100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 466: Secret Invasion V II ((?ω?)2

"Yeah, Talos leader, I did go the wrong way."

Angel smiled and responded like this.

Taros, who was sitting in the back position, frowned slightly.

"Leader? It's really weird to say this name from your mouth."

"Really?" Angel put the car off, opened the door and got out of the car.

He pulled open the rear door, grabbed Lorelai by the arm, and threw her out.


With a plop, Lorelei rolled on the ground and got up quickly: "Angel, are you crazy?"

Taros also got out of the car at this time: "Can you tell me, what's the situation now?"

"The situation is simple."

Angel smiled faintly: "You should know it at a glance, right?"

Lorelai frowned tightly: "Angel... Could it be... No way..."

"That's right."

The curvature of Angel's mouth is getting bigger and bigger: "I am the super Skull who is chatting in your mouth!"

The voice fell! Lorelei has drawn out his dagger and stabbed Angel!

Swish! But I saw a light yellow shield suddenly formed in front of Angel! Block the dagger attack!

And in the next second, Angel stretched out and grabbed Lorelai's wrist with one hand, then swung it to the side, and swung Lorelai six meters away!

Lorelai's skills are not ordinary. She flipped and landed smoothly... but her chest was up and down, and her breath was already unstable.


Lorelei stared at Angel fiercely, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Then you are a stupid Skrull!"

"Oh?" Angel raised his eyebrows, "Am I stupid?"

"You can obviously propose to **** Talos yourself, but you offered to let me come with you, haha..."

Lorelai sneered: "This makes you have to fight against me. Isn't that stupid?"

"What about the facts? You can't beat me, you are a free gift to me." Angel said slowly.

"Really? You seem to have forgotten? Banshee's most powerful ability..."

Lorelai showed a smile she thought was evil: "It's a charm."

After she finished speaking, her eyes burst out with an imperceptible strange light, and her voice became more dynamic!

"Man...I want you...follow my orders! Now..."

Before Lorelei could finish speaking, Angel showed a smile and his face gradually faded.

"That's your innocence..."

A woman's voice spit out from Angel's mouth in the transformation.

In the blink of an eye... the Super Skrull has revealed his true form...

That's a breasted...waisted...gorgeous female skuru!

Lorelai's eyes widened, the banshee's aura that had just swelled up...disappeared at once!

She knows what it means!

"Are you... a woman?"

"No one says that female Skrulls can't imitate men...change men."

The female shapeshifter smiled and said, "Do you understand now? Why did I take the initiative to propose to Ivan... let you come with me too."

Lorelei was dumbfounded: "You..."

"Just because I'm a woman, your ability has no effect on me."

The female shapeshifter smiled proudly: "On the contrary, I offered to **** you together, which can also confuse Ivan and reduce everyone's doubts about my identity as Angel. What is this called?"

She pointed to her head: "It's called resourcefulness, hehe... After I get you, one of my companions will transform into you, play you Lorelei and continue to lurk beside Ivan."

After a pause, the female shapeshifter continued: "And if Talos is killed, someone will take over Talos. Since then, I, Angel and my companion Lorelei, have two people lurking beside Ivan."

Lorelai's body trembled slightly... This kind of conspiracy is really terrible.

She took out her mobile phone and wanted to quickly call Ivan's number to notify Ivan, but the transgender woman pulled out a pistol and shot the phone.

Just listen to her smile and continue talking.

"Not only that, Nick Fury will also be replaced by us, and all the important people on this planet will be replaced by us one by one."

The female shapeshifter zhé said with a weird smile: "In fact, many people have been replaced, and everything is carried out in secret. Under the surface that you earth people see today, every superhero and every Political leaders may no longer be the same people...

We Super Skrulls will replace everyone forever! Ha ha ha ha! "

Lorelei's body gradually became cold with the gloomy smile, and she thought of the fact that Angel might have died.

She asked in a trembling voice, "Angel... is she dead?"

