1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 13 It’s actually a dragon-slaying knife

Pan Dajun's face was already ashen.

On the other hand, it was Pan Xiaojun. Three hours of observation was enough for him to slowly wake up from the shock. Watching Su Yuanshan continue to build new circuits, his mood was extremely complicated.

If Su Yuanshan's drawing according to the drawings could be explained by being familiar with it, then when he added new components and readjusted the wiring according to the new components, it still didn't slow down much. This can only be explained by To describe it as a monster.

Moreover, Pan Xiaojun, who is familiar with most EDA software, knows that without the support of software, no matter how evil or skilled he is, he will not be able to achieve this kind of arbitrary state.

Just like how good a person's driving skills are, you can never outrun someone driving a sedan by driving a broken tractor.

The end-of-get off work bell rang, but no one left, they just started muttering softly.

Pan Dajun's face turned white and blue, and he growled at his younger brother: Let's go!


Pan Dajun gritted his teeth and said, Waiting to be embarrassed?

“Wait to see what other features there are.”

Pan Dajun snorted: Look, I can't afford to lose that person.

Watching his brother walk away, Pan Xiaojun endured the buzzing of the flies in front of him and remained unmoved.


Today is the day I saw a real master. In comparison, Factory Manager Pan can't even lift shoes with him...

Keep your voice down! But if a young man is so powerful, doesn't that doctor want to go to heaven?

His software must be great, right? It's much easier to use than Protel at first glance...

Pan Xiaojun had a sullen face, ignoring these idiot draftsmen who couldn't teach them anything at the beginning, and focused his eyes on the monitor.

Su Yuanshan put down the last chip transistor and connected the solder joints.

The interface reserved here is to use a five-core cable to connect a 15mm*42mm LCD screen. Then you can find a suitable position on the front panel and install it according to this specification. After powering on, it will display the current status of the radio recorder. , including the band frequency during radio reception, status indication during recording and playback, and fast forward and rewind status.

This is not a new function, just a new trick. The cost is not much more expensive, but the style is higher. I don't know if you are willing to adopt it. If not, you can just use your original version...

After loading the simulation tool and setting the parameters, Su Yuanshan turned around. What he did casually was equivalent to doing a good deed every day. After all, radio cassette players are products that are about to be eliminated and can only be sold to rural areas. It is far better to build Walkmans to prepare for the upcoming explosion in the music scene.

At this time, more than ten people in the entire computer room gathered around Su Yuanshan. Everyone stared at him like a monster, and then stared at the simulation interface on the monitor.

This man's awesomeness is beyond description.

Not to mention that it took three hours to complete what others would have done in four or five days. The circuit diagram was also conveniently changed, new components were added, and new functions were designed! And it still has an LCD display function that only “high-end” electronic products can have!

Zhang Jianjun was already extremely excited. His middle-aged and stout figure allowed him to easily occupy the position closest to Su Yuanshan. When he heard Su Yuanshan ask him if he was satisfied, he grabbed Su Yuanshan's hand and held it tightly. He said repeatedly: I'm so satisfied. Thank you so much! We have long wanted to design some unique functions, but the senior craftsman in charge of the appearance and molds in the factory never knew how to do it, and said that it was technically impossible to implement it.

It's okay. The functions of design software will become more and more powerful in the future, and technology will also advance. Su Yuanshan struggled to break free twice, so he could only smile and said: I wish Director Zhang's products a great sale.

At this time, the circuit simulation is completed, which means that the PCB board can operate normally after being powered on.

Well...I'll simulate other functions, mainly to measure the waveform and anti-interference.

Zhang Jianjun reluctantly let go of his hand, looked back at the shocked crowd, and as if to remind everyone, he began to applaud vigorously.

Director Wang also woke up, smiled and clapped, and a moment later there was thunderous applause in the computer room.

Xiao Su, don't worry, let's eat first. Wang Chaoxin stepped forward and patted Su Yuanshan on the shoulder: I'll work overtime tonight to get it for you!

