100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 417: kill you in 3 days

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Before Gnar finished speaking, Ivan raised his palm and hit him with a blue light.

咻~bang! The blue energy directly hit Gnar and exploded! The wind is blowing! The strands of white hair snapped in response!

The evil king in front of him, along with his throne, was blasted to pieces!

What missed opportunity? Can spiritual injection be abandoned halfway?

This is not the first time Ivan has encountered this situation. I remember the time when I injected the spiritual gem into the spiritual world, and I was swallowed into the spiritual world, and the current situation is similar to that.

This may also be a world in a bottle, and it may be the body of the Black Death Sword.

It's just... when I just killed the so-called evil king, the resulting picture made Ivan feel a little weird.

He thought that the palm of his hand could blow the enemy into flying ashes... but it exploded into pieces like pieces of paper, and the scene seemed a bit illusory.

--Why is this?

Just as Ivan was thinking, the area in front was twisted for a moment, and the evil king Gnar appeared there again.

"You seem to understand." Gnar said coldly.

Ivan raised his eyebrows, and his spiritual vision was turned on immediately. He observed that Gnar was just a separated spiritual body with a certain amount of energy, not a real body.

"I was kicked into the void when I was fighting the three top gods of the universe. Now I...not in this world."

Gnar looked directly at Ivan: "The reason why I can talk to you now is because I have a spiritual connection with the Black Death Sword, and I can know who is using my sword and how my sword is being manipulated. "

"Oh...you're what Goll said...the evil king who was defeated by the Eternals?"

Godslayer Geer said that when he fused the Black Death Sword, he obtained part of the memory of the former master, and the former master was the evil king Gnar.

He and Ivan talked about the evil king Gnar fighting against the three gods of eternity, annihilation, and infinity at the same time, and he was killed quickly. Ivan remembers it deeply.

"That's right, I was swayed by the weak mind of Geer. I urged him to kill the gods. Every time he killed a god, I used the Black Death Sword to bring his soul into the void to nourish me."

Gnar said: "This made me recover very quickly in the void world. He helped me collect a total of 154 souls, and my injuries were half healed. After a while, I can make a comeback."

Ivan was slightly angry in his heart. It turned out that this Gnar influenced Geer's mind, using him to kill God and then benefit himself.

"So they didn't kill you completely in Eternal?"

"Totally? Haha! They thought they killed me, but they don't know... I am an 'unkillable' existence."

Gnar smiled proudly: "Any fatal injury will make me enter the void to rest... rather than disappear, this is my rule, in this world... I am afraid there is only one thing that can kill me."


"It's okay to tell you, that's something you'll never get, you haven't even heard of it."

Gnar sneered: "It is an ancient artifact that appeared in my era, called the Ultimate Eraser! It is extremely powerful! It has top-level regulations..."

"Is it this?" Ivan took out the Ultimate Eraser and showed it to Gnar.

"Hmm!" Gnar stretched his neck, his scarlet eyes staring at the boss, "You...how could you...how could it be!"

Ivan just looked at Gnar without answering.

"Wait, although the appearance is similar, the body of the Ultimate Eraser is gray...not blue, you are fake!"

Gnar's intuition told him that the blue metal lighter in Ivan's hand was the ultimate eraser!

But it would be terrifying if it were true.

Doesn't that mean that his powerful rules can be erased by this person at will? I rely on advanced rules to eat... The result is someone else's hand?

So intuition about this thing, Gnar chose not to believe it.

"Fake?" Ivan said lightly.

"Yes, of course it's fake...but...but you're very powerful, I can tell from your shot just now."

Gnar turned around and pointed to the wall of space that had been blasted with cracks behind him.

"Although what you just blew up was my insignificant spiritual body, the cracks in the space will not deceive people. It seems that with a little more power, you can blast the 'space in the sword' into a gap."

Ivan put the ultimate eraser back into the space gem, but still didn't speak.

Gnar stared at Ivan and continued: "You know, once I regain my full strength, it is extremely powerful, but I am alone, and with the intervention of several top gods, I can't destroy the universe. System', I need my right arm to fight against the top **** with me."

