1991 Starting from the core

Chapter 101 Kali’s Theory of the Three Kingdoms

Returning to Silicon Valley, Su Yuanshan quickly took control of the independence of the investment department. After the investment department was spun off, Xinghai established employee shares, established a board of directors, appointed Carly as president and CEO, and authorized her to be responsible for all affairs of Xinghai in Silicon Valley.

His series of operations showed what it means to act vigorously and resolutely. Even a strong woman like Carly, who is known for her mobility, privately said that Su Yuanshan was a newborn calf and was not afraid of tigers, but she liked it.

When you are a professional manager, you are most afraid of encountering a boss who is annoying you. He wants people to do things but does not want to delegate power. After the business decline, blame the CEO - she is here to do business, not to become a mascot after using her network resources, and then become the scapegoat in the end.

Later, Su Yuanshan officially visited Microsoft as the chairman of Xinghai, but this status only raised the standard. What really allowed him to chat with Mr. Gates was his nickname and his sentence that had spread from Xi Xiaoding's mouth. I know C++ best, I'll argue if you don't accept it spread across Silicon Valley.

Su Yuanshan still respects Mr. Gates very much - just as he tried every means to join the X86 camp, he has never regarded Microsoft as an opponent, but as a necessary partner.

There is no way, Microsoft is too strong in terms of operating system. Yuanxin has no chance to compete with Wintel. He can only hope to enter X86 first and really become a younger brother, and then slowly turn Wintel into WinYX.

Even if we form an alliance with AMD in the future and help AMD become WinMD, in short, the alliance will not make things easier for Intel.

In addition, Su Yuanshan also visited companies such as AT\u0026T, HP, DELL, etc., which was considered a good relationship.

Finally, accompanied by Carly, he made an appointment with the founder of AMD, Mr. Sanders.

Mr. Wonder Boy, I thought you forgot that we are also your partners. Mr. Sanders is already over 50 years old. Although he lacks the legendary playboy style of the past, he is better than the Silicon Valley elite. Either friendly or rigorous, he has a touch of cynicism.

As soon as they met, he teased Su Yuanshan: You started calling me last year, but you just came to my door this year.

Su Yuanshan had a good impression of the old man. He laughed and said, Mr. Sanders, don't forget that I am calling you.

I went to your company later, but I didn't see you. Right, Carly. Sanders smiled at Carly on the side.

Carly coughed: Sir, you'd better say what you said to us.

Yeah, I'm going to say it again. Sanders looked at Su Yuanshan again and sighed: You want to acquire Cyrix. This is nonsense.

Su Yuanshan smiled and said: But Mr. Sanders, I also want to build a CPU...

How about you buy our stock?

... Su Yuanshan didn't expect the old man to be so direct, so he was also very direct: Poor.

Sanders: ...

Su Yuanshan chuckled: I know what Mr. Sanders is worried about, but there is no need to do so. As a purely commercial enterprise, whether it is Yuanxin or Xinghai, it is focused on the market and customers.

Sanders looked at him with a half-smile, his meaning was obvious, you are a fool.

Although he was born in Fairchild Semiconductor with the founders of Intel, he is different from those who are engaged in technology. He comes from a business background. We know that being both a coach and a referee is not the way for an enterprise to develop - for example, the wafer fab under the name of AMD, in addition to meeting its own production needs, it is difficult to receive other business. Of course, there is no need to accept other OEMs now.

Su Yuanshan smiled and shook his head: Mr. Sanders must know that EDA will be the future semiconductor industry. To be more precise, it is the most important tool in the chip industry. Without it, the chip industry will be unable to move forward.

Don't talk about the future, it's already here.

Yeah... so we finally managed to get a few steps ahead of our peers and seize a little bit of the opportunity. We will certainly not hinder the development of EDA because of the development of Far Core itself. Likewise, we can't Because you have EDA, you don’t do any other business, right?”

Su Yuanshan spread his hands: CPU is so profitable, it is said to be modern alchemy. How can we be willing to give up?


So by the end of the year at the latest, the sales and operations of Xinghai will be separated and independent. At the same time, EDA will also become an independent company from a department of Yuanxin - it will open its mind and welcome investors.

Sanders was startled! I immediately realized that going out independently and accepting capital injections from related companies - this is the best solution for Yuanxin EDA! By then, it will be perfectly tied up with major wafer fabs and IC design companies. While accepting supervision, there is no need to worry that Yuanxin will favor one over another.

Are you telling the truth?

Su Yuanshan shrugged: Please, Mr. Sanders, just call me Wonder Boy. You don't really think of me as a kid who talks and doesn't care, do you?

Sanders laughed sheepishly.

Su Yuanshan knew that the old man was asking a subconscious question, so he didn't care. He continued to smile: And from the perspective of corporate development, we also hope that AMD can stand up to resist Intel. If we can acquire Cyrix, we can actually become allies. .”

At this time, Carly, who had been beside me, said leisurely: Mr. Sanders, I suggest you buy a book and read it.

what book?

Carly blinked: Romance of the Three Kingdoms describes in detail how two weak empires fought against another powerful empire in the ancient East.

Su Yuanshan looked at her in surprise.

Does she understand the Romance of the Three Kingdoms?

Looking at the expressions of the two people, Sanders was also confused, but he finally nodded: I'll take a look.

After leaving AMD, Su Yuanshan's visit came to an end.

On the way back, he looked at Carly very strangely.

You actually know the Romance of the Three Kingdoms?

Last year, my husband became obsessed with games. There was a game called Three Kingdoms that he played every day without talking about it, and even talked about it. I bought it and took a look at it.

Carly drove the car attentively, with a smile on her lips: After watching it, I found that it is really an epic - is it the true history of your country?

Yes, if you are watching Romance of the Three Kingdoms, then the characters in it are real and most of the stories are also true.

Oh! It's such an ancient country. This book can inspire a lot of people.

Su Yuanshan looked at her with interest: For example?

For example, in the field of desktop processors, Intel is the country of Wei. Cyrix and AMD are the countries of Shu and Wu.

In the field of operating systems, Microsoft is the State of Wei, Linux is the State of Shu, and Apple is the State of Wu.

Listening to Carly skillfully using various forces in the Three Kingdoms to compare various companies today, he was a little enlightened.

No wonder this woman is so awesome, she has seen the Three Kingdoms.

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