1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 15 Want absolute controlling rights

Wang Chaoxin picked up the chopsticks, wiped them with a tissue, and simply put them on the table.

It's funny.

Su Yuanshan smiled. He knew why Wang Chaoxin had such a big reaction. Chaoxin is a rare and courageous business leader. You know, Jiangyin Transistor Factory is not like other old state-owned enterprises with numbers like XXX Factory. Its predecessor was a branch of a weaving factory, and it was only midway that it switched to weaving factory workers to manufacture electronic components. According to the latest Regulations on Urban Collectively Owned Enterprises announced in June, it is a real collective enterprise. But such a collective enterprise with neither popular roots nor integrity was turned into a leader in the domestic chip packaging and testing industry by Wang Chaoxin, who started out as a weaver.

From weaving to chip packaging and testing, the boundary in between is no less than from selling salted duck eggs to building atomic bombs. To say that such a factory director has no ability or vision is undoubtedly an insult.

Lao Zhang. Chaoxin's eyes flickered a few times, and he made a decision almost instantly: Let's just build a pager production factory.

Chao Chaoxin's decision was an eye-opener for everyone, especially Zhang Jianjun. He opened his mouth and murmured after a long time: This... you have decided?

Of course! Wang Chaoxin waved his hand and said in a deep voice: I'm afraid you don't know the prospects of the pager market. According to the current economic development trend, pagers will be popular in the streets and alleys in less than five years.

But... haven't pagers been around for a few years? Nowadays only rich people use them. Zhang Jianjun still said to himself.

Dynasty Xinyixiao: The rise of a market requires people to accept and adapt. In our country, we must consider the market expansion brought about by the improvement of people's living standards. How much have wages increased in the past ten years? Do people have money? Then How much have wages increased from last year to this year? What restricts the popularity of the pager market is no longer awareness, but the consumption power of ordinary people, and consumption power will continue to rise with the development of the economy.

Wang Chaoxin talked eloquently, and finally looked at Su Yuanshan: Brother, I will invest in a PCB production line.

Zhang Jianjun seemed a little confused, but when he saw everyone staring at him and laughing, the middle-aged fat man drank the wine in his glass and threw it on the table: I'll call someone to change the mold when I get back!

Su Yuanshan twirled the tea cup and said with a smile: To be honest, Brother Zhang and Brother Wang. This time we were originally planning to take the prototype to Shenzhen City or SH to find partners. But since I have become acquainted with the two of them, I happened to be able to Be the master, then we will stay.”

We Yuanxin are an innovative technology company, and we are also a company that firmly believes that technology can dominate the market and the future. Therefore, in any joint venture in which Yuanxin directly holds shares, we need absolute controlling rights. I hope you two can understand.

Wang Chaoxin raised his eyebrows when he heard that, and he took a deep look at Su Yuanshan: It means that if the three of us form a partnership, you Yuanxin will own at least 51%?

Yes. Su Yuanshan nodded calmly. The Company Law would not be promulgated until 1993. According to the simple equity principle, 51% can indeed make the decision: Brother Wang also knows the market prospects of pagers. To put it bluntly, If it weren't for the coincidence that Yuanxin is short of funds and has to seize the market, I will wait a few months to attend the Computer World Dealer Conference in Las Vegas and just sell a few sets of EDA to foreigners. By then I will Wouldn’t it be better to set up a wholly-owned subsidiary?”

Wang Chaoxin fell silent, which was not in line with his expectations.

Su Yuanshan guessed what Wang Chaoxin was worried about: The factory will still be established in Jiangyin, and the two will be fully responsible for it, and Yuanxin will be responsible for technical support. Unless necessary, Yuanxin will never interfere with the factory's business.

Wang Chaoxin looked at Su Yuanshan again: When is it necessary?

Of course it is a matter of life and death for the company. For example, when pagers need to be phased out, I will be responsible for convincing the two of them to transform the company.

Wang Chaoxin was stunned when he heard this, and Zhang Jianjun on the other side was speechless for a long time. Even others looked at Su Yuanshan in surprise.

This factory hasn't even been established yet, let alone a stroke of the eight characters, it hasn't even been polished! He said that pagers should be eliminated!

The market born from technology will definitely be eliminated and replaced by newer technologies. Therefore, in the process of technological development, we will be able to predict the future of the market. Su Yuanshan's eyes were very bright, and he glanced at Pan Xiaojun at the door. , glanced at Tian Yaoming again, and finally looked at Qin Weimin.

Qin Weimin said this to him.

Qin Weimin chewed these words slowly. After a few seconds of silence, he patted the table gently and said, Well said! Xiaoshan! Senior brother, I obey you!

Wang Chaoxin was also silent as he understood Su Yuanshan's words. After a moment, he came back to his senses, flashed his eyes again, and said in a deep voice: Then that's it for today, we'll start working as soon as the prototype comes out.

Brother Wang, there is one more thing.

you say.

With the new policy in June this year, your Jiangyin factory seems to be overpowering collective enterprises. Su Yuanshan squinted and said softly: If I were you, I would complete the joint-stock reform as quickly as possible even if I sell the iron.

Frankly speaking, as a private company, we don't really want to form a joint venture with a collective enterprise to avoid a lot of unclear troubles in the future.

