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: Friends, about the update.

(??ω??) My friend, the computer that the author uses to code words was found to be a malfunction of the motherboard, and it has been repaired by JD.com.

Today, although I don't have a computer, I try to use my mobile phone to code words.

However, because the author Jun doesn’t play with mobile phones very much, or maybe it is because the mobile phone typing is much slower than the keyboard, and because there is no customary setting of the computer Sogou input method, the author Jun writes very slowly and slowly, slower than the keyboard. There are too many, the wrist is sore, and the process is super difficult.

o(TωT)o I only managed to finish one chapter in the end.

It may take 4-5 days for the author's computer motherboard to be repaired. These days, the author's bacteria can only use the mobile phone to code words, so these days, the author's bacteria can only try to update it.

After these few days, the author's bacteria will be able to resume normal updates.



Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: . Mobile version reading website:

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