Chapter 40: I Know Him When Turned into Ashes

Chapter 40-I Know Him

In the Chamber of Wind Tingzong, Yu Qing and Sect’s many Elders are all present.

Sect is being discussed.

But at this time Sect Leader Yu Qing’s face was very ugly.

Because no matter what he said, the big Elder sang against him everywhere, and also wooed several Elders against him, which resulted in the fact that the discussion couldn’t go on at all.

“Sect Leader, if you have nothing else to say, the old man will leave.”

Lu Qingshan looked at Yu Qing with a gloomy expression, said coldly.

Yu Qing just wanted to speak, but there was a deacon, and rushed in from the outside, looking very anxious.

“What’s the panic?”

Seeing the appearance of the deacon, Yu Qing frowned and asked in a deep voice.

“Sect Leader, Elder, the daughter of the county guard, Lu Qianqian, is visiting!.”

The deacon quickly cupped hands.

“Daughter of the county guard?”

“Why did she come to our Feng Tingzong?”

Hearing the daughter of the county guard and everyone present, their expressions changed.

The county guard is the real controller of Lanhe County.

Not only by the names of the imperial court, but also the prefectures are strong. Even the most powerful Sect in the prefectures and counties, the strength is far from that of the prefectures.

However, in accordance with the dynasty law, the county and government offices in various places were not allowed to interfere in Sect matters.

Many Elders are very curious, do not understand why the daughter of the county guard suddenly came to their Feng Tingzong.

“In any case, we still have to hurry up to meet her!”

Lu Qingshan immediately spoke.

The other Elders also nodded one after another.

Offending the county government, it will not do them any good.

After that, everyone hurriedly left the chamber, and Yu Qing did not neglect, and went out together.


At the same time, Lu Qianqian, led by another deacon of Feng Tingzong, walked through the square.

She was wearing a cyan long skirt, and her exquisite body was not fully grown, but she could still see her charming waist faintly.

Her eyebrows are like willows, and her delicate features are like works of art in the world, which are extremely beautiful.

And there is also a lively, cheerful and playful temperament.

A large number of Feng Tingzong disciples, their fiery eyes were all focused on Lu Qianqian’s body.

“She is the daughter of the county guard, Lu Qianqian?”

“This looks too beautiful! Whether it’s figure or appearance, it’s impeccable.”

“If you can become a partner with her, death is worth it.”

“Dream! How can she be such a good girl, I am afraid that no one in Lanhe County can be worthy of her.”


Various discussions about Lu Qianqian kept sounding.

Some people even looked at Lu Qianqian, the whole person was a little silly.

For these voices, Lu Qianqian didn’t seem to hear them, so he ignored them.

She came here today, not looking for these people.

At this moment, Yu Qing and Lu Qingshan, led by many Elders, had already rushed over.

“Everyone in Wind Tingzong, welcome Miss Lu.”

As soon as he saw Lu Qianqian, Elder Lu Qingshan hurriedly stepped forward and bowed respectfully.

He looks humble, as if he is a Junior.

Yu Qing is much more normal, greeted by cupped hands that are neither humble nor humble.

“Don’t be polite.”

Seeing this, Lu Qianqian waved his hand.

She doesn’t like such cumbersome etiquette.

“I don’t know if Miss Lu is coming here, what’s the matter?”

Lu Qingshan couldn’t wait to ask.

Everyone present was also full of doubts and puzzles.

“I’m here to find someone?”

Lu Qianqian replied lightly.

“Find someone?”

Everyone obviously didn’t expect Lu Qianqian’s answer.

Who has such a big face can actually ask the county guard’s daughter to come and find it in person.

After hearing the words, many disciples of Feng Tingzong showed their envy, jealousy and hatred for that person.

“I don’t know who Miss Lu is looking for.”

Lu Qingshan asked even then.

“Uh…I don’t know his name.”

Lu Qianqian was slightly embarrassed.

She didn’t understand Qin Feng.

The reason she was able to find this place was because she had memorized the pattern on the long sword in Qin Feng’s hand. After asking someone to ask, she learned that it belonged to Feng Tingzong.

As for Qin Feng’s name, she didn’t even know.

“Don’t know the name?”

Yu Qing frowned, and then asked, “Ms. Lu, can you describe that person?”

“He is not old, but Cultivation Base is already the First Stage of the Ning Yuan Realm…”

Lu Qianqian said slowly.

Hearing this, Lu Qingshan’s eyes suddenly brightened.

He quickly said: “Is it my Tiansheng disciple that Miss Lu is looking for?”

He had a look of excitement and excitement. If his son could be favored by the county guard’s daughter, then he would be on the same track.

“Wu Tiansheng? Not him.”

When Lu Qianqian heard the words, he immediately shook his head and said.

Before coming, she deliberately got to know Feng Tingzong first, and knew that Wu Tiansheng was the first genius of Feng Tingzong, not the one she was looking for.

Lu Qingshan, who was originally excited, seemed to have been splashed with cold water.

But he was still a little unwilling, and said: “Why don’t I let Tiansheng call in and show you.”

“No, I have seen Wu Tiansheng’s portrait, not him.”

Lu Qianqian refused directly, and then said angrily: “I absolutely cannot admit that I was wrong. Even if that scum is turned into ashes, I can recognize him.”

As soon as this statement was made, the expressions of the people present changed even more.

Could someone in Feng Tingzong provoke Lu Qianqian?

Otherwise, how could Lu Qianqian call that guy a “scum”!

Those disciples of the Wind Tingzong who were still envious and hated just now, all of them are now sober up, rejoicing in their hearts, but fortunately they didn’t come to own.

What can happen to the daughter of the county guard?

“I don’t know Miss Lu, can you be more specific and describe the appearance of that scumbag?”

Yu Qing, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke and asked.

Hearing this, Lu Qianqian tilted his head and thought for a moment, then described several characteristics of Qin Feng.

“En? Why do I listen to Miss Lu’s second speed and feel that the scum in her mouth is Qin Feng!”

“Yes, I also feel a lot like Qin Feng, with almost the same characteristics.”

“Qin Feng actually offended Miss Lu, he really took the courage of the bear heart and leopard!”

“He is miserable.”


After hearing Lu Qianqian’s description, the surrounding Feng Tingzong disciples quickly guessed that the person should be Qin Feng.

Originally, Lu Qingshan, who had been splashed with cold water, was overjoyed and immediately spoke again, saying: “The scum that Miss Lu said should be Qin Feng from Sect. I will let him bring it here.”

If the person who offended Lu Qianqian was Qin Feng, that would be good news for him.

He was worried that he had no chance to kill Qin Feng!

Now it happens to be able to kill with a knife.

“It can’t be Qin Feng.”

Yu Qing put forward a different opinion, saying, “Qin Feng has never been to Guiyun City. How could Miss Lu have seen him?”

He also felt that it might be Qin Feng, but he retorted and wanted to protect Qin Feng.

“Hehe…Is it Qin Feng? Bring it over for Miss Lu to see if you can return.”

Lu Qingshan said with a gloomy sneer.

Several other Elders who had a good relationship with him also immediately agreed, asking someone to bring Qin Feng over.

Yu Qing still wanted to stop, but Lu Qianqian had already spoken.

“Since you all think that stinky scum is called Qin Feng, then I will take a look!”

Lu Qianqian said slowly.

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