1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 2 Programming is not a treat

Not long after I picked up my brother-in-law, my father Su Xinghe also came home from a meeting. My brother-in-law and brother-in-law sat together and chatted all over the world. Su Yuanshan took the opportunity to sneak into the study and start tinkering with the computer.

He quickly connected the monitor and mouse, turned on the power, and after waiting for a while, a cursor appeared.

Su Yuanshan knew that this was Windows 3.0 waiting for him to enter the very ceremonial command.


Su Yuanshan thought of the popular phrase in later generations, Ye Qinghui.

He smiled, shook his clumsy trackball mouse, and clicked on the desktop menu.

Just like in my memory, this computer was nominally given to me, but all the software in it was only used by my father. In addition to Pascal, VC/C++, there is also Fortran. It seems that the person who installed Zhang Ke's computer is also a master and knows what a computer engineering professor needs.

This 486 computer with win3.0 uses the same CPU from last year with a main frequency of 50Mz. It is much faster than the 386, but it has castrated floating point operations.

The memory is only 4M, there is no sound card, and there is only a 2D graphics card with an ISA interface.

At this time, there was no Chinese version of Windows, and there was nothing to play except the built-in solitaire.

Su Yuanshan started C++ and smiled again when he looked at the ancient interface.

Back in 1991, there was plenty of time.

He had enough time to complete a set of advanced and thoughtful EDA. Then use this set of EDA to knock on the door of cooperation with semiconductor companies - talking about money hurts feelings, just make friends.

In particular, those semiconductor companies in Niguo have sensed the crisis at this time and have come to China to open up new markets.

You must know that in the field of photolithography machines now, Nikon is the boss. ASML, which will be alone in the future, will be a younger brother to Nikon.

Su Yuanshan retracted his thoughts, grabbed his notebook and pencil, and began to think about the biggest problem he would face next.

- How to get a father to accept that his son has suddenly become a genius.


My father's surprised voice came from behind.

Su Yuanshan knew that his father and uncle had entered the study, but he did not look back. Instead, he pretended to be thinking hard and continued writing library code.

Moreover, the current compilers are not unified yet, and both TurboC/C++ and VC/C++ have markets.

Zhang Ke looked at his nephew typing words and sentences quickly and thought he was practicing English. Unexpectedly, just when he was about to greet Su Yuanshan, Su Xinghe grabbed him and moved closer to the monitor.

Of course Associate Professor Su knew what his son was doing.

That's why he was surprised - this kid actually knows how to write his own library?

Su Yuanshan paused for a moment, frowned deeply, turned his head, as if he just realized that his father was as busy as his uncle and said: Dad, uncle.

My uncle pressed his shoulders and smiled: How about your kid studying English?

Hey, I want to make a software. Su Yuanshan smiled at his uncle, then looked at his father: Dad, how to solve the crash caused by the hanging pointer?

There is no one who knows science and engineering men best than another science and engineering man.

So Su Yuanshan directly blocked his father's mouth with questions, and they had to be simple questions.

Su Xinghe was stunned for a moment and then smiled and said, The question is, don't use pointers illegally.

Then, he immediately asked Su Yuanshan: What software do you want to design?

It's like this. I heard the seniors who stayed in school talk about BP machines a while ago, so I went to look at the principles. I found that its chip was quite simple, so I wanted to tinker with it. But the computers in the computer room only had Protel, which was used to design PCBs. Okay, designing chips is a little bit worse...so I want to write one that focuses on chip design. Su Yuanshan raised the integrated circuit textbook in his hand and smiled: I have already read this book to death.

My father was stunned for a while, then he laughed and said: You brat, you are ambitious! By the way, didn't you just learn C++? Now you have the courage to write EDA software?

Su Yuanshan coughed: What is talent learning... I am the son of your Professor Su Xinghe after all. I have practiced boy skills since I was a child. Programming is an ancestral skill in our family, okay? - I followed you to learn C++ interface encapsulation when I was twelve years old. Yes, have you forgotten?

Hearing this sentence, my uncle laughed loudly: Brother, what Xiaoshan said is right. He is a real tiger father and no dog son!

Am I confused? Associate Professor Su scratched his head, but also laughed out loud. That saying about ancestral craftsmanship deeply impressed him.

As a father, who doesn’t want his son to be awesome? And he is still awesome in his own field.

However, Su Xinghe still didn't take Su Yuanshan seriously: But you can't create an EDA by yourself.

Su Yuanshan smiled and said: So I plan to make the general framework and then ask dad to help.

Su Xinghe shook his head and smiled: You can't even do it with me.

Then add Senior Brother Qin, Senior Brother Tang and others. If that doesn't work, call all the Senior Brothers from the Graduate School of Electrical Engineering.

When Su Yuanshan's lion opened his mouth, Su Xinghe first doubted whether his son had a demonic disorder. But when he saw Su Yuanshan's clear and determined eyes, Associate Professor Su knew that his son did not have a demonic disorder, but firmly believed that this matter could be done. .

After pondering for a moment, Su Xinghe motioned to his son to give him the computer.

There isn't much code, and a lot of it is based on front-end frameworks, which is considered entry-level. Because I just started writing that library, I can’t tell its level.

But he could tell that his son's programming habits were very good - the comments were standardized and accurate.

Yuanshan, let me tell you, an EDA software and supporting tools...at least dozens or millions of lines of code. And because it is professional software, it requires a certain understanding of electronic circuits, otherwise the code will be ugly when written. .Finally, you have to connect with semiconductor manufacturing companies.