Wang Chaoxin's pupils shrank sharply, and after a few seconds of silence, he took a deep look at Pan Xiaojun at the door.

Following Wang Chaoxin's gaze, Su Yuanshan also looked back at Pan Xiaojun - the deputy factory director was his brother.

Pan Xiaojun suddenly felt a bit bitter in his mouth, and finally smiled bitterly: I didn't hear anything.

It's okay, Manager Pan is one of ours. Senior Brother Qin, I'll use the pen and paper.

Qin Weimin understood and simply handed the entire briefcase to Su Yuanshan.

Su Yuanshan took out a pen and paper and wrote an employment contract on the table, signed it and handed it back to Qin Weimin. Qin Weimin also signed, and finally took out a lump of contract-specific official seal and stamped it on it.

An assistant to the general manager, the boss's favorite disciple, a secretary to the general manager, the boss's son - the kind who carry a badge with him.

Of course they can represent Yuanxin.

Various benefits and other supplementary contracts. Qin Weimin handed the pen and paper to Pan Xiaojun and said with a smile: If you sign, you will be a member of Yuanxin.

Pan Xiaojun glanced at Su Yuanshan and signed his name without hesitation.

Wang Chaoxin drank the wine and said solemnly: One week at most!



The next day, after lunch at the Jiangyin factory, Su Yuanshan and Qin Weimin Tian Yaoming got into Pan Xiaojun's jeep.

Pan Xiaojun remembered Su Yuanshan's words about people who hate racing cars. He didn't drive very fast along the way. It was exactly two o'clock in the afternoon when he arrived at the edge of Taihu Lake.

Compared with Jiangyin Factory, Huajing is much more arrogant. The large state-owned factory itself has thousands of people, and there is also a microelectronics research institute with only 500 people. After several expansions, it has now expanded into Huajing Microelectronics Group, and it is often launching dozens of projects. 100 million.

The Jeep was parked outside the gate of Huajing Central Research Institute.

The security guard at the door stood upright. At first glance, he could not compare to the kind of janitor from Jiangyin Factory.

Hello, please show your communication card or invitation letter.

Tian Yaoming took out the letter of introduction: We are from Electronic Technology University Yuanxin Technology. Here are the letters of introduction from Electronic Technology University and the company.

The security guard took the letter of introduction and read it carefully, then looked inside the car a few times, nodded and raised the railing.

I won't go in with you. It is said that the minimum here is a master's degree... I will wait for your news. After parking the car, Pan Xiaojun sat in the driver's seat without moving.

Tian Yaoming, who has the highest academic qualifications among the four, said with a smile: Actually, I'm a little panicked. The security guards here are so imposing. I don't know what the people inside will do. Be good...

Qin Weimin chuckled and said: It's okay, our senior brothers from the Electrical Engineering Department are everywhere. Xiaojun, use your big brother.

Qin Wei called the civilian mobile phone brother and waited in the car. Not long after the call came back, he was told to come out of the building to pick them up immediately.

Five minutes later, a researcher hurried out of the door.

Hello, Senior Brother Chen.

Hello Weimin, hello Yaomin. Chen Yujie smiled and shook hands with everyone. He looked like he was only in his mid-twenties, but his hairline was almost catching up with people in their forties: This is... Su The teacher’s child?”

Yes, I have met Senior Brother Chen. Su Yuanshan also smiled and shook hands with Chen Yujie: When Senior Brother Chen was studying under Professor Zhang Qiang, I went to the laboratory to play.

Hi! Your penis has grown so big in a flash. Chen Yujie sighed and led the three of them towards the research institute building. While walking, I introduced the situation of this institute.

This microelectronics research center, which has a base of 500 people from the Yongchuan Semiconductor Research Institute, has grown to nearly 800 people after several years of development, including more than 20 doctors and more than 200 masters. The rest are almost all experienced people. Old researcher. Coupled with the alliance with industry giants like Huajing, it can be said to be the strongest semiconductor research center in the country.

The original intention of the establishment of the institute was to solve the problem of large-scale production lines of 2-3 microns. Therefore, the general direction of the institute is to take advantage of the introduced technology and then participate in the construction of new production lines. I have to say that this idea is correct. However, the MOS production line has been under construction for a year now, and Huajing's own funds have been almost spent. The above 908 is said to be still under review.

Fortunately, Huajing can still rely on the previous production line to continue to produce blood, and will not fall into a loss.

Except for those technical teams, the remaining chip design departments are much smaller. Currently, there are three teams of more than 70 people responsible for the design, and they mainly meet the needs of aerospace and military industries. Only Chen Yujie's team is truly oriented to the civilian market.

If you want to tape out, I have to take you to see Director Jia. Chen Yujie led people into the building: And the cost of tape out... is a bit high. What packaging method do you use?

Chip specifications, integration scale, and packaging forms are different.

Qin Weimin smiled and replied: QFP.

Oh, okay, we have QFP...wait a minute!

Chen Yujie stopped suddenly and stared at Qin Weimin.

QFP package is a square flat package form, which can have up to hundreds of pins extending from the four sides of the chip. When installing, it requires the use of SMT surface mounting technology - that is, soldering directly on the PCB board without drilling.

Let's put it this way, this packaging method can be used to build CPUs.

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