Chapter 143 Thunder Array

Chapter 143

Chen Tianyang’s people were guarding in different directions of the ruins of this building. The direction Qin Feng is currently in is also no exception.

This is a team from the Gold and Silver Chamber of Commerce. There are about 17 or 8 people. The strongest one is a 25-year-old blue-clothed youth. The Cultivation Base is already in the early stage of the Seventh Stage of Ningyuan Realm.

“Who is your kid? Don’t you know Tianyang Young Master is hunting here? If you don’t want to die, get out of here!”

When the blue-clothed youth saw Qin Feng coming, his face was full of anger and shouted.

The Gold and Silver Chamber of Commerce has always cooperated with the Falcon Mercenary Group, which is regarded as a subsidiary force of the Falcon Mercenary Group. He was ordered by Chen Tianyang to guard here, and no one was allowed to enter.

“If he is not here, then I won’t come.”

Qin Feng glanced at the blue-clothed youth and said lightly.

“En? What do you mean, are you an acquaintance of Tianyang Young Master?”

Hearing this, the blue-clothed youth frowned and said, “What are you looking for today?”

Because he heard that Qin Feng had come to Chen Tianyang, his first reaction was that Qin Feng should be Chen Tianyang’s friend.

“Is it an acquaintance!”

Qin Feng said lightly.

He had just said this, before he continued, the blue-clothed youth immediately showed a smirking and flattering expression.

Chen Tianyang’s acquaintances are not something he can offend.

He immediately wanted Qin Feng to report his name so that he could go in and tell Chen Tianyang.

But at this moment, Qin Feng had already spoken again, saying: “As for what is going on looking for him… of course I want to kill him.”

As soon as he said this, the blue-clothed youth was stunned.

Obviously, he did not expect that Qin Feng would answer this.

The same is true for those around him.

“This…what did this kid say?”

“He actually said… he’s coming to kill Tianyang Young Master?!”

“He is a lunatic! How powerful Tianyang Young Master is, can he offend him?!”


After a while, all those from the Gold and Silver Chamber of Commerce exclaimed.

They looked at Qin Feng one by one, as if they were looking at a fool.

It’s just a fifteen-year-old boy who dares to vainly kill Chen Tianyang. What is it that he is not a fool?

“Are you going to kill Tianyang Young Master? You are playing tricks on me!”

The blue-clothed youth was angry.

He felt that Qin Feng didn’t really want to kill Chen Tianyang, but was just playing around with himself.

“Haha… Chen Tianyang is just a mere mere, can’t kill him?”

Qin Feng chuckled lightly and said lightly.

He ignored these people and walked straight into the ruins.

“Boy, do you still want to go inside?”

Upon seeing this, the blue-clothed youth became even more angry.

He gritted his teeth and said: “If you dare to say that you want to kill Young Master Tianyang, you have already committed a capital crime. Kneel me down and wait for Tianyang Young Master’s downfall.”

But Qin Feng did not pay attention to him anymore, and did not stop.

“you wanna die!”

Upon seeing this, the blue-clothed youth drew out the long knife from his waist and was about to chop Qin Feng.

Glancing at him, Qin Feng threw out the prepared scroll casually.


The scroll shattered in mid-air and turned into a radiance for a long time.

In an instant, it condensed into an array pattern, and formed a set of mysterious and complicated patterns.

The transparent barrier formed by the trapped beast array directly covered more than a dozen people in this team.


The sword of the blue-clothed youth slashed on the barrier, bursting out a slight energy fluctuation.

Above the barrier, the ripples spread out like ripples, and then disappeared without being hurt.

“This… what is this?”

Looking at the barrier in front of him, the blue-clothed youth was taken aback for a moment, and then surprised: “Could it be formation!”

He was surprised.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng actually had formation in his hands.

Qin Feng did not answer his doubts, he had already stepped into the ruins.

“Split me!”

The blue-clothed youth was angry and roared.

If he did not complete Chen Tianyang’s instructions and let outsiders break in, he would be inevitable.

Hearing the words, the pinch of the Gold and Silver Chamber of Commerce did not dare to neglect, and quickly took out the weapon, used the Martial Skill, and slashed towards the barrier fiercely.

Unfortunately, this is doomed to be a futile effort.

“Ding! Master took a step, the elementary Movement Technique of the Profound Stage “Ling Yun Step” gained experience points: (1*100)…”

“Ding! Master took a step, the elementary Movement Technique of the Profound Stage “Ling Yun Step” gained experience points: (1*100)…”

After entering the ruins, Qin Feng quickly came to the pillar.

“Thunder Array…It is equivalent to the enhanced version of the Wind Ting Array. Although there is no wind wave to increase my speed, the thunder condensed is more pure…”

Qin Feng muttered to himself as he looked at the pattern on the stone pillar in front of him.

He placed his palm on the stone pillar, and began to inject the Spiritual Qi in his body into a few specific formations.


Soon, a strange wave spread around the stone pillar.

The lightning attribute between heaven and earth became a little restless at this moment.

At the same time, the positions of the other three stone pillars all have the same changes.

The fluctuation of this lightning attribute is very subtle, and it is almost imperceptible to normal cultivators, and only the formation division can detect it.

The direction of the Spiritual Qi between heaven and earth has also changed, converging towards the ruins of this building.

Any formation requires Spiritual Qi to maintain.

The more Spiritual Qi, the stronger the power it can exert.


Qin Feng retracted his palm on the stone pillar, and there was thunder and lightning on it.

Now, the entire Thunder Array is under his control.

Unless there is a stronger formation division that destroys the formation pattern, it is impossible to block his control of the thunder formation.

Feeling the continuous gathering of Spiritual Qi and the continual strengthening of the Thunder Array, Qin Feng strode towards the depths of the ruins.

“Ding! Master took a step, the elementary Movement Technique of the Profound Stage “Ling Yun Step” gained experience points: (1*100)…”

“Ding! Master took a step, the elementary Movement Technique of the Profound Stage “Ling Yun Step” gained experience points: (1*100)…”


He was not in a hurry.

Go inside step by step.

Because as time goes by, this thundering array will only get stronger.


At the same time, in the deepest part of the ruins, the fierce battle has come to an end.

It was the long and powerful second-order advanced Magical Beasts, under the leadership of more than fifty mercenaries led by Chen Tianyang in the relics, almost all of them were killed.

Only three scarred black apes were left.


With a roar, the three black apes no longer paid attention to other people’s attacks, and furiously culled towards Chen Tianyang.

They are not very intelligent, but they also know that Chen Tianyang is the strongest person here. Unless Chen Tianyang is killed, they will not escape at all.

“Beast, want to kill me?”

Looking at the desperate black ape who came to kill him, Chen Tianyang’s face changed drastically.

He didn’t expect these black apes to work hard with him, and if he regretted it, he would definitely be injured.

Without the slightest hesitation, he slapped the three mercenaries beside him at the three black apes.


Those three poor mercenaries had no time to react, they were torn to pieces by the three black apes.

Only a piece of blood mist remained.

The speed of the three black apes also slowed down because of this.

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