Chapter 86: The Cunning Han Shizhong

Chapter 86: The Cunning Han Shizhong

“I don’t understand this?”

Han Qingyao looked confident and said faintly: “With him, I can indeed avoid entering Cangling Academy.

But in that case, the college is destined not to value me.

Only I showed strong enough talent for the other three academies to compete for me.

Only when I was in the Spiritual Academy did I know my preciousness, and only then would it give me more cultivation resources and provide better conditions. ”

She is different from Lu Moyu.

Lu Moyu’s Alchemy talent is certified by the Alchemist Guild.

But how strong her Cultivation Base is, outsiders have never seen it before, just heard the legend.

She intends to use this autumn as an opportunity to show her strength.

“So that’s the case, it’s the maidservant who thought it was too simple.”

Chen Qian suddenly realized when she heard Han Qingyao’s explanation.

At the same time, she admired Han Qingyao’s wisdom even more.

Afterwards, the two followed Han Shizhong to the viewing platform.

Han Shizhong was wearing a heavy armor, exuding a domineering aura from all over his body.

“Sorry, Han came a bit too late, so you guys have been waiting for a long time.”

On the viewing platform, Han Shizhong cupped hands.

Although it seemed to apologize, there was no trace of apology on his face.

In his opinion, he is now the controller of the Zhenbei Palace, with the highest status, so everyone should wait for him.

“It’s okay, we just arrived not long ago.”

Su Tianqiu and Thunder Fury said quickly.

Those other people also all spoke one after another, saying that it was nothing.

The attitude of everyone is somewhat humble.

Only Lu Han greeted him calmly with an indifferent expression.


At this moment, Han Qingyao frowned slightly.

She noticed Qin Feng!

What’s the matter, isn’t this trash being driven to Feng Tingzong?

How could you suddenly be here, still standing beside Lu Han!

For a time, countless doubts burst out in her heart.

At the same time, Qin Feng also noticed Han Qingyao, and a flash of cold light flashed deep in his eyes.

However, he did nothing.

On this viewing platform, the strong is like a cloud, he can’t kill Han Qingyao at all.

I can only wait until Qiuwei is hunting.

“Miss! Last time in Fengting City, he beat me and humiliated you and asked you to be his slave girl. This is the kid.”

At this moment, Han Qingyao’s maid, Chen Qian, also saw Qin Feng and exclaimed.

As soon as this remark came out, the entire viewing platform fell into silence.

For a moment, all eyes fell on Qin Feng.

Not only that, the entire square, all the people who had been paying attention to the viewing platform were also plunged into silence.

“What? That kid who spoke disrespect to Qing Yao girl turned out to be him? Who is he!”

On the square, there was a sound of surprise immediately.

Many young people are very angry.

“How do you think he looks like Qin Feng, the trash son of Zhenbei King!”

“Yes, it’s this kid. I saw King Zhenbei took him to the barracks before. It was definitely him.”

There are hundreds of thousands of people here, and naturally there are many who have seen Qin Feng.

They quickly recognized Qin Feng’s identity.

It’s just that they didn’t know that Qin Feng was no longer the waste of the year.

“Qin Feng? It’s you!”

Seeing Qin Feng on the viewing platform, Han Shizhong was also taken aback. He didn’t expect Qin Feng to be there.

But then, his face was cold, and he immediately guessed that this was definitely Qin Feng that Lu Han deliberately found and wanted to embarrass him.

He didn’t wait for Qin Feng to speak, and then said: “You tried to tarnish Qingyao in the palace and were found to stop you. I thought it was for your father’s sake. I didn’t hold you accountable. I sent you to Feng Tingzong to practice, thinking that you can hurt. Change the past.

Unexpectedly, without repentance, you would humiliate Qing Yao again by speaking out outside. ”

Before, he used this reason to say that Qin Feng drove out of Zhenbei Wangfu, but now he still uses this reason to pour dirty water on Qin Feng, which is extremely vicious.

Sure enough, his voice fell, and the entire square suddenly boiled.

“What! This rubbish tried to tarnish Girl Qingyao before. Damn it!”

“Without his father, what would he be?”

“Poor King King I of Zhenbei gave birth to such a son who is not wanting face.”

“He must be killed today, not only to avenge Qingyao girl, but also to prevent him from destroying the wiseness of Zhenbei King.”


The young people in the whole square were very excited.

The voices against Qin Feng came and went one after another.

Han Qingyao is the goddess in their hearts. Now that Qin Feng tried to tarnish Han Qingyao before, she wanted to cramp Qin Feng.

“Never mind! The old man will be a villain today, lest you go to ruin the reputation of Zhenbei King…”

Seeing this scene, although Han Shizhong was overjoyed, he showed a look of helplessness and said: “Do you want to end it by yourself, or you want me to do it myself.”

He had wanted to kill Qin Feng a long time ago, but he was afraid that he would fall into trouble because of this.

Now that his daughter has been revered as a goddess by countless people, he used this reason to kill Qin Feng, absolutely no one can say anything.

“Old guy, when you tell a lie, you really don’t blush at all!”

Qin Feng was very angry and shouted: “Or, you don’t have a face at all.”


Han Shizhong was immediately angry when he was called by Qin Feng.

But before he had time to scold Qin Feng, Qin Feng had already spoken again.

“Not to mention that I didn’t do anything to her at all.

What if I did it? ”

Qin Feng said coldly: “Don’t forget, at that time, Han Qingyao and I had a marriage contract since childhood. She was already my fiancee.

The copy of the marriage certificate is kept in the etiquette department. Do you want me to revise the book and let the person from the etiquette department send the marriage certificate. ”

As the son of the king of Zhenbei, getting engaged with a woman is naturally a big event. The Ministry of Rites not only sends someone to send some rewards from the king, but also takes the copy of the marriage certificate for record.

As soon as he said this, Han Shizhong’s face suddenly became very ugly, and his whole person was a little stiff.

Because Qin Feng was right.

Han Qingyao and Qin Feng had a marriage contract since they were young.

At the same time, he was also very puzzled. Qin Feng’s personality was weak since he was a child. On this occasion, he couldn’t say anything that should be nervous, so how could he refute himself in such a methodical manner.

“Is what this kid said true? Why did General Han suddenly stop talking?”

Looking at Han Shizhong who was suddenly silent, some people doubted: “If it is true, then he is slandering Qin Feng.”

“It’s absolutely impossible to be true! As everyone knows, this kid Qin Feng has been a trash since he was a child. How could General Han be willing to marry him Qingyao.”

“Yes, this kid is definitely talking nonsense.”


Most people still don’t believe Qin Feng.

Especially those admirers of Han Shizhong think that Qin Feng is just talking nonsense.

“Humph! Your kid is talking nonsense, why don’t I know about the marriage contract.”

Han Shizhong decided to stay to the end and said coldly: “Don’t try to confuse the audience, today I will punish you for your father.”

As he said, the terrible breath on his body exploded.

It’s amazing.

To directly kill Qin Feng in public.

There are still many people who don’t believe Qin Feng’s words. As long as Qin Feng is dead, he will let Han Qingyao cry in public and count Qin Feng’s crimes in detail.

Those who love and sympathize with his daughter must be in the majority.

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