1983 Small Island, Starting From a Large Farmer

Chapter 33: Interest-free loan (seeking further study)

 Chapter 33 Interest-free Loan (please follow up)

 After all the wooden piles have been driven.

Li Duoyu readily paid the money to the piling team, and at the same time left Master Zhang’s contact information. In the past, almost all contact information included the address.

Master Zhang and his group are all from Sixing Village in Shangfeng Town. Their village is almost all beach and there is no pier, so there are only a few fishing boats.

People in other villages in the town are getting rich by selling goods, but their village can only watch helplessly as half of the village is working for various employers.

Before leaving, Lao Li originally wanted to invite these piling masters to have a meal together. Unexpectedly, the piling masters were also anxious to go home. They had already received the money and did not want to let the employer spend any money.

 After driving the piles, leave directly.

As for my uncle, who had been out for so many days, he directly asked the piling boat to take him to the Qingkou Pier opposite.

In addition to the piling master's money, Li Duoyu also arranged a hard-earned fee for his uncle. After all, he has been helping with the work these days.

Although he always wore a bamboo hat, several layers of skin were removed from his shoulders and arms.

 When it comes, the meat is delicate and tender.

 When I left, my whole body looked dark and very haggard.

 But when Li Duoyu put the money into his hand, he lectured him in the tone of an elder:

“If you are so clear with me, do you think you are looking down on your uncle or me, or are you treating me as a part-time worker?”

 “Take it, don’t want it, you will have to spend a lot of money to raise kelp next.”

Seeing that Chen Dongqing refused to accept it, Li Duoyu took out the last three packs of foreign cigarettes from his pocket and stuffed them into his hand: "If you don't want the money, then you must have this."

 “Marlboro, you can do it.”

Chen Dongqing refused to accept the money, but he accepted the three packs of cigarettes.

After taking three packs of cigarettes, Chen Dongqing said a brief goodbye to Lao Li and Chen Huiying, and then left with the piling boat crew.

 Before leaving.

Li Duoyu also emphasized to him: "I have finished the raft frame, and we have to deal with the brand as soon as possible."

"I know you didn't have any good intentions when you gave me cigarettes. I'll get it for you right away when I get back. It should be ready after the National Day."

Li Duoyu, Lao Li, and Chen Huiying stood at the dock and watched the piling boat go away before leaving.

 The two elders have their own jobs.

They will go to crack oysters later. Zhou Xiaoying is still teaching. Li Duoyu, who suddenly had some free time, also followed the two elders to the tidal flat.

I don’t know why, but there have been more and more red-billed oysterbirds on the tidal flats recently. This kind of bird is almost as big as a skua, with black tops and white bottoms, and red claws.

 During this period of time, this kind of bird made Lao Li very angry.

Because this kind of bird is no worse than a human in its ability to pry oysters. As soon as the tide goes out, it will fly to Lao Li's oyster farm for a buffet.

As soon as people get close to it, they will all fly away. If you go to destroy its nest, it will pretend to be injured and perform a limp show for you. As soon as you get close, it will fly away immediately.

 Lao Li used firecrackers to blow them up a few times, but the effect was not very good, and they flew back again within half a day.

At the back, Lao Li kept shouting all day long that he was going to buy a bird net and kill these bastards.

The fight between Lao Li and the red-billed oysterbird is just the prelude to the dispute between marine birds and farmers.

 At that time, after Li Duoyu returned from the island country, he heard from those who raised eels and shrimps on the island that the previous farming operations were the sworn enemies of these seabirds.

Especially for fish farming on tidal flats, invisible bird nets will be set up around them.

 When exaggerated, the bird nets are densely packed with carcasses of seabirds, but the farmers do not eat these birds at all, but just let them rot on the nets.

 It is precisely because of this conflict that there will be few traces of seabirds on Dandan Island for a long time to come.

  Until later, the status of seabirds was upgraded and they became protected animals. No one dared to put up bird nets anymore, and the environment also improved, and the number of seabirds on Dandan Island increased again.

However, conflicts between birds and farmers still exist.

 When the two elders were knocking on oysters.

 Li Duoyu was sitting on a large rock nearby with a setaria in his mouth. He looked at the kelp farming rafts that had just been built not far away, with a proud look on his face. It was completed on the day before the National Day, about ten days earlier than expected. To be honest, it feels quite a sense of accomplishment.

However, at this time, the seawater temperature is still a bit high, which is not suitable for the growth of kelp seedlings. If you go into the sea in advance, there is a risk of the seedlings rotting.

According to past experience, it will take about a month to wait until the northwest wind blows over, and then the seedlings can be planted.

 This month is just enough time for him to take a breather.

The dogtail grass in Li Duoyu's mouth kept spinning in circles, but the calculation in his heart was going fast.

 He found that he was still hasty. With the little money he earned from selling goods, it was really difficult to support thirty acres of kelp farming.

 Next, his top priority.

 Just get a powered sampan, otherwise there will be no boats. Even if you are given a hundred acres of kelp farming raft, you can only look at the raft and sigh.

He calculated that the money spent these days, including buying kelp ropes, floating balls, buying casuarinas, and hiring people to drive piles, added up to exactly one thousand and fifty.

After deducting this money, he only had more than 800 left on him. If the money can be used to buy a sampan with an oar, there will definitely be no problem.

Li Duoyu thinks it is unrealistic to cultivate these 30 acres of kelp by rowing a sampan. It is estimated that he will die of exhaustion at sea before the kelp is harvested.

 But power fishing boats in this era are very expensive. The single-screw diesel engine sampan boat owned by my third uncle was bought with the money earned from selling goods in the past few years. It cost nearly three thousand in total.

 Ordinary fishermen simply cannot afford it.

 In fact, 80% of the fishermen on Dandan Island now do not have power boats, and most of them use oars and sampans, especially those in Chenjiacun.

During these piling days, my third uncle also sailed to deliver food to them who were piling on the sea. It was considered very good for relatives to do this.

 Li Duoyu is also a person who understands propriety.

 I’m sorry to borrow a boat from them again.

Now he has two options before him, either borrowing money from relatives and friends to build a diesel sampan.

 However, after Chen Atai's group failed in kelp farming, most of his relatives disapproved of his kelp farming, so it might not be easy to borrow money.

Either go get a loan from a credit union.

 Li Duoyu prefers the latter.

 In the early days of opening up, in order to promote the development of the rural economy, the state allocated a certain amount of interest-free loans to self-employed farmers and fishermen every year.

However, it is not easy to get this interest-free loan from a credit union.

This is one of the reasons why Li Duoyu has been urging his uncle Chen Dongqing to build a brand for himself, because as long as he gets the base brand, he will be eligible to apply for an interest-free loan at a credit union.

And now, he has almost collected all the loan conditions, started his own kelp farming, and even took photos with the leaders.

 The time, place, and people are all on his side.

Unless the people at the credit union have a grudge against him, it would be difficult for someone with such good loan qualifications to be approved or not.

 There is still one month left before the kelp seedlings are released.

Li Duoyu plans to find something to do during this period to earn some extra money.

Having been working on the kelp farming raft for half a month, I am really tired. Tomorrow is the National Day, so Li Duoyu plans to take two days off.

 Let’s think about it after the National Day.

Li Duoyu spits out the foxtail grass in his mouth.


 I wanted to say that life is a toss-up, but after thinking about it, he didn’t want to toss-up in this life.

Please add it to your collection and read it~~ Because during the new book recommendation period, I need to read it in July to recommend it, so I’m asking you all.



 (End of this chapter)

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