"No, of course not, your 'primarchs' are all precious materials, we will lock you up in the sky, further extract your genes, study the characteristics and personalities of all of you to 100% thoroughness, and squeeze all the value out! Only then can we take over the earth without fail!"

As she spoke, she looked into Lorelai's eyes, and she noticed that in the gray despair in Lorelai's eyes, there was still a glimmer of hope...

The female shapeshifter wants to see the conceited woman in front of her in complete despair, she wants to see Lorelai collapse! Instead of still holding out hope like now!

She smiled and asked, "Do you think your Ivan can save all this?"


Lorelai gasped... no denial.

As the shapeshifter guessed, Lorelai also had the illusion that Ivan could save everything.

She tried to warn herself that Ivan could always change everything!

No reason, just because he is Ivan! The unique Ivan Jones in heaven and earth!

Lorelai gritted her teeth and seized the last hope in her heart, she did not collapse! As long as there is Ivan! There is still light in this dark world!

Don't fall completely!

"you are wrong."

The female shapeshifter spoke coldly.

"In fact... Ivan is dead."

"You are talking nonsense!"

"Naive... Lorelei, how can you be sure that the Ivan Jones in your family is really Ivan Jones himself?"

The female shapeshifter stroked the roof of the yellow pickup with her hand, and said slowly, "Can you be sure that Ivan Jones wasn't transformed from a Super Skrull?"

Squinting her eyes, she raised her eyebrows and said, "Taros said that Super Skrulls can imitate 'ability', right? Hehe... Forget it, it's okay to tell you the truth..."

After a long pause, she saw that Lorelai's eyes were already stained with fear, so she smiled contentedly... and continued.

"The real Ivan Jones, encountered two of our fellow Super Skrulls in space, and those two fellows became two Ivan Jones, and then you know... two fights one, the real Ivan Van Jones has been killed!"

Like a heavy hammer! Those words pierced directly into Lorelai's heart! Penetrating the thin line of defense eroded the only hope left in her heart...

She believed it, she was a simple banshee.

In an instant...grey despair was like a veil covering the beautiful pupils of the banshee.

She suddenly felt her legs and feet soften... Uncontrollably, she sat down on the ground!

--very good!

The female shapeshifter smiled smugly, that's what she wanted to see... human despair.

Successfully... she shifted her gaze from Lorelai's desperate face to Talos's.

She saw Talos... staring at herself without a word.

"What's wrong? My former leader? I always thought you were strong and brave. Even when you faced the Kree, you were not afraid at all."

The female shapeshifter squinted her eyes: "If it wasn't for a different position, I wouldn't want to kill you. I hoped that it was not Massaga, but Talos, who led us to occupy the earth!"

After a pause, she looked directly at Taros and smiled coldly: "But it's different now, you've let me down too much, you're too scared to speak in the face of death, yes... Now I have super powers, With your mediocre physique, yes...you're dead..."

The female shapeshifter slowly raised her right hand, and she transformed the right half of her body into Angel, and her right arm muscles with blue veins were covered with bright yellow superpowers!

"Being able to blow your head off with my own hands... I'm so honored!"

She yelled, took three steps and two steps, and then punched Talos in the face!

Whoa! Violent punches whip up strong winds! The distance between the fist and the face is getting closer!

But for a split second...she seemed to see something...

That seems to be... Talos' face changed!

Became no longer Taros, but... a human being!

Somehow, her right fist couldn't advance an inch any longer! As if an invisible force paralyzed her right half!

Then... a click! She broke her entire right arm!

The pupils flickered in disbelief... Bright blood sprayed out, and the entire view was blood red.

"Deceiving an innocent banshee to make her despair, does something like that... make you happy?"

Ivan's voice came out of Talos' mouth: "You are... pervert."

For a moment... With the thick blood passing by in front of my eyes... The female shapeshifter witnessed... Talos in front of him is no longer Talos!

It's a man with short black hair... with deep eyes! Those deep eyes stared straight at him! It's as if you've seen through it all!

