1983 Small Island, Starting From a Large Farmer

Vol 3 Chapter 391: Whatever you are afraid of, whatever comes your way

Summer sunsets are always exceptionally gorgeous. Even a fisherman born on an island will never get tired of seeing them no matter how many times.

 Especially the tidal flats at low tide, showing colorful colors under the rays of the setting sun.

 After sending Director Zhang Qingyun and his uncle Chen Dongqing away, Li Duoyu sat on the stone pier of the pier and suddenly wanted to have a cigarette. However, he touched his pocket and found that all the cigarettes had been taken away by his uncle.

Li Duoyu found that those of them who were engaged in research had a particularly low family status, because they were usually at the research base, so his aunt simply saved all his money on cigarettes.

During the summer vacation, there were a lot of children playing on the pier. Several of them were fishing for small groupers in the gaps of the pier with simple small fishing rods.

Little Pangdun was also playing on the pier, holding a long pole in his hand to drag the net, followed by several of his classmates.

 I kept running around the pier. When I saw a school of small fish, I immediately grabbed it.

 This kind of copying method usually involves ten copies and ten blanks.

 But it’s different in summer.

 At the transition between spring and summer, it is the breeding season for many marine fish. By this time, those small fish have almost grown up.

In order to avoid predation by natural enemies, these small fish will move near the shore, and the pier is the best refuge point.

 When the breeding season comes, the lagoons next to the pier are filled with schools of these small fish.

Even a child can catch a dozen or twenty small fish as big as **** in one net as long as his hands are sharp and his eyes are sharp.

Li Haoran and his classmates had a great time catching fish, and within a short time they had collected half a bucket of small fish.

 Then, he brought the fish to Old Mi: "Old Mi, how much does this fish cost?"

Old man Mi, who was wearing a vest and waving a cattail leaf fan, had a look of disgust on his face:

“Why are you catching such small fish? Just throw them back quickly. Besides, these pier fish are extremely dirty and smell like diesel. The children of the old Lu family squat there and **** for them every day.”

Hearing what Old Man Mi said, the children looked a little ugly. They couldn't help but feel sick when they thought that these little fishes grew up eating shit.

“He refused to go to the public restroom and still went to the dock. Next time I see him, I will beat the **** out of him.”

Old man Mi glared and said: "You are so young, why do you always think about fighting? Besides, no matter how old you are, your grandpa and I are of the same generation. You want to call me Grandpa Mi, do you know?"

Several children looked at each other, then grinned at Old Mi and said: "Old Mi, Lao Mi, Lao Mi"

Old man Mi said with a dark face: "It's so rude. Believe it or not, I will sue you, Teacher Zhou."

“Anyone who likes to tell a story will have a bad mouth. We are not afraid of that tigress.”

Hearing this, Li Duoyu raised his eyebrows slightly and coughed twice.

After hearing the sound, several children looked towards him. When they found out it was the village director, their faces turned dark.

The village head teacher is the husband of their class teacher. If we talk about this later, they will call the class teacher a tigress, and that will be the end of it.

Little Fatty was so frightened that he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said quickly: "Uncle, it wasn't me who said it, it was Zhang Han who said it."

 The boat of friendship can capsize easily.

The child named Zhang Han was so frightened that his face turned pale and he started crying on the spot.

 Old man Mi on the side said happily: "Duoyu, you are still the best. These naughty kids still have to be punished by evil people like you."

 “I am so evil.”

Old man Mi smiled and said: "When you and Agui were here before, the gangster whistle was blowing so much. When my grandson misbehaved, I directly asked you to fix him. It was a matter of time to see who behaved better."

Li Duoyu had a dark face and always felt that his reputation was so bad. Old Man Mi had contributed a lot.

Perhaps because of his older age, Li Duoyu particularly likes places with many children. When they are around, he feels particularly energetic.

Li Duoyu stretched his body. As the number of breeding projects increased, he found that there were too many things to finish.

 The next, most important thing is definitely the grilled eel.

According to the early plan, Li Duoyu originally wanted to build a grilled eel assembly line.

 But after thinking about it, it was not necessary, because after the eel is grilled, it must be sealed. In this era, packaging equipment is very expensive, and most of them are imported.

 At the current scale of eels, there is really no need to spend such wasted money.

However, Li Duoyu has other plans. The current cooperation with the island country has just begun, and the two sides are in the stage of building mutual trust.