Besides, BGI has been engaged in domestic EDA for three or four years, and the computers in my office are equipped with it.

Su Xinghe looked at his son, his meaning was obvious, don't bother.

I've looked at Panda CAD, but it doesn't work. Su Yuanshan was silent for a few seconds and then smiled: Dad, I always thought my C++ was not good enough, but after reading your source code, I found that I am pretty good. Haha .”

Ha! Brat. Su Xinghe laughed again: I don't know how high the sky is, just wait.

Su Xinghe took out two floppy disks and returned to the study.

This is a small electrical component query tool written by your senior brother Qin in C++. It has a little bug. Although Qin Weimin's C++ is half-assed, it's pretty good for a graduate student at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. You can solve the bug first.

What bug?

Debug and find out yourself.

After saying these words, Associate Professor Su stopped caring about his son and pulled his brother-in-law out of the study.

Su Xinghe believed that his son had computer skills that far exceeded those of his peers. As Su Yuanshan said, after all, he had boyish skills. But no matter how good a child is, it is impossible to have the ability to write an EDA software.

To be proficient in C/C++ requires knowledge that cannot be mastered by high school students.

Su Yuanshan was immersed in the source code.

Qin Weimin was one of his father's graduate students. He was Su Yuanshan's immediate boss during the National Core period. He was a first-rate man and was a standard science and engineering man.

Su Yuanshan quickly found the code location where the BUG was located, modified it and made comments. He began to streamline the code for Senior Brother Qin.

My uncle knocked on the door: Xiaoshan, it's time to eat.

Oh, okay! Ask my dad to come over.

Su Yuanshan pressed the last debug button and silently calculated the efficiency. After his work, the response time of this small program increased by nearly 50%.

Associate Professor Su Xinghe walked slowly, his face full of confidence. He knew that his son must have encountered a problem.

How's it going? Brat. Su Xinghe looked at his son with a smile: You know that programming is not a treat for dinner, right?

Su Yuanshan smiled: Dad, that's not necessarily the case.

After saying that, Su Yuanshan stood up and gave the chair to Su Xinghe.



There are no special rules for eating in the Su family. Zhang Xiuyun has long been accustomed to her husband being obsessed with work, so she just put the dishes aside and asked her younger brother to ask questions.

It's just that the uncle's mind was not on his sister's nagging. After a few perfunctory words, he stood next to Su Yuanshan and whispered: You kid can't really handle that myna, can you?

Of course. Su Yuanshan picked up a piece of bacon, approached his uncle and said, Uncle, where do you want to make a fortune next?

I just asked your dad because I didn't know, but your dad couldn't give me any good advice, so I lost my computer in vain. Zhang Ke said jokingly.

Su Yuanshan chuckled and said: He is a typical scholar. If you ask him, you might as well ask my mother - Mom, what do you think is the most profitable thing to do now?

Real estate, isn't everyone in the south crazy? Zhang Xiuyun put a piece of sausage in her husband's bowl and shouted into the study: Teacher Su, come out to eat!

Su Yuanshan shrugged and said to his uncle, Look, real estate is a good project.

The uncle laughed: The bubble is so serious, are you not courting death by entering the market now?

Su Yuanshan smiled and said nothing. The real estate bubble in the south has begun, and it is indeed serious in the eyes of ordinary people. But we had to wait until June 1993 to really expose it. That was when there was a thunder and chicken feathers all over the ground.

At this time, Associate Professor Su walked out of the study. He came to the table with a solemn face, as if he didn't recognize his son. He held the chopsticks but didn't move, and just stared at Su Yuanshan closely.

Su Yuanshan calmly said: Dad, eat.

Who did you learn calculus from?


...You're fooling me into thinking I'm a ghost. Su Xinghe couldn't laugh or cry. If he could learn calculus by himself in the first year of high school, his son might not be a mathematical genius.

I have learned a little bit of linear algebra. I don't do data modeling, so I don't need to be proficient. Anyway, I need to learn where I need to. Su Yuanshan chuckled and said: Without saying this, I just want to ask you, how is your son's level?

Su Xinghe picked up the chopsticks and struck his son on the head in advance.

Dad, isn't the Department of Electrical Engineering preparing to establish a school of electronic engineering? Su Yuanshan lowered his head to avoid the chopsticks, looked at his father and smiled: You can be considered a scholar who has drank foreign ink. How many of the professors in the department now know better than you? Does anyone know how to program integrated circuits?

And you are so young, with a good waist and good shoulders. I think you can carry a heavier burden!

Su Xinghe was stunned. He picked up a piece of ham and chewed it slowly.

Su Yuanshan struck while the iron was hot: Look, if we first develop a first-class EDA, and then train a group of microcircuit design talents, our country's semiconductor industry may take off on the spot.

Nonsense. Su Xinghe put down his chopsticks and stared at his son: Tell me your thoughts.

I won't be able to explain for a while. I will sort it out later and make a report on the ideas, processes, and team needs for you. I made a rough estimate. If you don't have experienced people, you will need to have at least one to complete all the work within half a year. A team of fifty people.”

As for verification and docking, although domestic chip production lines are lagging behind, there are always one or two. Jiangyin Transistor, where Brother Jiang Qingchuan works, Xicheng Huajing, and SH Belling all have them.

Seeing his son reporting on these semiconductor companies that ordinary people would never know about, Su Xinghe finally believed that his son had worked hard.

You run to my office every day during the holiday, and this is what you do?

if not?

Su Yuanshan answered confidently, completely forgetting that when he went to his father's office and computer room, he was actually playing a tank game he made up.

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