"You...you are Ivan Jones! This...how could this be, you...how could you have the shape-shifting power of a Skrull!"

The reality gem on his chest was flashing slightly red, and Ivan was already disdainful to answer this question.

He felt that there was something wrong with Angel at the time. In order to know the truth, he first asked Taros to go back to the room alone with him in the name of "removal of spirits", and the two secretly changed their identities in the room.

The real Talos, after telling Ivan the location of the research base... was sent to a known square by a portal of Ivan.

And Talos, played by Ivan with the Infused Reality Gem, walked out of the room and went to the destination with Lorelei and Angel.

He wanted to see if Angel and Lorelei would show their minions halfway through.

In fact, the plan was quite successful, not only exposing that Angel was the Super Skrull, but also ruling out the suspiciousness of Lorelei.

And during the period of Ivan's disguise, this female shapeshifter revealed a lot of confidential information because of her overconfidence.

For example, Angel is not dead, and those who have been replaced are locked in space. This series of useful information!



The powerful thought force broke the waist of the female shapeshifter! She screamed and fell to the ground!

At this moment, she is very remorseful, and the important information has been revealed by herself, which is absolutely detrimental to the secret invasion...!


Lorelai's desperate pupils were instantly filled with hope! In a short period of time, she felt happier than she had ever been!

Her heart was crying - if Ivan died, who else would I... the evil plan I've been carrying out! woohoo...

Lorelai got up and rushed towards Ivan who had turned around because of the call... A big hug to Ivan!

"I...I know! I never thought you were killed!"

Her voice was full of joy: "I...I wasn't deceived, and I'm not an innocent banshee! I...my city government deeply didn't believe her words at all!"

Ivan was first taken aback by the sudden hug, and then he smiled.

"I'm sorry Lorelei... I took the shot late and made you suffer for dozens of seconds of despair."

"No...if you shoot in the first place, we won't know if Angel is still alive..."

After speaking... she let go of Ivan.

The light filled my heart, and the despair of this world seemed to vanish.


"It's a lonely street..."

Ivan glanced at the female Skrull who was broken by the waist on the ground: "Do you really think...you Skrulls can win this war?"

"We will win, we will win!"

The female Skrull gritted her teeth and said, "And, no matter how you torture me, I won't reveal any more information!"

Ivan squinted slightly... The knowledge of Kree, the supreme wisdom, appeared in his mind.

——The brains of Skrulls are completely different from those of human beings. Their memory storage method is multi-segment dynamic, which cannot be retrieved or read. Forced reading will only result in useless fragmented memories. Therefore, memory retrieval methods are used to know which ones It's impossible to be a Super Skrull.

——This is the way of secrecy that the Skrulls have evolved from their long-term struggle with the Kree.

——The Kree seldom interrogate information from the captured Skrulls, because the Skrulls will never sell their secrets to the enemy, and to put it bluntly, they are stubborn.

Thinking of this, Ivan nodded.

"I believe you won't reveal any more information, so I'll give you a treat."

After he finished speaking, he slowly opened the door... and got into the car.

After starting the pickup and riding Lorelei in the rear seat, Ivan first opened a portal in front, then drove through the door and returned to the orchard.

Only the female Skrull was left with a stunned face - didn't you want to give me a good time?

- This is... don't kill me? leave me alone?

"That's great!" the female Skrull laughed~www.wuxiamtl.com~ As long as I go back to base, remake cells, and become someone else...I can still function..."

The blood kept flowing... The female Skrull gasped and looked up at the starry sky. With her broken waist, she thought that she would have to crawl out of this no-man's land for a while.

Sudden! A burst of heart palpitations rose inexplicably from the heart!

She saw a little red dot in the sky... getting bigger...

It was a crimson meteorite in the starry sky dragging a long tail flame! Hit her precisely in this direction!

A bad premonition suddenly rose in my heart! She suddenly understood what Ivan said about 'have a good time'!

Boom! The cement street was smashed by a meteorite! The female Skrull instantly evaporated! Only a sea of ​​fire remains!

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