100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 414: The reason the gods must die

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The Desert Iron House of the Godslayer Gol.

The Flame Emperor and Ivan were sitting opposite each other in the room, playing poker.

This is the seventh day that the two have visited Geer's house, and they still haven't seen Geer and his Black Death Sword.

However, Ivan is very patient. Eternal God, the top **** of the universe, once said that Geer’s whereabouts are only in two places. He went to an alien planet to slaughter the gods, and every once in a while, he would return to his hometown, which is the disaster sun star.

Then this iron house, Geer will come back sooner or later.

In the past seven days, Ivan visited the entire disaster sun star and tasted the special food here.

It may be because the previous disaster was too hot. People here especially like to eat frozen cooked food. It is said that every year, more than a thousand people die from stomach diseases caused by frequent consumption of frozen food.

That's the case, people are still happy to eat frozen food for a long time, because eating ice things on the previous planet is so cool and very tempting.

Well now, Ivan moved the sun, and in these seven days, the temperature of the entire Calamity Sun was significantly lower.

And Ivan also created a star that emits cold air to the left of the disaster sun star, and the orbit is around the disaster sun star, so that the planet has both warm and cold seasons.

Yes, Ivan found that he could create extremely cold stars, not because of the ultimate Eradicator alone, but the ultimate Eradicator after the infusion, and the power of the Chill Box after the infusion. Psionic linkage.

Ivan possesses these two powers, and combining these two powers that have undergone spiritual infusion creates an extremely cold energy star.

"You said that God Slaughter Geer, don't you want his house?" The Flame Emperor spread the cards on the table, and he lost again.

Fortunately, the two of them were just having fun and not gambling, otherwise the Flame Emperor felt that he would lose without even his shorts.

"It's not impossible."

Ivan smiled faintly and put the playing cards on the table. He picked up the Coke on the side and took two sips.

"But I still believe the news given by Eternal, it should be accurate."

"Okay." The Emperor Yan raised his head and looked at the Coke Ivan put on the table, "Speaking of which... I also want to drink..."


Ivan opened a portal and put his hand in... He took out a can of Coke from the refrigerator in the New York Orchard home on Earth and threw it to the Flame Emperor.

Looking at the Emperor of Flame who was drinking Coke, Ivan asked with a smile, "Do you think playing cards is boring?"

"It's boring to always lose." Flame Emperor shrugged, "I can play so many games with you entirely because I have the idea of ​​winning a game with you, but I didn't win a game."

"I've always been very good at poker." Ivan laughed.

"I suspect you are cheating, after all..."

boom! Before the flame emperor could finish speaking, the iron door in the house was kicked open!

Standing outside the door... was a white-skinned monster in a jet-black cloak.

The reason why he is called a weirdo is because his skin is quite white... sickly white, his lips are chapped, and in his pale eyeballs, only a sesame-sized eye can be seen.

"who are you?"

The white-skinned geek stared at Ivan and the Flame Emperor, his face was not panicked, obviously he had already sensed that there was someone in this room.

And Ivan speculates that this white-skinned weirdo is the owner of this room-God Slayer Geer!

"God slayer Geer?"

Ivan's eyes glanced down, and he saw a dark dagger attached to the right hand of the white-skinned monster.

The sword had no hilt, and the weirdo seemed to link the sword to his wrist in a special way, that is... He used his wrist as a hilt, and the pitch-black sword seemed to be part of the weirdo's body in front of him. .

This sword, Ivan thinks it is the blade of the Black Death Sword!

The white-skinned man squinted his pale eyes, thinking that the other party knew his name and even his title, then... it was no coincidence that his home was occupied.

"And what about you?" Gerr asked in his hoarse voice.

"It's all because of the fame." Ivan smiled faintly, "I heard that you killed a lot of gods, and there are on every planet."

"That's right."

"Why?" Ivan raised his eyebrows, "Why are you obsessed with killing God."

"Because the world doesn't need gods, gods...bewitching mortals and deceiving beliefs, and when people need them most, all they can get...is despair."

Goll licked his chapped lips. "That's why the gods must die."

"Is there a story in it?"

"What about you, you broke the lock on my door and entered the hall of my house, what do you want to do?"

Geer slowly raised the Black Death Sword a little, and a murderous intent was easily captured by Ivan.

"We are cosmic reporters, and we just want to interview you."

Ivan laughed and said nonsense: "It's a live broadcast now. Your words and deeds are watched by the residents of more than 50 planets!"

"What!?" Geer was taken aback, "Can you be seen by so many people? How did you do it?"

"Technology, don't use your planet's technology to measure us." Ivan smiled.

"Yes...is that so..."

Geer lowered the black death sword: "Then, you want to hear in detail why the gods must die?"

"No... we actually want to hear... the story of the sword on your right hand!" Ivan raised his eyebrows.

"What? You even know the Black Death Sword?" Geer's eyes widened, although his eyes were still only the size of sesame seeds.

The Flame Emperor laughed twice: "Yes, we are cosmic reporters, and we are well informed."

Geer looked around: "So... where is the camera? Is your live camera... invisible?"

"Yes." Ivan nodded.

"Okay, I'll tell the story of my sword."

Gehr's sickly cheeks wriggled: "It's this sword that gave me the ability to slaughter the gods... We have to start from the beginning, and we have to start from the disaster of this planet."

Next, Geer told his resentment. A large-scale fire disaster broke out on this planet before, which was a disaster that caused countless deaths and injuries caused by the sun getting closer to the planet for some reason.

In that disaster, people endured the heat of the disaster and experienced the test of life and death every day, and Geer's family...were weak and could not bear the deterioration of the environment.

So as a believing planet, Gehr began to pray to the gods like everyone else, but the gods did not show up to save his family, so... his relatives died.

And this... he blamed it on the gods!

Coincidentally~www.wuxiamtl.com~When he was devastated...

In the universe, the evil **** of chaos Gnar fought a battle with the three top gods of eternity, infinity and annihilation, and the evil **** Gnar was quickly defeated.

At that time, the weapon 'Black Death Sword' used by the defeated evil **** happened to fall at the door of Calamity Sun Xingger's house.

Gol, who obtained this demon sword, gained powerful power... and the memory of the former owner sealed in the blade.

He decides to use this power...to kill the gods.

"That's why...the gods must die."

Geer stared at Ivan: "Is there anything else you want to ask?"


The flame emperor on the side pointed to Geer's black death sword.

"How much for that sword? Make a price! Ivan bought it!"

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