1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 18 Don’t inform Jia Jibing

Currently, Yuanxin EDA can already design central processing units with tens of millions of transistors using a 300nm process.

Su Yuanshan exported the project as a layout file and continued: This means that in terms of tools, we have surpassed the West. However, due to the X86 architecture patent, we cannot produce it, but it can still be used to design the most advanced 80486. Even more advanced CPUs.

But having tools is not enough. We only have low-end chip production lines like 2 micron. We can't even make 386. Their 386 manufacturing process is 1.5 micron.

Although Su Yuanshan's tone was calm, it sounded extremely unpleasant to Zhou Boguang. The 5-inch 2-micron wafer line recently introduced by Huajing already represents the most advanced industrial chain in the country. However, based on the generation difference, it is already two generations behind, and it is almost fifteen years behind.

The 6-inch, 0.9-micron production line being introduced, once launched, will shorten the time by ten years.

But Zhou Boguang knew that 908 had been conducting demonstrations for a year, and Huajing had begun to break ground to build a dust-free workshop, but the superiors had not yet come up with an accurate demonstration, let alone money.

Su Yuanshan took out the floppy disk and handed the small chip he designed just now to Chen Yujie. He continued to look at Zhou Boguang and said, Professor Zhou, if I were you... I would run up and play the Dengwen drum.

Hearing Su Yuanshan's words that didn't sound like a joke, Zhou Boguang finally showed a smile on his face.

It's difficult, Xiao Su.

Zhou Boguang stared at Su Yuanshan who was dismantling the hard drive and said: But now that you have developed such a powerful tool, I think the higher-ups will be touched. By the way, how long does it take to complete your specific version? How much does it cost?

It takes about a month. The price is the same as that of foreign counterparts. It comes with Chinese textbooks.

Then do you want to export your software?

Su Yuanshan nodded naturally: Not only must we export, but we must also promote it to the global market, and strive to make every semiconductor company our customer. And the time is October this year. So the domestic priority use rights are only two months.

Zhou Boguang was startled. He almost subconsciously wanted to stop Su Yuanshan - if such a sharp sword was handed over to foreign users, wouldn't the gap become wider and wider? But he soon realized how ridiculous his idea was.

Software is not like hardware. You can't get a full picture of the machine unless you take it apart. Judging from the functions demonstrated by Su Yuanshan just now, as long as Yuanxin EDA is seen, used and understood by foreign EDA developers, it will only be a matter of time before the same functions are developed. What's more, because they have advanced production lines to cooperate, it is easier to catch up.

Programming originally originated in the West.

Zhou Boguang's expression dimmed: What you did is right...rapidly expand and eliminate the monopoly of competitors in the same industry. But in this way, I don't know how fast the chip design in the west will go, how many patents will be born, and how many barriers will be raised. How tiring it is for us to chase.”

Su Yuanshan took back the hard drive and said with a smile: So Yuanxinhui and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China have jointly established a research center to focus on chip design and talent training. You are welcome to send people over for further study.

Zhou Boguang blurted out: Why not join us? The development of EDA cannot be separated from the cooperation of the wafer factory.

Su Yuanshan looked at Zhou Boguang, who had not yet shown his age and was still in his prime, and sighed softly: Professor Zhou, you can't catch up with us...

This sentence is not harmless, but when Su Yuanshan said it, it was so reasonable.

After a long silence, Zhou Boguang sighed softly, but then straightened his back and said in a loud voice: Then let's start chasing now. You guys will stay in the guest house first and slowly get familiar with the environment. Huajing's senior management just went to the capital recently. I’ll be back in about half a month, and I’ll trouble you to demonstrate it then. I’ll do my best to complete the pre-purchase in the shortest time and become Yuanxin’s first customer.”

Su Yuanshan smiled slightly: It's an honor - but I would like to ask, do the directors of several design groups under your research institute want to participate?

They are the main project leaders and they must participate. Although Zhou Boguang felt that this question was a bit confusing, he still replied. At the end, he glanced at Chen Yujie - because every director has the right to start a tape-out project It's a bit strange that Chen Yujie didn't go to Jia Jibing to take it to him, but instead came to him.

Chen Yujie felt a little bitter in his mouth again.

The smile on Su Yuanshan's face grew wider: Trouble, Professor Zhou... I hope Comrade Jia Jibing will not be notified.



In the end, Su Yuanshan and the others did not stay in Huajing, but returned to the city and found a guest house to stay. While still in the car, Tian Yaoming vividly described Su Yuanshan's vengeful face to Pan Xiaojun, who had been waiting all afternoon. The whole car couldn't stop laughing.

Everyone discussed it the next day and decided that Su Yuanshan and Qin Weimin should stay at Huajing and fully cooperate with the tape-out. Tian Yaoming stayed at the Jiangyin factory to assist in the PCB production line.

Two weeks later, Huajing's senior management returned from the capital, and the next day a report meeting was given by Su Yuanshan.

Nowadays, LCD projectors have been developed, but the resolution is extremely low. Even high-tech industries such as research institutes that most need projectors for meetings have not purchased them. Instead, they have adopted the latest VGA crossover technology to convert a The screen of one computer is expanded to four monitors through dividers.

Su Yuanshan walked to the demonstration machine under the watchful eyes of a group of bosses. He skillfully replaced the hard drive, loaded the driver, and booted the win3.0 system.

Hello, leaders, teachers, brothers and sisters.

My name is Su Yuanshan, and I am the son of Professor Su Xinghe from the Department of Electronics and Engineering of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Under the influence of my father, I have developed a strong interest in computer languages ​​and integrated circuits since I was a child, so I was able to participate in the entire process under my father's guidance. In charge of the design and development work of Yuanxin EDA.”

Su Yuanshan said in a neither humble nor arrogant tone. He looked forward and saw a dozen people attending the meeting, most of whom were middle-aged or above. Judging from where Zhou Boguang was sitting, he was indeed a senior member of the Huajing Group, and all the middle-level and above bosses from the entire research institute were there.

Except Jia Jibing.

Su Yuanshan smiled slightly: Next, let me demonstrate the various functions of our remote core EDA.

Since Huajing Research Institute's demand for EDA focuses on chip design, I will skip the PCB and go directly to the integrated circuit design function. To facilitate demonstration, I will design a simple digital circuit MOS chip on site.

Su Yuanshan said while building a new project.

He easily laid out transistors to form logic gates, and then just like building blocks, countless logic gates were copied.

The core function of Yuanxin EDA is that it can intelligently classify and plan logic gates, allowing us to easily complete the code instructions of Verilog HDL and VHDL. Of course, this computer is a bit slow.

As Su Yuanshan explained, a microchip containing thousands of logic gates slowly took shape.

Next, there are VHDL code instructions. Our Verilog HDL and VHDL code instructions are even smarter than C++. It can easily complete the automatic memory function and accurately point to each target area to achieve visual description.

Su Yuanshan's eloquent talk had already shocked all the big guys in the field who were used to EDA.

Compared to remote cores, other EDAs are like toddlers.

Su Yuanshan smiled and inadvertently turned his head to look at the door - only to see a gloomy horse face disappear.

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