... the game company in the exhibition is really a stepmother.

Everyone laughed together.

I won’t talk about it domestically, but abroad, at the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the booths of game companies are really small and pitiful, and the location is also terrible.

It was indeed raised by my little mother.

So in later generations, in 1995, Electronic Entertainment Expo came into being.

Referred to as E3.

Actually, we are okay. Foreign colleagues have been angry for longer. Shi Dazhu said with a smile: During CES in January, I met a few gamers from the west, and they were also full of complaints.

So you want to just hold a special game exhibition? Su Yuanshan asked.

Shi Dazhu shrugged: Of course we have thought about it, but we can't do it in China.

Su Yuanshan smiled and nodded: Indeed, no matter in terms of exhibition conditions, popularity, or the size of the game market, there is nothing we can do in China right now.

Yes. But just because we can't hold an exhibition doesn't mean we can't participate. Shi Dazhu licked his lips and said slowly: I heard that a professional game exhibition is already being planned in the west. The size of our game company and The influence is too small. I have no right to speak at all, so I can only join in by forming an industry association. In the future, whether it is holding a booth or arranging a location, I will not be too passive.

Su Yuanshan immediately said: You can have this.

Then it's settled happily! Shi Dazhu and Qiu Bojun looked at each other and said with a smile: Seeing us eating meat this year, many people in the country have already started to make plans.

Yes, but be careful not to turn the industrial federation into a bureaucracy... and it must be affiliated with domestic policy. Otherwise, you will be considered an illegal organization in no time.

Next, everyone looked forward to the future development of the software industry and the development of Internet applications. However, due to the current Internet conditions in China, everyone can only look forward to the sea and sigh in despair for the time being.

After the gathering at the Cottage Club, Su Yuanshan also focused on the joint press conference of Voodoo and Quake.

After working later, Su Yuanshan rarely had time to play games, especially large-scale games.

But this does not prevent him from knowing and agreeing with a sentence.

——Games promote the development of computer hardware.

It is no exaggeration to say that without games, desktop computers would never have developed as fast as later generations.

In later generations, the only daily home use environment that can make computers feel insufficient in computing power is games.

The graphics card crisis is more than just a joke.

It was the demand for computing power that allowed Nvidia to rise. Ultimately, relying on computing power, GPUs that seemed to be only capable of doing images stepped into the fields of deep learning and supercomputers.

As a future hardware provider, after knowing this, it would be fine if Yuanxin does not get involved in games. If it does not even pay attention, it can only be said that Yuanxin is a stick.

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