100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 419: bleak, withered, frozen (2)

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Seeing that it was a robbery, the corner of Ivan's mouth suddenly couldn't help raising a slight arc, and he suddenly remembered the robbery incident that happened to him a few years ago.

At that time, he took out a piece of hot money and a piece of cold money, which made the two thugs suffer a lot.

Thinking of this, Ivan, who had planned to hammer the gangsters, temporarily changed his mind, and he took out a whole box of money!

A box of... charged money!

Ivan smiled and opened the box... revealing the gray-green dollar bills inside!

"Damn, where did he get it from?"

"Did you see what he was doing?"

"No! He took out the box as soon as he turned around!"

"Did he take it out from the crotch? Who of you saw it?"

"For a moment, none of us saw it clearly!"

"Never mind! So much money...ours...ours!"

"I'm going, why does he carry so much money with him?"

The gangsters are very surprised!

"I won't give you this box, you can take the money in it as you like." Ivan laughed.


The scarred man was full of joy... stretched out his big hand to those cute bills...

Just when Ivan thought that everything was going to be as he had calculated... a well-deserved scene...

Suddenly I heard a shout: "Don't take that money! Don't take it!"

A trembling short-haired gangster in the crowd chattered with his teeth: "Please...please don't take that money! I...I know that person!"

He held up his right hand tremblingly as he spoke...and his right...was bent and stiff, oddly like a chicken's paw.

"What's wrong Jack?" The scarred man asked coldly.

"My hand...please look at my hand! I took his money! So my right hand...most of the nerves are frozen and necrotic!"

Jack's voice was trembling: "That's a devil! The devil lurking in human society! Run! I... I'm kind, everyone, don't touch that money!"

He turned around and ran away with a look of horror on his face!

Ivan has a black line on his face... A demon lurking in human society?

Robbery is a big crime! The punishment is so light!

The scarred man looked surprised, what happened? What Jack said was so wicked...

"What tricks are you doing? Is there something wrong with this box of yours?" Huang Mao asked cautiously.

Ivan said nothing, just looked up at the sky.

Now he has no interest in spoofing these gangsters, and Ivan, who is in a state of spiritual vision, perceives that an extremely powerful guy is marching towards the earth.

That guy was too powerful, and he made no secret of his deeds, which made Ivan not have to perceive it deliberately, but also knew that it was approaching.

"Answer us!" the scarred man snapped. "What did Jack mean! Are you kidding us?"

"Oh, it's him." Ivan looked up at the universe and said to himself.

"Look at that bastard!"

The scarred man waved the gun in his hand: "I limit you...immediately!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard Kucha!

A ray of light like cosmic stardust flashed in the crowd!

"Ivan Jones, I can't go any further!"

With the earth-shattering Miao Miao Divine Voice! The sudden wave of energy drowned everything around!

The gangsters just felt that their eyes were suddenly blinded! Can't see anything! Then came a heat wave! They were all on fire! Instantly turned into fly ash!

When all this happened, the bright starlight converged... The top **** of the universe, Eternal, stood in front of Ivan.

It was the energy formed by its high-speed landing that destroyed everything around it, and inadvertently killed the gangsters.

"I've figured it out." Eternal stared at Ivan Road.

Ivan looked confused, and this guy came too suddenly.

"What did you figure out?"

"I can't let it go any longer, it's my responsibility to deal with that matter." Eternal said slowly.

"Cough... Did you notice that you killed a group of people when you landed?" Ivan reminded Yongdao.

"About the Ultimate Eraser, I still need to use it."

Eternal doesn't take his "sound landing" seriously at all. To him, it's like a human being accidentally stepped on a few ants while walking, and it's not worth mentioning.

Ivan raised his eyebrows: "Don't say anything else, you will come to me next time and do something smaller."

Eternal's landing speed is really fast. Ivan didn't react when he thought that he was doing something else, and Eternal just happened to land in his orchard, so this situation could easily hurt his friends.

"I figured it out, I can no longer be swayed by personal emotions, Ivan, I have to do it... Without me... Without us, the universe will get worse by the day!" Eternal watched Ivan.

Ivan has a black line on his face, did this guy listen to me? I'm talking to you about landing... and you keep talking about figured it out...

And what have you figured out? Hmm...he was very emotional the last time he met me, maybe it has something to do with this?

"I came to you this time... because of two things, both related to the stability of the universe."

Eternal turned his body into the same size as Ivan, he looked at Ivan and continued.

"The **** of blue sky, Ivan, you and I are the top gods of the universe... Both are responsible for the stability of the universe..."

Ivan did not speak, he was listening.

"The universe is fairly stable now, but there are two things in front of us... We have to work together."

Eternally watching the space gem on Ivan's pocket watch.

"Let's talk about me first... You know that I have seven eternal sons, but you may not know... My eldest son, Negative, is an inverse son, an unimaginable alien that has been trying to destroy this universe to create a new one. "

Eternal said: "It represents the desolation, withering, freezing of the universe, I should have wiped it out in this world, but it is special as the eldest son, it has a high-level rule... It can share a source of life with me, kill him , I'll die too...and...it's my son after all

In the past, I just stopped him from one plan after another that was unfavorable to the universe, but I haven't been able to do it."

"Oh." Ivan nodded, indicating that he was listening.

"But the last time I asked you for the ultimate eraser, I really realized that my thinking was too unbearable and did not meet the "righteousness" that the top **** should have."

Yong Yong said: "Now, I have decided to change myself. I will not be soft-hearted. I will no longer abandon the company for personal reasons. I must solve this matter that hangs on me."

He stared at the pocket watch on Ivan's chest.

"Ivan, I only need you to lend me the Ultimate Eraser once! I will use it to erase the rules of negentropy, so that he and I no longer share a source of life, thus ending it forever, okay?"

When he said the last sentence, the sky suddenly snowed, and a cold wind blew across the earth.

The surrounding ground, walls, roof... are gradually covered with a thin layer of ice. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Even Ivan felt a bone-chilling chill!

Immediately afterwards... Ivan noticed that his pocket watch was instantly covered by a layer of frost-white ice!

That ice is no ordinary ice! It isolates all connections between the interior of the gem and the outside world!

"Eternal... It's rare, have you finally decided to attack me... your own son?"

A feminine voice came into Ivan's auricle: "And... I really didn't expect that the ultimate eraser was actually on a mortal in the main universe... preserved by the space gem."

Whoa! The whole earth is covered with a thin layer of ice! Become a hockey puck!

"That's right...I can finally get it too!"

A conceptual body full of white stars suddenly appeared above Ivan and Eternity.

It's just... Negative Entropy!

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