100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 426: First Variation (Part 1)

The signing party quickly got a perfect curtain call, Loki returned to the backstage, he smiled and looked at Ivan.

"I've been waiting for Ivan for a long time, how about you, let's see how busy I am running your gallery?"

"You still know this is 'my gallery'?" Ivan laughed.

"Ha! Has everything been going well recently?" Loki sat on a chair with a light smile.


Ivan watched Loki and snapped his fingers: "Actually... you don't have to live in the comics."

"Er... what?" Loki didn't understand Ivan's sudden words.

"In the comics, you draw yourself as the savior."

Ivan said: "What I want to say is... Loki, you are also the savior in reality."

"Suddenly saying this..."

Loki looked bewildered, knowing that his 'very weak god' was shown in Ivan's painting for the first time! How could he brag about himself?

——Could it be another trap to play with me?

He shook his head: "You know Ivan, sometimes... I do make a fool of myself."

"I'm serious, you are not only the savior in the comics, you are also in reality." Ivan's eyes were very serious.

Loki had more doubts in his heart, he smiled warmly: "Thank you for saying that, Ivan...but..."

"It has some basis."

Ivan grinned.

"The top **** of the universe, 'Eternal', gave me a 'Book of Prophecy'. Among the chaos prophecies recorded above, it was you, Loki, who guarded the earth in the end with deceit and cannons."

"Really?" Loki's eyes lit up, "That prophecy..."

"It is absolutely true, and what we are going to do next is related to the book of prophecy,

We need to warn the X-Men in another universe, and even the Magneto Brotherhood, to give up spying on this world for the best reason. "

Ivan smiled and took out the golden book of prophecy... and handed it to Loki.

"And fraud... you're the best at it."

According to Eternal, the lower beings will perish even if they touch the corner of this book of prophecy.

Ivan thinks that Loki is not a low life, he should be able to read this book.

But Ivan was not very sure, so he reminded Loki.

"Loki, this is the book of prophecy. Once the lower beings touch this book, they will turn to ashes, so you have to slowly reach out to this book, and if there is an adverse reaction, stop it immediately."

"Is this where my real great deeds are recorded?"

Loki smiled: "Ivan, you know that I'm not a low-level being, I'm a god... the **** of Asgard!"

As his hand approached the book of prophecy, a black light suddenly erupted on the surface of the book! The black light radiated to Loki's hand through the golden light!


Loki cried out in pain and quickly withdrew his hand!

The **** of his hand was smoking... He didn't even touch the corner of the book.

"It seems that Eternal is right. This book has great power, and not everyone can read it."

Ivan said: "I hope someone in the second inner universe can see it, that may be helpful for persuasion."

Now Ivan doesn't understand the meaning of low-level life, he thinks that strength and strength determine whether this book will cause backlash.

In fact, it is identity that determines whether you can access and read this book of prophecy.

Although Ivan didn't take the 'God of Creation of Azure Blue' that Eternal gave him seriously, even just because it was a nice title, he didn't reject it.

But in fact, Eternal has already applied to the Life Court and granted Ivan the authority of the 'Cosmic God'.

It is this 'authority' that allows him to freely read this book of prophecy.

——Speaking of which, this guy in the Life Court is quite mysterious, so visit him when you have time.


Loki was very angry. He thought to himself, with a small book, that my evil **** Loki can't read it?

He asked Ivan to hold it, and he tried it with all kinds of magic assistance, but he couldn't get in touch with this book.

In the end, he didn't want to get hurt, he just gave up.

But he was very eager for the content of the book. After all, the book recorded the true prophecy that it was him Loki who saved the earth.

Ivan couldn't bear to see him in a hurry, so he told Loki the story in the book, and Loki was very happy to hear it.

He said: "Ivan, why don't we persuade the people in the second inner universe, let the universe become unbalanced, and let the things in the book of prophecy happen? I hope I can be great!"

For this, Ivan immediately scolded Loki!

Because in the book of prophecy, the earth was saved in the end, but it was clearly recorded that 90% of this main universe was swallowed up by the Lord of Chaos!

So this kind of extremely harmful thing, Ivan thinks it is best not to let it happen, even if he really wants to meet the Lord of Chaos, even if he is curious why there is no Ivan Jones in the prophecy.

After all, Ivan is a person with the universe in mind, and he is determined to solve the problem of the balance of resources in the universe. How could the events in the book of prophecy happen?

After hearing Ivan's scolding, Loki also reacted. Indeed, 90% of the universe is gone, so it must be a waste of life.

He knows Ivan's balance plan, in order to protect the people in this universe.

"Well then, Ivan, when are we going?"



After explaining some trivial matters on earth, Ivan went to Xandar and brought the genius girl Janata with him.

You must know that Janata can have a real-time remote dialogue with the swallowing star, and the swallowing star can have a real-time remote dialogue with the cosmic guide 'Norlin'.

In other words, taking Janata is not much different from taking Norin.

The Norin guy is mainly busy defending their fragile hometown, and Ivan doesn't want to toss him, because the current development of Norin's "military power" is really too slow.

The main reason is that Zeng Laxing used to focus on 'cosmology' as a special planet, plus it has been baptized by war and has poor resources.

Ivan thought about giving them some cosmic supplies when there was time. After all, Norin was his old friend.


In the end, the Flame Emperor was caught by himself and became a boatman~www.wuxiamtl.com~ So the divine ship set off!


After a period of space voyage, countless jumps... and countless shortcuts... Finally, Ivan's divine ship has crossed countless galaxies... to the edge of the universe!

This is due to Zeng Laxing's geographical knowledge, and also to the eternal map.

That's right, in the process of space voyage, eternity came once, and he presented the best map to the border of hell.

Jumping from which cosmic wormhole to which cosmic wormhole is the best path... It is clearly marked on the map.

Looking at the mesh-like energy boundary at the edge of the universe, Ivan standing on the deck couldn't help but sigh, the so-called vast universe... actually has boundaries.

"That should be the border of hell."

Janata held the book tightly in her hand... Her left hand pointed to a red energy vortex about the size of a city.

In front of the vortex, a star barrier larger than the city blocked it there.

That is the barrier established by eternity. Only those with 'authority' can enter and exit freely without destroying the barrier.

And Ivan... just happened to have.



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