Chapter 11 Blood Wolf Mercenary Group

Chapter 11 Blood Wolf Mercenary Group

The Bluestone Mountain Range is a mountain range that stretches for thousands of miles and is surrounded by various towering peaks. There are dense virgin forests everywhere.

Moreover, full of ferocious and powerful Magical Beasts, it can be said to be perilous.

However, for the cultivators who enter this experience, the real danger has never been the various ferocious Magical Beasts, but the greedy and cruel hearts of the people.

“Please, don’t kill me!

Please, spare my life! ”

In a dense forest, a family Young Master who entered the mountains for experience, surrounded by the body of the guards, his eyes were full of fear and fear, he knelt down and begged for mercy.

In front of him, a strong man was naked with his upper body, showing his hardcovered muscles. A huge scar from his left shoulder to the right waist lay in front of him, and his whole body was filled with a sense of powerful strength.

It resembles a humanoid Demonic Beasts.

Surprisingly, it is the leader of the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group: Blood Wolf!


Looking at the young man begging for mercy, the blood wolf looked indifferent, without any mercy, and cut his head with a single knife.

After killing a person, his expression was still very calm, as if he was not a person but just crushed an ant to death.

He said coldly to the mercenary behind him: “Clean up and go back to sleep.”


When the mercenary heard the words, he immediately nodded and said: “Brothers, hurry up and clean up.”

Immediately, many mercenaries began to look for valuable items from among the piles of corpses on the ground.

Whether it’s taking ring or weapons and armor, never let go.

“Boss, a disciple of Wind Tingzong just now found our shopkeeper in Bluestone City and asked him to send you a letter and a portrait of a person.”

At this moment, a mercenary hurriedly rushed from the station and handed a letter and a portrait to the blood wolf.

“Oh? Let me see.”

After the blood wolf took it, he opened the envelope and saw the contents on it, and said in a little surprise: “That kid Wang Heng actually spent a thousand silver coins to offer a reward for a little kid in the Sixth Stage of Body Tempering?”

First was the amazing speed, and then the weird Thunder. Lu Qingshan had already guessed that Qin Feng was using some kind of secret technique to take advantage of the power of the Feng Ting Array.

So he concluded that Qin Feng’s real Cultivation Base was the Sixth Stage of the Body Tempering realm he had discovered.

Wang Heng also wrote Qin Feng Cultivation Base in his letter.

“One thousand silver coins want to offer a reward for a Sixth Stage-day kid in Body Tempering. Isn’t this a gift for us?”

The mercenary next to him was overjoyed.

“People tell Wang Heng, within five days, I will help him kill this kid, and according to what he said, throw the head to feed the dog.”

The blood wolf also felt that this was simply giving them money, and it immediately said.


Upon hearing this, the mercenary immediately turned and left.

“We also go back to the camp, I have something to order.”

The blood wolf coldly said.

Qin Feng had already entered the mountain range and it was very troublesome to find and retrieve. He wanted to mobilize the entire mercenary group.


“Ding! Master took a step, and gained experience points for the “Wind-Chasing Step”: (1*100)…”

“Ding! Master took a step, and gained experience points for the “Wind-Chasing Step”: (1*100)…”

“Ding! Congratulations to the master, from the breakthrough to the ‘freedom of use’…”

When he was walking in the bluestone mountain range, Qin Feng’s ear suddenly remembered the sound of breakthrough. This kind of feeling that the Movement Technique can continue to Ascension when walking in ordinary times made him feel very refreshed.

However, he was not overjoyed, maintaining a calm mind, holding a long sword made of green steel to prevent him from being attacked by Magical Beasts.


Suddenly, a sound came from the bushes to the left of Qin Feng.

A half-human black dog with double pupils came out. It looked hungry, staring at Qin Feng sternly, as if looking at a meal.

Its teeth, which are longer than a slap, reflect the long cold light, which is even more frightening.

“First Tier Intermediate Magical Beasts? Unexpectedly, when I came in, I ran into a big guy.”

Qin Feng was rather surprised.

On the Eternal Ancient Continent, not only the practitioners have strict hierarchies, but also Magical Beasts.

Divided into first-order, second-order, and third-order…

Corresponding to Body Tempering, Ning Yuan, Ling Ling… Cultivators of different Realm.

The first-order intermediate Magical Beasts are equivalent to the cultivation of the Fifth Stage in the Body Tempering realm.

Most of the Magical Beasts of this level are in the middle of the mountains, and the number of outer areas is relatively small.

However, Qin Feng was not in a panic. On the whole, the strength of this double-eyed black dog was not much different from his.

“Woo… woo…”

There was a low growl from the throat of the double-eyed black dog, looking at Qin Feng.

Suddenly, its figure moved instantaneously, and violently rushed towards Qin Feng, with an extraordinary speed.

Like a black lightning.

“Fast speed!”

Seeing this, Qin Feng couldn’t help letting out an exclamation.

While exclaiming, he did not neglect or panic, and directly displayed the Movement Technique,

He didn’t dare to neglect, and directly used the chasing step.

“Ding! Master casts the “Wind Chasing Step”, Huang Tier primary Movement Technique “Chasing Wind Step” gains experience points: (20*100)…”

At the moment when the double-eyed black dog was about to pounce on Qin Feng, his figure moved instantly, avoiding the double-eyed black dog’s culling at an extremely fast speed.

The Movement Technique from breakthrough to ‘freely applied’ is obviously much faster than when it was used last time.

And every time you use it, the basic experience also increases, from 10 to 20.


The double-eyed black dog thumped and landed on the ground, rolling several times before getting up again.

In its eyes, it suddenly became more angry, and the brutal color became deeper.

Before meeting Qin Feng, it had been hungry for a day. Seeing Qin Feng was only a sixteen-year-old boy, he thought that Qin Feng’s Cultivation Base was definitely not strong, and he could have a good meal.

However, he did not expect that Qin Feng would be able to avoid own attack.


After shouting angrily, the double-eyed black dog once again culled towards Qin Feng.

It doesn’t believe that Qin Feng, a little kid, can always avoid own attacks.

Qin Feng was well prepared this time.

“Ding! Master casts the “Wind Chasing Step”, Huang Tier primary Movement Technique “Chasing Wind Step” gains experience points: (20*100)…”

He used the chasing steps, and easily escaped the attack of the double-eyed black dog, and then slashed out at the same time.

“Ding! The master slashed a sword, and the’Basic Sword Technique’ gained experience points: (1*100)…”

“Ding! Congratulations to the master, from the breakthrough of the’Basic Sword Technique’ to the’Freedom of Use’…”

“Ding! Congratulations to the master, the breakthrough of the’Basic Sword Technique’ to the’Sword Technique’…”

“Ding! Congratulations, Master, the breakthrough of the’Basic Sword Technique’ to the’Superior’…”

“Ding! It is detected that the experience value of the ‘Basic Movement Technique’ is full, and it is upgraded to the Yellow-level elementary Sword Technique ‘Thousand Breaking Slash’…”

As this sword fell, a large number of system prompts sounded continuously in Qin Feng’s ears, and he directly comprehended a set of yellow-order Sword Technique.

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