100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 444: Moon landing package

The special material sphere compressed by the sentry robot was shot out of the atmosphere by Ivan!

I saw that the sphere was wrapped in blue light... rubbed in the universe and dragged out a long blue tail flame, and then boomed!

The blue area of ​​the moon was smashed into a large crater, and the resulting shock wave collapsed nearby houses!

"My God, what's going on!"

On the moon...a long-haired woman who was reading a book was thrown two somersaults by this shock wave.

As the psionic energy spreads slowly, the entire moon trembles!

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

People were talking.

Whoa! A man in tight black clothes and a cape flew down beside the long-haired woman, his eyes full of concern.

"Medusa, are you okay?" The man helped the woman up.

The man's voice was muffled, as if he was equipped with a strange mechanical device on his mouth, and he didn't know what it was for.

"It's okay." The long-haired woman said, pointing her hand to the big pit not far away, "Then... does that indicate..."

The man was stunned, he jumped up, and came to the pit that was smashed by the sphere.

He looked at the ball inside with excitement on his face.

"I see... the prophecy has come true! We Inhumans... can finally go back and settle accounts with the Kree!"

"Usiris!" The man shouted excitedly and jumped up! In a blink of an eye, it was a thousand meters away.

In front of a metal building, an old man with white hair and a shriveled face stood at the door with a cane.

"Leader of the Black Bolt King, do you call me?" The old man frowned.

"Usiris, Great Prophet... Your prophecy really came true!" the man called Black Bolt said with joy.

"Oh?" The old man's eyes narrowed slightly, "What... which prophecy?"

"You once predicted that in the future, a strange meteorite will hit the blue residential area of ​​our moon at an incredible speed. When the moon is hit, it indicates that the earth below will open a portal across the universe."

Black Bolt said: "And that portal allows us to go back to the original universe to find the Kree and settle accounts with the Supreme Intelligence!"

The old man was stunned - did I predict that?

—Oh...it seems like...

——When did I "make up" the prophecy? Wait... what I made up to deceive him... came true?

"Uh... yes, I predicted that."

The old man said: "But we have been building well on the moon for hundreds of years. Leader of Black Bolt, I don't think we need to..."

"What nonsense are you talking about! Now that I have practiced and made breakthroughs... I have become the strongest existence in the universe, and our Inhumans are getting stronger and stronger."

Black Bolt said with a smile: "If I don't go back to play with the Kree grandsons, what's the use of my skills?"

His words are full of pride, and he has the tendency to look at the world.

"What's more... the Terrigan crystals are already showing signs of withering, and I think there are surplus Terrigan crystals in the Kree."

He continued: "Otherwise, how did our ancestors be strengthened?"


The old man quickly recalled the history of the Inhumans.

Inhumans are the creations that the Kree people in the main universe enhanced with the "Terrigan crystal" after the "experiment" human beings.

Later, the leader of the Kree, the Supreme Intelligence, was not satisfied with the Inhumans, so he exiled the Inhumans to the moon in the second inner universe, intending to let them fend for themselves on the barren moon.

However, the sky is not the same. On the moon, the aliens discovered a substance called 'Terrigan crystal'. When this crystal meets water, it will produce a strange fog, which can make the unawakened aliens awaken their abilities. become a true alien.

And because some Inhumans have awakened abilities that are helpful for survival, this race has been able to persevere.

They survived... multiplied, established their own cities and bases on the blue mysterious areas of the moon, and lived to this day.

Now that the Terrigan crystals are gradually depleting, the new leader of the Inhumans, 'Black Bolt', believes that the 'Kree' who created their ancestors left additional 'Terrigan crystals', and only the Terrigan crystals can continue the Inhumans. true blood.

Regardless of these, Black Bolt has always wanted to settle accounts with the Kree, so he asked the old man Usiris, who "proclaimed himself" to have awakened the ability of prophecy, and asked how the aliens could return to the original universe.

And this 'old liar' named Usiris deceived Black Bolt in this way.

"In the distant future, there will be a strange meteorite crashing into the residential area of ​​our moon, which indicates that the portal connecting the two universes has been opened on Earth, and then... we just need to enter that open door.. . can return to the original universe."

Black Bolt believed.

The reason why this old liar will lie to Black Bolt is not only because he wants Black Bolt to stop tossing, but also because the old liar did not awaken his powers at all after coming into contact with the Terrigan Mist!

In addition, the tradition of the race of Inhumans determines the status of the family based on the strength of their abilities, and the weak are only given shoes to the strong.

Therefore, the old liar, Usiris, did not dare to say that he did not have the ability to awaken because of his status. He lied that he had awakened the ability of prophecy in the fog of Terrigan.

After that, the old liar relied on luck and clever tricks to "get a few things right" to gain the trust of the clan, and became a great prophet of word of mouth among the alien race!


"Okay, great prophet, now the signs have appeared."

Black Bolt pulled Usiris up and said, "It's time for us to probe the portal you mentioned!"

Usiris couldn't tell how hard he was, thinking how could there be any portals, that's all I made up to deceive you before!

Just thinking about it, Usiris was pulled to the position of the previous deep pit in the blink of an eye.

Now several Inhumans have pulled the sphere out of the deep pit.

Thanks to Ivan, this sphere is very round, and it is impossible to see that it is compressed by seven sentinel robots, and no one knows their material.

"Leader." Seeing the arrival of Black Bolt, everyone respectfully made way out of the way.

In Inhumans, the stronger the power... the more status.

And Black Bolt is the leader, and his power is self-evident.

"Call all the aliens for a meeting, prepare the spaceship energy...ready to go."

Black Bolt waved his hand!

"Go to Earth!"


Earth Washington White House.

The president is sweating profusely sitting in a room full of cameras where he usually records national announcements.

He was forced to sit here today because he was about to announce a peace announcement about how humanity should behave towards mutants.

And the reason why he was sweating...because there was an Ivan standing next to him!

"I think if I say this, I will definitely be scolded."

The president looked at the speech in his hand with a bitter expression: "My approval rating will definitely drop."

"Mr. President." Ivan said lightly, "What you have to do is not to help mutants, but to help everyone, including yourself."

"Do I still have a choice?" The president glanced at Ivan reluctantly~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Ivan smiled: "Then do you want to go to the moon?"

And so... on this day, the president delivered an unprecedented speech.

He declared that humans and mutants should prosper together, and said something positive about mutants helping humans.

Finally, the recording is over... Mr. President, under the supervision of Ivan, drew up an 'anti-discrimination protection law' for mutants.

"This...is it okay this time?"

"Very well, Mr. President, and I hope you can bring this law through Congress as soon as possible to advocate for true peace."

Ivan smiled and patted the president's shoulder, which made the president's heart tremble!

"Otherwise, after a while, I'll send you a moon landing package without a vehicle!"

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