Chapter 25: Terrible Feather

Chapter 25: Terrible Feather

He raised his hand to grab Qin Feng’s shoulder, trying to drag Qin Feng out for a good fight.

Vent your unhappiness.

“Hi… Body Tempering Ninth Stage!”

“This Wanjin Chamber of Commerce is really rich! Any second person in the store is actually the Cultivation Base of the Ninth Stage in the Body Tempering environment!”

“This kid actually dared to make trouble in the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce. He was really playing the lantern to go to the toilet and looking for death!”


The sound of exclamation, one after another.

Everyone was taken aback by the Cultivation Base of Xiaoer, and at the same time they felt that Qin Feng was going to be miserable, and turned their pitying eyes on Qin Feng.

Just a 15-year-old boy, how strong he can be, facing the strong in Body Tempering, he must be beaten.

I’m afraid I’ll be crippled by one move.


But at this moment, Qin Feng let out a cold yell, and at the same time slapped the shopkeeper directly.

He didn’t even use Spiritual Qi.

He is the Cultivation Base of the Ninth Stage, dealing with the cultivation of the Ninth Stage of the Body Tempering, with a completely crushing posture, and there is no need to use the Spiritual Qi in the body.


This slap slammed the shop Xiaoer’s face fiercely, and directly flew him out.

Several teeth were broken, and scarlet blood spurted out of his mouth, looking very miserable.


Seeing this scene, everyone present was in an uproar.

His eyes were full of shock and incredible.

This young man actually slapped the body tempering Ninth Stage from the sky with an ordinary slap, and flew out?

This is too strong!

“Oh my God! How could this kid be so strong! Is he the Cultivation Base of the Ning Yuan realm?”

“How is it possible! Looking at the entire Lanhe County, apart from Han Qingyao from the Zhenbei Palace, no one can break through to the Ningyuan Realm at this age, right?”


Shocked voices, one after another.

Everyone was shocked by Qin Feng’s terrifying Cultivation Base.

“You…you dare to hit me!”

After getting up from the ground, the shop Xiaoer who was injured was shocked and very angry.

“It’s your dog who looks down on people and deserves to be beaten.”

Qin Feng said indifferently, coldly.

“you you…”

The shop Xiaoer was suddenly speechless.

At this moment, a slightly old voice suddenly came from the second floor.

“What’s the matter? Who made trouble and hurt people in my Wanjin Chamber of Commerce?”

It was an old man wearing luxurious robes and a childlike face. His expression was indifferent.

“Old Chen!”

Seeing this old man, the shop’s second child was overjoyed, as if someone who fell into the water caught a life-saving straw, he hurried over and pointed to Qin Feng and said to him: “This kid is coming to our Wanjin Chamber of Commerce to make trouble.

I just wanted to kick him out, but not only did he not go out, but he shot me and injured me, very arrogant. ”

This old man with a childlike appearance is the principal of this shop: Chen Cheng!

A Cultivation Base is already a spiritual realm!

Dian Xiaoer said with joy, and cast a stern look at Qin Feng, feeling that Qin Feng was dead.

“En? Does anyone dare to come to the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce to make trouble?”

Hearing Dian Xiaoer’s words, Chen Cheng’s indifferent face showed a touch of anger, and he also turned his gaze to Qin Feng.

The Wanjin Chamber of Commerce is so powerful. Although the main force was once distributed in the south of the dynasty, its reputation is well-known throughout the dynasty.

It can be said that no one can help but not know.

No one has dared to make trouble on the premises of the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce.

He said coldly: “Boy, do you know what it’s like to make trouble in the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce shop?

The last person who dared to be so arrogant was the “Mad Knife” 18 years ago. He was cut into blood mist by six Elder. ”

Hearing this, everyone present couldn’t help but shudder.

The name of Crazy Sword, to them, is like a thunderbolt. I don’t know how many strong people have been defeated by his sword.

But in the end, just because he forcibly broke into the shop of the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce and killed people, he was chased and killed by the six Elder of the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce for three thousand miles, and finally died without a burial place.

For a while, everyone looked at Qin Feng’s gaze, and felt even more pity.

No matter how strong this kid is, he can’t be stronger than Crazy Sword, right?

They looked at Qin Feng’s gaze, pitying even more.

“Of course I know.”

Qin Feng didn’t show the slightest fear, and said calmly: “But I’m not here to make trouble, I just want to get Magical Beasts materials.”

“Boy, you still want to quibble?

I think you were persuaded in your heart after you met Old Chen, right? ”

Xiaoer from the shop now has a fake tiger, and he jumped out and said, “You take a crow feather to sell. This is not a disturbance, what is it for?”

If you don’t break your body into pieces today, what is the majesty of the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce! ”

“It’s really noisy.”

Qin Feng showed a look of disgust, ignored the shopkeeper, instead looked at Chen Cheng, and said faintly: “Since you are the principal here, you might as well take a look at this feather for yourself.

After you finish reading it, you will understand if I am here to make trouble. ”

With that, he handed out the feather.

“Old Chen, you believe it now! This kid is here to make trouble.”

Xiaoer from the shop immediately said to Chen Cheng: “A crow feather is considered Magical Beasts material?

It’s simply a stumbling block in the world. ”

Chen Cheng ignored Xiao Er, frowned slightly, and looked at the feather in Qin Feng’s hand.

At a glance, he didn’t think there was anything special about this crow feather, but he didn’t think Qin Feng was a fool, and he shouldn’t deliberately cause trouble to kill him!

“Never mind! The old man has nothing to do today, so I just have a look.”

After Chen Cheng pondered slightly, he said slowly.

With that said, he took the crow feather that Qin Feng handed over, and began to look up and down.

For a while, everyone’s eyes fell on Chen Cheng.

“This feather, looks very ordinary…”

After looking at it a bit, Chen Cheng’s face was slightly unsightly.

“Old Chen, let me just say it! This kid is here to make trouble on purpose!”

The shop’s little second heard the words, and he hurriedly said.

“You might as well give it a try and inject Spiritual Qi into your feathers.”

Qin Feng said indifferently.

Chen Cheng hesitated slightly when he heard the words, but he did so, and injected a strand of Spiritual Qi into this crow feather.


Suddenly, a piercing crow sounded abruptly.

Makes scalp numb.

Not only that, a brutal and brutal breath was also released from the crow feathers.

For a while, everyone around was startled, their faces pale.

There were even timid people who were so scared by the sound that they knelt on the ground.

Because Chen Cheng’s Cultivation Base is too powerful, the Spiritual Qi he casually injected into crow feathers is many times more than what Qin Feng injected into the cave.

Therefore, the breath released by this crow feather is even more terrifying than that time.

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