 When the output value of trade increases in the future and the eel breeding industry reaches a large scale, he may not need to buy an assembly line for grilling eels.

 The island country might cooperate with him and invest in a grilled eel factory.

With Director Wu’s help, Li Duoyu has reached a preliminary cooperation intention with Director Liu of the Shangfeng Town Aquatic Products Processing Factory. Director Liu will temporarily set up a grilled eel assembly line.

By the time,

Li Duoyu only needs to transport live eels to them, and provide them with the seasoning for kabayaki eel and the standards for grilled eel.

 They are responsible for all the grilling and packaging of the eel.

In addition to grilling eels, Li Duoyu also has to start thinking about next year’s eel farming plan.

After all, we still have a big order for 100,000 eels, and the current seven eel ponds are definitely not enough to raise them.

 The pond still needs to be dug.

 Staff needs to continue to be recruited.

 At present, the matter of encircling the embankment is left to his brother-in-law, so Li Duoyu is quite relieved.

As for the matter of collecting oyster seedlings that we just discussed with the Fisheries Research Institute, it is not very difficult. Li Duoyu plans to leave it to Chen Wenchao.

To collect oyster seedlings, you need to make oyster rows.

There happens to be a batch of second-age oysters on the tidal flat, which are about to be transplanted to a place with a slightly higher salt content for breeding. It just so happens that we can do it together.

 Chen Wenchao is also familiar with Ou Ge. If this matter is left to him, there should be no problem.

 Besides, this boy has been with me for more than a year. Currently, apart from being responsible for eel feed, he is doing other chores.

As Minlong Food grows bigger and bigger, there will only be more and more things to do. If Li Duoyu does everything by himself, Li Duoyu will probably die of exhaustion.

Li Duoyu plans to manage such a relatively delicate matter as the eel factory by himself, and usually his second brother will help manage it.

Crab cultivation is responsible for his brother -in -law. Chen Wenchao allows him to be responsible for oysters and kelp breeding independently.

 In the past, Li Duoyu didn't understand why his boss always seemed unhappy despite making so much money.

Now he understands a little bit, because money is earned, not blown by strong winds. The more you earn, the more things you have to worry about.

 As the sun sets, the light becomes weaker and weaker.

The chimneys of many tile-roofed houses were emitting light green smoke. Some parents who had already prepared meals stood in their own yards and shouted towards the pier:

“Black pig, stop playing and go home for dinner.”

 At the pier, there was a child who was as tan as black coal and replied:

 “Okay, go back right away.”

But even though he shouted that he wanted to go back, his feet showed no intention of walking. He continued to play with other children on the other side of the pier.

At this time, those who built the embankment also began to finish their work, carrying shovels and hoes and walking towards their homes.

Li Duoyu stood up, pulled down his pants, pulled out the pants that were stuck in his **** crack, and then walked towards his home.

Unexpectedly, on the way back, Li Duoyu discovered that the health station that had been closed for more than half a year had reopened, and the kerosene lamp was turned on.

There was also a villager inside who had just finished taking medicine and asked:

“Defa, can these few pills cure my disease? Do you want to prescribe more for me?”

Zhang Defa said disgustedly: "You think the more medicine you take, the faster you will get better. Besides, you don't have any disease. It's just that you have a bad stomach after eating."

 “But I’ve had it for many days.”

 Zhang Defa frowned and said: "The sea water is not clean recently, so you can just eat less shellfish."

Hearing that the sea water was unclean and that someone had diarrhea after eating shellfish, Li Duoyu frowned and had a very bad premonition.

Just when he was about to ask Zhang Defa what was going on, the other party greeted him first:

"Duoyu, when will you be back? Do you want to come in and sit for a while?"

 Li Duoyu asked: "When did you come back?"

 Zhang Defa replied: "I have been back for a few days, and I went to your house to look for you. Your mother said that you went out of town."

“I just had time during the summer vacation, so I went to their hometown with Xiaoying.”

Li Duoyu asked:

“By the way, why did you just say that the sea water is not clean?”

 Zhang Defa replied: "In the past few days since I came back, many people have had stomachaches and came to me to get medicine. I asked several people and they all found out that they had eaten clams or razor clams."

Li Duoyu asked anxiously: "Has the sea water been glowing in the past two days?"

 “to shine.”

Li Duoyu frowned and couldn't help but cursed secretly: "Whatever you are afraid of, just do it. Breeding is really not worry-free at all." (End of Chapter)

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