Chapter 124

Chapter 124

“You’d better kneel down and beg for mercy for me, then give us the body of this iron-backed wild lion, and leave these two chicks, so that my brothers who have been tired for a day will feel refreshed.

In that case, daddy can spare you. ”

Among the Falcon Mercenary Corps, there was a bald head about the same age as Chu Xiong, and his eyes were full of licentious ways.

He is obviously the leader of these Falcon Mercenaries, his body is as strong as Chu Xiong, his upper body is shirtless, showing amazing muscles. When he speaks, his eyes are constantly looking at Shen Qingqing and Xiao Yu.

Xiaoyu was trembling with fright, hiding behind Shen Qingqing.

In addition to anger, Shen Qingqing’s face was also very jealous.

This bald-headed Cultivation Base was also in the Sixth Stage early stage of the Ningyuan Realm, but he waited for work with ease and completely suppressed Chu Xiong in the fight just now.

“The villain who took advantage of the fire, today you will never think about it unless you step over my corpse!”

Chu Xiong was so angry that he gritted his teeth and shouted angrily.

Although he has been injured and in extremely poor condition, Xiaoyu and Shen Qingqing are both his friends.

In any case, he couldn’t do the kind of thing that left his friends and stalked his life.

“Huh! Toast and not eat fine wine!”

The bald snorted coldly, and said, “In that case, I will kill you first, and then I will slowly enjoy these two women.”

After all, he was holding a giant axe and strode towards Chu Xiong.

The blood-stained great axe in his hand was wrapped in the cyan Spiritual Qi, releasing a terrifying edge.

“You killed us, wouldn’t you be afraid to provoke the edge of the two major mercenaries after things leak?”

Chu Xiong looked at the bald head who was striding over, and said in a deep voice.

Although the strength of the Crazy Fighting Mercenary Group was the weakest among the three major mercenary groups, it was far from the Falcon Mercenary Group.

But if the two sides really broke out into a deadly battle, even if the Falcon Mercenary Group won in the end, it would definitely suffer heavy losses.

At that time, the position of the largest mercenary group will inevitably change.

“Haha… The secret realm is about to be opened soon, no matter which of the three major mercenary groups, they will not choose to fight at this time, otherwise they will inevitably be attacked by everyone.

And our Young Master Chen Tianyang, with extraordinary talents, Cultivation Base surpasses all his peers, he is bound to have huge gains in the secret realm, soaring into the sky. ”

The bald head laughed disdainfully, and said: “When the time comes, you people in the mercenary group will only kneel down and beg for mercy, and dare to go to war with us?

You are dead today! ”

As he spoke, he had already come to Chu Xiong’s front, holding a giant axe and violently chopped down at Chu Xiong.

The moves are very simple, without any bells and whistles, just want to use the advantage of their own state to crush Chu Xiong.

“People in the mad war mercenary group will only fight to the end, and will never kneel down and beg for mercy.”

Chu Xiong roared, holding a big knife, and greeted him with a roar.

The two men fought fiercely.

“Ding…ding… when… when…”

Both of them were very fierce and decisive in their moves, taking each other’s life straight away. The collision between the giant axe and the long knife not only caused sparks, but also the sound of almost piercing the eardrum.

At the same time, the air waves caused by the collision of two different Spiritual Qis spread out in waves, like ripples on the surface of a lake.

No one dared to approach the area with a radius of ten meters, fearing that he would lose his life accidentally.

Although Chu Xiong’s current state is far inferior to this bald head, because he is the strongest in the team, he can never fall, so he is struggling to support him.


At the same time, more intense battles broke out in other places in this clearing.

Those mercenaries of the Falcon Mercenary Group still occupy an absolute advantage, pressing on every step of the way.

Shen Qingqing and Xiao Yu had no choice but to retreat to the edge of the battlefield because the Spiritual Qi in their bodies was exhausted.

But three of the mercenaries of the Falcon Mercenary Corps focused on them.

Approaching them with a wretched look.

“Hey…Little girl, since the Spiritual Qi in both of you are exhausted, stop struggling.

Such white and tender skin would be bad if it gets hurt. ”

One of the Falcon mercenaries smiled wretchedly.

At the same time, violent energy fluctuations erupted in his body, and the Cultivation Base in the early stage of the Fifth Stage of the Ning Yuan Realm was fully displayed at this moment. The suppressed Shen Qingqing and the two of them could hardly move.


Listening to the other party’s foul language, Shen Qingqing exclaimed angrily.

“You… don’t come over! I… I beg you…”

Xiao Yu, who was beside Shen Qingqing, paled with fright, and kept begging for mercy.

She admired and admired Chu Xun the most. At this time, she had been wounded and was being besieged by two mercenaries. She was already considering where to take the opportunity to run away, and she had no plans to rescue her.

“Hey… the more you resist, the more excited I will be.”

When the Falcon mercenary saw this, he suddenly smiled more wretchedly.

His saliva almost came out, and he reached out and grabbed Shen Qingqing.

At this moment, Shen Qingqing and Xiao Yu looked at the palms that were approaching, and their hearts were filled with despair.

The innocence of the two of them will be destroyed.


However, at this moment, a cold light suddenly flashed.

The right hand stretched out by the Falcon Mercenary Corps was directly slashed by a sword, and the scarlet blood on the wrist spewed out in an instant.


His face was twisted and he let out a miserable cry.

“Who are you!”

Beside him, the other two Falcon mercenaries, seeing Qin Feng suddenly appearing like the same wind, were all startled and exclaimed.

But Qin Feng ignored them at all. He took out a Spiritual Qi Pill from Na Jie, handed it to Shen Qingqing, and said, “Take it quickly, and Spiritual Qi will recover soon.”

“Wood…Wood wind!!”

Seeing the boy who suddenly appeared in front of him, Shen Qingqing’s eyes were a little sluggish on her pretty face.

Obviously, he did not expect that Qin Feng would appear here.

Xiao Yu beside her was even more shocked and puzzled.

Didn’t this kid say that he just broke through to the Ning Yuan state a month ago? How could it be so strong? With just one sword, the falcon mercenary in the early stage of the Fifth Stage of the Ning Yuan Realm was cut off from the arm.

“Bastard! Kill this kid!”

The other two Falcon mercenaries were even more angry when they saw that Qin Feng ignored him at all.

They held the knife to kill Qin Feng.

Spiritual Qi surged on the long sword, bursting out a powerful sword intent. Both of them were the Cultivation Base of the middle stage of the Fifth Stage of the Ning Yuan Realm. They were much stronger than the Falcon mercenary just now.

And they felt that Qin Feng was not very strong at such a young age. The own companion had just been careless, and Qin Feng’s arm was cut off by Qin Feng. They had no problem as long as they were careful.

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