100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 450: The appearance of supreme wisdom

Black Bolt looked at Ivan who was holding the spaceship with one arm in surprise.

The two mutant boys who stayed behind were also stunned.

But I saw Ivan suddenly let go, and then his raised right foot kicked into the sky! Is kicking the chassis of the spaceship!

Boom! In an instant, the entire spaceship burst into blue light and rushed into the sky! It penetrated the atmosphere in an instant!

Black Bolt blinked, but he didn't even see the afterimage.

"What the fuck...what the hell..." Black Bolt stared blankly at the sky, muttering vulgar words.

"Too...too shocking."

A mutant boy who stayed behind said: "If my mutant ability is not power generation... but this... just fine..."

"Are you thinking of farting?" the guy next to him spat out.

"Wait... Jones."

Black Bolt shuddered and suddenly came to his senses: "This...this is...you said to help them go back to the moon, are you kidding?"

"What's the joke? That kick has sent them back to the moon."

Ivan smiled lightly: "Say one second, just one second, they landed."

This kick is exactly the same as the kick that Boros kicked Saitama in "One Punch Man".


Black Bolt looked up at the sky, and the thick cloud layer was pierced by a large hole at the speed of light.

"Their people..."

"Of course people are fine."

Ivan laughed, he knew what Black Bolt was worried about.

"Don't worry, they're all alive." Ivan said as he walked to the portal.

"Joan...Mr. Jones."

The mutant boy suddenly said: "As far as I know, the human body cannot adapt to sudden 'acceleration', which will lead to..."

"I know." Ivan waved his hand, "But in my case, that's not a problem."

The mutant boy was stunned: "Why... why?"

Ivan smiled: "Because my psionic energy protects them, psionic energy... surpasses your understanding and cognition."

"Spirit... psionic can... can do whatever..."

"Yes." Ivan patted the mutant boy on the shoulder, "Psionic energy can really do whatever he wants."

Ignoring the confused boy, Ivan turned his attention to Black Bolt who was staying there.

"You wait here, we'll set off right away."

"Good...good Jones..."

Black Bolt has seen a lot today, a series of things that just happened... In Ivan's eyes, it is insignificant, but it is a wonderful scene that he has never seen in his life.

After finishing some trivial matters, Ivan set off with Black Bolt.

After the two entered the transparent portal, they still saw the border of hell.

Only different from before, there is a little more mechanical wind here.

Large and small instruments and equipment were placed here, which were done by Janata for experiments.

The content of the experiment... Naturally, she told Ivan earlier that she wanted to try to use quantum entanglement technology between the two universes to achieve long-distance communication on both sides.

In this regard, Ivan once said that Janata did not have to do this. He felt that it was very tiring to study this thing. Ivan had seen Janata sweat profusely.

But Janata said it wasn't all about Ivan, but that studying science itself filled her with happiness.

At this moment, Janata was at the border of hell. When she saw Ivan, she said hello first, and then Ivan smiled and explained Black Bolt to her.

Before the two set off, Black Bolt whispered to Ivan.

"Your girlfriend? She's pretty."

Ivan was stunned: "No."

"Oh... Then does she have a boyfriend?" Black Bolt came to the dark red vortex,

Once you pass through this vortex, you will face the vast universe.

"Why do you ask so much?" Ivan glanced at Black Bolt, "You are here to take revenge and obtain the Terrigan Crystal that is very important to your people."

"Makes sense, Jones."

Black Bolt nodded: "I just..."

"Just what?"

"Just feel sorry."

Black Bolt's words changed: "For what I did to you in the beginning...actually I want to make up for it..."

"So?" Ivan said blankly, "What does this have to do with your gossip?"

"Cough... Because of the question I asked at the beginning, if your answer is that she is your girlfriend, then I will say some words of blessing, so that your goodwill towards me will definitely increase."

Black Bolt scratched his head and said, "After all, you are a strong man, and I have to get close to you! This is the tradition of foreigners."

Ivan was speechless.

"Then if the Kree Empire is stronger than you, according to your traditions, don't you have to get close to them?"

"The enemy is an exception!"

Black Bolt said: "The main thing is that you are too strong, and you are so good to me, you are willing to give me this chance...plus..."

"Okay! That's it for the compliments... let's get down to business."

Ivan interrupted, thinking that this Black Bolt's flattery was too blunt.

"See the vortex in front of you? Before we go through it, let me ask you a question." Ivan said.

"Brother, please."

"Through this vortex, it is the main universe, and it is really in the 'universe', and the universe does not exist without oxygen."

Ivan glanced at Black Bolt: "Can you survive and act in a cosmic environment?"

Black Bolt nodded: "Yes, this device of mine...is a very powerful invention, I will demonstrate it to you!"

He said so, put his hand on his mouth, and turned a small button on the side of the mouth device~www.wuxiamtl.com~ A film immediately covered Black Bolt's whole body.

Ivan smiled: "It's really powerful."

"Brother, I actually have a question..."

Black Bolt scratched his head: "I don't know anything about the universe on your side. Do you know how to get to Harrah? If you know... it will be much more convenient."

Hara is the home planet of the Kree people, and Ivan knows that there is a Kree Empire on it.

As for the Kerry Empire, Ivan has not been there yet, but it will be there sooner or later, either by himself or by the Thanos fleet under his command.

After all, the 'cosmic balance plan' set by Ivan, this small goal includes all the life planets in the main universe.

The Kree's Hara is certainly no exception.

According to the narrative of the film, the Kree Empire is not a good thing, they are an aggressive race.

As Black Bolt said, the Cree people used humans for human experiments earlier, and the aliens were the products made by the Cree people hundreds of years ago.

Ivan thought... Since he has to go to the 'Kree' sooner or later, why don't he give Black Bolt a ride today and take him directly to Harrah.

By the way, let's observe how their leader 'Supreme Wisdom' exists, because it is said that everyone who sees Supreme Wisdom can see different Supreme Wisdom... Its appearance is the most admired in their hearts ' that person.

Ivan is very curious... Who is the person he admires the most? The supreme wisdom in your own eyes... what does it look like?

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