He pointed to Ivan: "You...will be my very good helper, if you promise to be my subordinate...I can give you the Black Death Sword, it is a very good sword, the more you use it The stronger it is, the stronger it is, I used that sword... to cut off the head of a member of the Celestial Group with one sword."

"Did you make a mistake, your black death sword is already mine, as for you..."

Ivan stared at Gnar: "Kill you within three days."

When he said this, Ivan's clothes automatically rose without wind, and the surrounding space began to crack.

The huge release of psionic energy filled the entire space in an instant! As long as Ivan releases a little more... the space in this sword will be broken by psionic energy!

The background has become blue under full psionic power.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Gnar smiled, but his eyes stared at Ivan fiercely.

- Fuck Fake! This guy really has no hatred with the top god, and it is impossible to become my subordinate.

——And... this guy's words are filled with anger and murderous intent, and he seems to be dissatisfied with me.

Evil King Gnar thought quickly.

——And the point is, I haven't recovered my strength yet, and the Black Death Sword is also in his hands. Judging from the explosive power shown by him now arbitrarily destroying the space in the sword... I can't beat him at all.

The evil king is very strong on his own strength.

- But who am I? I am the evil king Gnar... The king who wants to destroy this universe system and lead the symbiote to dominate the entire universe!

——Although I can't beat him, although his 'Ultimate Eraser' may be real! Although I did panic a bit, but in terms of momentum... I must not lose to him!

- This is a matter of face!

- Kill me in three days? Hehe... I'm hiding in the void world, and he doesn't know how to get through the void passage to come to me.

——As long as I stay in the small world of the void... to talk to him through the Black Death Sword, I can insult him at will and show my prestige!

Boom, thinking... Ivan has broken through the space in the sword and returned to the dark blue dimension.

In front of Ivan... it was still the half-infused Black Death Sword.

"Hehe... You can occupy the Black Death Sword, I can't stop you,"

Black Death Sword made Gnar's voice, "But I will kill you, not today... not tomorrow, one day, your neck will be held high by me with one hand!

Now that you are not by my real body, of course I cannot do anything to you. Once you appear in front of me, I will trample you under my feet every minute! I am the king who can compete with the eternal three gods, you are garbage in front of me! "

Gnar kept verbally insulting Ivan. He was angry and proud. He was angry that the Black Death Sword might not be guaranteed. He was proud that he scolded someone who was stronger than himself...and held the 'Ultimate Wipe'. Remover' guy! And this guy can't help him who is in the 'Void'!

It's like I can scold you at will through the network cable! You can't beat my feelings!

In this way, Ivan finished instilling the Black Death Sword amid the insults, and Gnar's voice suddenly became smaller, but there was still a voice.

Then Ivan tried to get the memory of the former owner sealed in it like 'God Slayer Geer'.

fail! Ivan sensed the 'advanced rules' with Gnar's blessing. In order to obtain Gnar's memory, Gnar himself must agree.

"Hahaha! You actually want to get my memory, do you want to master the way to enter the void through this? Unfortunately, my memory is ultimately mine, and not everyone deserves the memory I seal! That's not for you! "

Gnar laughed proudly: "You said kill me within three days! Don't think about it for the rest of your life!"

success! Ivan, who took out the spirit-infused version of the "Ultimate Eraser", directly erased the advanced rules blessed by Gnar, and successfully obtained the memory!

Afterwards, Ivan used the method of opening the void in Gnar's memory... It took nearly three minutes to use the 'Kucha' to break through the void!

He stepped in...and stood behind Gnar in an instant!

Gnar's body trembled... The insulting voice of Ivan stopped abruptly~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He felt someone behind him!

No way...no way! ?

very scary...

should not be...

Gnar turned his head slowly... his pupils dilated! He saw Ivan! I saw Ivan stretched out his blue hand!

Hands are getting closer! Caught on his skull! ! !

He was petrified! ! !

"No...Didn't you say that within three days...you killed me..."

Gnar's eyes widened... lips trembling!

"Why... how come it's three minutes..."

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