100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 448: 2 points in the world, stand against the wall

Ivan thought that Professor X was still reliable. If he was not there, the mutants would definitely be able to do their jobs.

He turned around and glanced at Professor X's direction from afar.

But he was surprised to see the professor lying on the bed at this time, with 16 black thin tubes inserted into his head, and an oxygen supply device placed on his nose.

——The professor was injured?


Before Ivan could think about it, all the aliens below rushed towards the mutants!

"Attack! Save the leader!"


"Take them!"

Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, Ivan shook his head.

He actually didn't want mutants and Inhumans to fight.

He has never been a fight in his life, but he likes to solve fights. Although Ivan said this nonsense, it does not mean that he likes this kind of fight.

So... he stretched out his hand and waved it out, and all of a sudden a psychic energy poured out in the arc drawn by Ivan's arm!

Those psychic energy were separated between the two sides in an instant, forming a blue wall... spanning 50,000 kilometers! More than a full circle around the earth!


The world is divided into two parts, and the walls stand against each other!


"Whoops! What did I bump into?"

"Mad, what is this?"

"When did the wall appear here? Huh?"

A tauren stared, trying to see where the end of the wall was.

But to his disappointment, the wall looked this way...there was no end.

"What's the situation?" The mutants were also surprised.

Colossus slammed a punch on the psychic wall.

"It's hard, is this?"

Shah~ Boom!


Several aliens began to attack the wall with energy, and the colorful skills exploded on the wall of psychic energy...

Just listen.

The wall did not shake at all.

Black Bolt's eyes widened...looking down at the wall separating the two sides.

"This...is this what you set up?"

he asked Ivan.

"Exactly." Ivan said lightly.

Black Bolt's expression suffocated slightly, and a sense of despair spread on his face.

——Could it be that I can't avenge my ancestors after all?

I don't know why, it may be that people who think they are invincible in the world encountered setbacks, and all kinds of negative energies rose in Black Bolt's heart for a while.

He only feels that he is incompetent and useless, and his mind has been filled with this emotion, and he has fallen from extreme arrogance to extreme inferiority.

"The strong... You won, I am convinced... I admit defeat in this battle, please don't hurt my people... Okay..."

Black Bolt looked sad: "This time, the search for the portal was organized by me. If you want to vent your anger, just use me to open the knife..."


Ivan raised his eyebrows, and then couldn't help but smile: "When did I get angry?"

Black Bolt's body trembled...

"Now...can...can you tell me why I can't, we can't...through that door...?"

Ivan smiled, he ignored Black Bolt, but separated a small piece of psychic energy that absorbed Black Bolt's killing sound waves from the cube, suspended it in front of his mouth, and condensed it into a microphone shape.

He looked at the Inhumans who kept attacking the wall below... Suddenly he spoke!

"That's it!"

Whoa! Immediately, a weakened version of the Foley sound wave mixed with Ivan's voice was pressed into a line by the psychic energy, and spread to the ears of the aliens!

"Ah!" The aliens showed pain and took a few steps back.

"Hello, I'm Ivan Jones, the person in charge of this portal before it was repaired."

This voice clearly reached the ears of all the aliens. Due to the particularity of the sound, it was impossible to ignore it, and it left a deep impression on all the aliens!

"And this door was not allowed in...for extremely important reasons."

Ivan told the Inhumans that the two universes are not allowed to communicate with each other... and that the excessive passers-by will cause gradual imbalance and eventually summon the Lord of Chaos.

The aliens, including Black Bolt, were dumbfounded.

Immediately after... Black Bolt also settled himself and his clan on the moon, and they were exiled to the moon of the second inner universe by the "Supreme Intelligence" a long time ago... I also told Ivan and the mutants.

"Strong man, assuming what you say is true."

The bald woman Medusa got up and said slowly: "Then how should our ancestors be exiled to this universe by the Kree? Isn't your side doing well now?"

Ivan raised his eyebrows, he knew what the woman meant - we used to be from the main universe, and a large number of people were exiled to the second inner universe, but this did not seem to cause the universe to become unbalanced... No Chaos Lord was summoned.

At present, Ivan thinks that there are three possibilities.

First, the imbalance between chaos and order is looser than I imagined, and a large amount of communication is necessary to cause imbalance. For example, if 100 people enter another universe, then the '100th person' may overwhelm the camel. The last straw.

The second is that he has misunderstood the meaning of eternity. Maybe the arrival of the main universe in the second universe will not cause an imbalance. Only when people from the second inner universe come to the main universe will it cause an imbalance.

Three, eternity hides information.

"I don't explain anything, because I don't know the specifics. I just want to say... Now that you have told me your real situation."

Ivan smiled lightly: "Things are much simpler."

At this moment, Ivan is undoubtedly a dominant figure in the eyes of the aliens. When they saw Ivan laughing, they couldn't help but take a half step back and take a fighting stance.

With a wave of their hand, they can set up a wall that they can't break~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and lock their boss. Ivan's strength makes them unable to resist.

If they really want to fight, they know in their hearts... they will be miserable!

But Ivan continued.

"I Ivan...I'm not a big-hearted person. If someone hits me, I will hit back. I will never bear it. If someone wants to kill me, I will either kill him, put him in jail, or let him Pay the price with blood and sweat.

This is the real me, the virtue of a meal will be repaid, and the grievances of the canthus will be repaid. "

After a pause, Ivan continued.

"So I don't intend to deprive you of the right to take revenge, not to mention that you have endured this hatred for centuries."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the aliens showed joy! They know that hearing such words means that there is hope in going to the main universe, and the aliens are very happy.

To know that Ivan is so powerful that even their leader Black Bolt is not an opponent to stop them, it is really desperate.

They want to go to the main universe, not only because of their hatred of the Kree, but also because the Terrigan crystals in the clan are about to be consumed, which is related to the continuation of the race.

"Don't be too happy, there are limits."

Ivan said lightly, and he slowly stretched out a finger in the low air.

The strangers wondered - what does this gesture mean?

"A person."

Ivan blinked his blue eyes and glanced at the crowd below.

"Just treat me as helping you, and you can choose someone to go through this door."

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