Su Yuanshan turned around and smiled: Okay, but that's what you said.

Of course, let's go!

Zhang Jianjun quickly grabbed Su Yuanshan's hand again: Director Wang, don't fight with me! I've made a reservation for these friends from Yuanxin tonight!



Su Yuanshan was almost dragged towards the door by Zhang Jianjun.

Su Yuanshan saw that Deputy Director Pan had left, but Pan Xiaojun stayed until now. At this time, this EDA salesperson, who was only in his twenties, no longer had the arrogance as before. He just looked at himself with a complicated expression, and then took a step back to make way for him.

Unexpectedly, this person actually watched from behind for three hours.

Stopping, Su Yuanshan looked at Pan Xiaojun and said calmly: Are you convinced?

Pan Xiaojun's eyes narrowed, he smiled as if he was mocking himself, and then said calmly: I'm convinced.

As he said himself, although he graduated from a technical secondary school, he considered himself to be technical. It’s natural to be impressed by technology experts.

After a few seconds of silence, Pan Xiaojun said: I only know the basics of software development, but I understand EDA better than ordinary people. I know how difficult it is to implement these functions, especially those new functions. You are awesome.

Su Yuanshan was a little surprised that this man was so arrogant before and could give in so quickly, which made him not know what to say.

At this time, Pan Xiaojun said: But your EDA function is too complete and too intelligent, so the requirements for computer hardware have also increased accordingly. And the price must not be cheap, which is a big deal for small and new factories in the domestic market. burden.”

As an agent, of course he knows the licensing prices of those awesome foreign EDA software currently on the market - those talents will always charge a fixed price regardless of your national conditions or the size of your factory, and the cheapest starts from hundreds of thousands. In comparison, Protel is the best and cheapest.

Su Yuanshan raised his eyebrows after hearing this. He stared at Pan Xiaojun carefully for a few times and saw that this young man was clean and well-dressed, not like a gangster. Especially in his eyes, there was a hint of stubbornness and confidence.

The most important thing is that this person can analyze almost the only weakness of Yuanxin EDA so quickly, which is a bit extraordinary.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Su Yuanshan smiled slightly: That's right. Are you interested in doing sales at Yuanxin?

What...what did you say? Pan Xiaojun's head tilted forward unconsciously. He thought he heard wrongly.

Not only Pan Xiaojun, but almost everyone present thought they heard wrongly.

The two of them were at war with each other before, as if they were enemies. How come they are now at odds with each other?

But Qin Weimin and Tian Yaoming smiled as if they were taking it for granted. In their opinion, as long as this guy named Pan Xiaojun thinks that he is also engaged in technology, he will definitely be convinced by Yuanxin EDA and Su Yuanshan.

And what Su Yuanshan said just now is right. Asking Qin Weimin and Tian Yaoming, who have participated in EDA development, to reproduce a hand-drawn drawing is really a killing opportunity.

But no one knows that if Su Yuanshan does it himself, it is not a matter of killing a chicken with a bull's knife, but a matter of killing a chicken with a dragon's knife!

Su Yuanshan nodded: I asked, since you know so many products from your peers, would you be willing to sell our products? He paused and said, By the way, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Su Yuanshan, from Yuanxin Technology The boss, Professor Su Xinghe, is my father, and the vice president, Zhang Ke, is my brother-in-law.

His words shocked everyone again - he was so powerful, yet he was still a small boss.

Pan Xiaojun took a step forward suddenly.

This time he heard correctly. This was the young boss of Yuanxin Technology inviting him to join Yuanxin!

Pan Xiaojun suppressed his excitement and said in a deep voice: No problem!

But there is a condition. Su Yuanshan stared into Pan Xiaojun's eyes.

What conditions?

Don't race, and don't drive after drinking. Su Yuanshan frowned and said slowly: I hate these two kinds of people.

(Continue to ask for recommendation votes. I would like to thank everyone here~)

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