100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 434: dream of sleep

Torrential rain, gusty wind.

Masked human soldiers crawl forward in the dark, laser daggers in their hands flickering with low-frequency sparks.

The residential buildings of the college are gradually surrounded...

Puffs of colorless and odorless gas emanated autonomously from the gas tanks 'hanging' on the soldiers' backs.

That is hypnotic gas B2 type, which can make people who are awake fall asleep and those who fall asleep to sleep more deeply.

It was originally developed by biological scientists to treat severe insomnia... but now it has become a 'weapon'.

"Prepare, wrap up."

A steady voice sounded from the contactor beside each soldier's ear.

This mutant assassination operation, everyone has made plans.

The killing intent spread from the heart, and the adrenaline pumped up all the courage.

However... just as the human soldiers were getting closer and closer to the residential building, there were ripples in the air!

The armed soldiers took three steps back almost irresistibly!

"What's the matter?"

"Captain, what's going on?" a soldier asked the captain next to him carefully.

"I don't know." Captain Jason said.

"A mutant?" The soldier frowned.

According to the 'before' detection of the high-efficiency brain wave search device, everyone in this school should have fallen asleep. This is something that every soldier knows well.

Otherwise, with their equipment, it is simply a gift to fight against the living mutants.

But... now that all the mutants are asleep, what was it that just caused them to go backwards...?

"Damn it." A soldier trembled.

A person who has undergone rigorous training does not mean that he is not afraid of death.

These soldiers have been trained in simulated combat against mutants and know how scary some mutants are.

This unit didn't even have a tank, and obviously couldn't go head-to-head with the mutants.

Captain Jason glared at the soldier coldly: "If you're so scared, why don't you go home."

"Can... can it?" the timid soldier asked in a trembling voice.

"Okay, but before that... I'll chop your head off!"

After Jason finished speaking, he pulled out the laser dagger from his waist.

He moved quickly, raised the knife in his hand, and with a hum, he cut off a corner of the timid soldier's head!

With a plop, the soldier fell straight to the ground.

Jason turned around and glanced at the people behind him with cold eyes, and said slowly.

"The fainthearted always die first, remember this truth."

As soon as the voice fell, another invisible force spread out in the air! Ding Ding Deng! Everyone including Jason took another three steps back!

Everyone panicked now! It's not like wind!

"Everyone is ready to fight, don't be afraid."

Jason said to the small-scale walkie-talkie next to his mouth: "You are all trained, you should know that no matter how powerful mutants are, they can be killed with a gun!"

He continued: "The hypnotic gas B2 we carry, there are mutants that are immune to it... This is an accident, yes, but in the case that most mutants can't wake up, we surround and suppress a single mutant. People have an absolute advantage!"

"Come on! Take down that mutant first!"

Whoa! The air is rippling again! The soldiers who were about to charge immediately took two steps back!

Some soldiers who had already rushed up even plopped! Stumbled over something I don't know!

In fact...

What tripped them up... was Ivan's psychic power!

At this time, Ivan is sleeping, and when Ivan is sleeping, the spirit and the mind will subconsciously protect Ivan and prevent the "bad people" from approaching.

Just as Mephisto approached when Ivan slept, the invisible thoughts spread in ripples during Ivan's breath.

Ivan... slept soundly!

"You can't even stand still. Are you still worthy of working under Colonel Stryker? Are you still worthy of being a mutant fighter?"

Jason looked at the fallen soldiers and scolded them angrily.

"The one who adapts to the environment is born, whoever falls down again, I will cut his head on the spot!"


Ivan, who was sleeping sweetly in the residential building, felt itchy nose because of inhaling hypnotic B2 gas, and sneezed out!

Whoa! Suddenly, a huge thought force blew directly on Jason's back from behind!


Thump...thump! Everyone including Jason was blown down, not only that, they rolled several times under the impetus of this psychic force!


Jason coughed violently, wiped the dirt off his mouth, and stumbled to his feet with the rest of the soldiers.

"What I just said is just to urge you to make progress."

Jason turned around and looked back: "No... no one will take it seriously, right?"

"If you don't have a captain, you'll be happy." A soldier said blankly.

"That's good."

Jason turned around and thought--Fark, what the **** is he in my face, I'm going to kill that mutant!

"Everyone, have you noticed? The strange energy that hinders our progress is often launched every few seconds!"

Having said that, a thought force blew again, forcing everyone back two and a half steps.

"Go forward! As long as we have more steps forward than backward steps within a limited time, we can attack!"

Jason gritted his teeth and stepped forward, bringing the walkie-talkie closer to his lips.

"The glory of victory is waiting for us! For every mutant killed in this operation, there is a personal bounty of $100,000! For every one caught, 500,000, and Professor X, the bounty is ten million! That's also Our ultimate goal! After this is accomplished, your future career will be bright!"

With the sound of motivation, the fear of the soldiers was reduced to a certain extent! A blood dedicated to human beings rises in everyone's heart!

Against Ivan's psychic power... step by step, they entered the campus residential building with difficulty.

five minutes later.

In a bedroom...

The two mutant girls were sleeping.

Hear the door slam! Jason and two soldiers broke in.

A soldier raised his gun to shoot, and Jason quickly reached out to stop the soldier.

"Don't kill what you can catch. It's very helpful for Colonel Stryker's experiment."

Jason glared at the soldier, then took a 'slap-sized' small gun from the hypnotic B2-type gas tank on his back, and shot one at each of the two mutant girls!

Several small needles were shot in their faces!

"Okay, no matter how much you toss them, they won't be able to wake up~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Put them in a bag and resist walking!" Jason winked.



another room.

Loki's chest heaved and he slept soundly.

Hear the door slam!

Three soldiers broke in.

One of the soldiers took out the 'deep hypnosis pistol' and shot Loki in the neck!

A few needles pierced Loki's neck and groaned in pain.

And when the soldiers took out their bags and rushed towards Loki...

Loki... suddenly opened his eyes!

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