100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 441: Sentinel Robot

Washington, D.C.

Presidential Building, White House, Office of the President.

At this time, our Mr. President shivered a little...because standing in front of him was a man of light with blazing blue flames all over his body.

"Hello, Mr. President." Guangren said calmly, "I'm Ivan Jones, sit down and talk, please don't be restrained."

Today is the day of the interview.

Regarding the "sentry robot", Professor X originally invited the president to have a face-to-face negotiation today, so that he could speak clearly.

However, because the government officials were afraid of Professor X's mind manipulation ability and did not want the President to negotiate with Professor X, the President finally backtracked and temporarily cancelled the negotiation.

Ivan smiled, he didn't regret playing chess, the negotiation had already started, how could he just cancel it?

So Ivan replaced Professor X and broke through the many guards of the White House in an instant... and came directly to the president's office.

The president sat back in his chair tremblingly, and found that except himself, other people in the office, such as bodyguards, couldn't move!

It's like being locked up!

"You... who are you? What have you done to them?"

"They didn't get anything, but I stopped thinking." Ivan smiled faintly.

If you look closely, everyone is not moving at all, but moving too slowly, just like standing still.

Except for the president and Ivan, everyone was slowed down countless times.

So this is not what Ivan said to stop thinking, nor is it some kind of time-stop spell, but psionic energy strengthens the air barrier, just like when he fought the vampire Dracula.

This ability is as strong as Dracula has been affected, not to mention ordinary people, they are affected more deeply, and it is no different from being fixed!

"Mr. President, you have a negotiation with mutants today, and I am the one who came to negotiate in place of the professor."

The blue flame went out, revealing Ivan's original appearance.

Black hair, purple eyes, born different from humans.

Since he came on behalf of mutants, this time Ivan decided not to say that he was not a mutant, and he pretended to be a mutant.

On the earth of this inner universe, even if Ivan says he is human! Who believes it!

Anyone with super powers is considered a mutant here!

"Time is limited, I'll be blunt, regarding the research and development of the Sentinel robot... I make a proposal to terminate this research and development."

"Sentry droid? You...wait, how did you know?" the president asked in surprise.

The sentinel robot is a secret research and development project, and few people even know about it even if it is a government official.

- Could this have something to do with Stryker's death?

The President thought of the news he had received not long ago—Colonel Stryker committed suicide by lying on the rails.

He knew that Stryker was one of the people who knew about the Sentinel.

As for the fact that Stryker's secret base was raided by Ivan, the president did not know. As Stryker said before, even the president did not know his secret base.

It was a private base, where Stryker used to do his inhumane mutant slicing research, and of course Stryker kept it a secret from the president.

"There are no airtight walls, you don't need to know that."

Ivan said indifferently: "The sentinel robot was developed to exterminate mutants. This...is that right? Mr. President."

"No, we're not trying to exterminate any species, we humans... just want to have our own weapons to guard against you!" the president retorted plausibly.

Ivan thought that it was right for humans to make weapons to guard against mutants. After all, the heart of guarding against people was indispensable. Unfortunately, the sentinel robot itself has a big problem.

After they were created and fully activated, they were invincible in the world at that time, when the strongest mutant...the awakened Jean Grey had died unexpectedly, and neither human nor mutant were their opponents.

Because these sentinel robots can evolve various abilities to "restrain" and target according to the weaknesses of the mutants, basically for the mutants, the sentinel robots are simply invincible.

And human beings have also become the target of slaughter because of the X gene lurking in their genes, which leads to the destruction of human beings, and sentinel robots rule the earth.

So to put it bluntly, although this sentinel robot is good, the problem is that you can't control it!

It's a pity that the president didn't know, and Ivan didn't bother to explain to him, so he spoke directly.

"I advise you to stop the research and development of Sentinel robots."

"It's already done, but it's almost perfect! We have no reason to give up!"

The president looked directly into Ivan's eyes: "The sentinel robot is ready in all aspects. I received a report. What is lacking is some functional improvements. You tell us to give up now, which is to let scientists for decades. The results fell short!"

After a second, the president raised his voice and continued.

"I emphasize again that we are not using the sentinel robots to exterminate you. The sentinel robots are similar to nuclear weapons and are used to deter you mutants! As long as you are willing to make peace with us, the sentinel robots are just like nuclear bombs. Don't you want peace?"

When the president said this, he lost his previous timidity, but instead was full of uprightness!

Obviously, what he said did not go against his heart. He really thought that the sentinel robot would restrain the mutants and bring peace!

This can't blame the president for being naive. After all, the president has never experienced the kind of "Ultron".

And Ivan, who has seen the movies "Reunion 2: Age of Ultron" and "X-Men: Days of Future Past", sees more angles.

That is, robots will always be unreliable unless humans have full control over them.

Robots are the greatest threat to humans if humans can't control them!

Facing the plausible president, Ivan smiled.

"Actually, I suggest that you stop the research and development of the sentinel robot, not because you are afraid of it, but because you want to save a lot of money for you."

The president was stunned for a moment, then frowned: "How... how do you say it?"

Ivan thought for a while and said lightly: "I think the sentry robot is too weak for me to fight."


As if hearing a joke, the president smirked a few times: "Mr. Mutant, what are you capable of? Blue flames? Stop thinking?"


"Do you think that you can stop the thinking of the sentinel robots by stopping the thinking of humans? You are wrong, they have no brains!"

The president raised his voice and said, "If sentinel robots are not immune to psychic abilities! What do we spend so much resources on studying them? Obviously, they have no weaknesses!"

Ivan shook his head: "It's not a matter of weakness or weakness, the problem is that I can destroy them all with one blow."

The president was taken aback.

- So crazy!

- This is the most arrogant mutant I've ever seen!

"Mr. President, think about it."

Ivan carefully analyzed: "You spent countless funds and energy to empty the sentry robot developed by the treasury, and it was completely destroyed by me in one blow. How much did you lose?"

"You...you!" The president was shocked by Ivan's arrogance!

Ivan smiled: "That's why I made this suggestion just to help you save some treasury funds in the end, nothing else."

"You! Who can't talk big words? You are too underestimated..."

"Let's do it!" Ivan interrupted the president's words~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I will take you to see the strength of the sentinel robot. "

After speaking, Ivan directly grabbed the President of the United States! It flew directly to the underground research base of the sentinel robot previously leaked by ‘Stryker’.

This is a super large underground metal square, where twelve huge sentinel robots stand still.

At present, Ivan has been to this base once beforehand, but last time he felt that it would be a bit boring to eliminate these ten 'unactivated' Sentinel robots like this.

When it landed, Mr. President was in shock -- where is this?

"Come on, Mr. President, order the researchers here to activate all ten sentinel robots."

Ivan smiled and stretched out his hand to make a 'please' action.

"I want to hit ten."


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