100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 412: Symbiote debut

Leaving the old nest, none of the gods on both sides dared to stop Ivan, and all the members of the **** group did not understand why Ivan could still walk out of the hall where the 'heaviest man' was alive!

Is the heaviest one already...

With the appearance of the heaviest, the gods gradually understood that the Heavenly Gods group had changed, the power changed, and the judge's policy was no longer the direction of the Heavenly Gods group.

The heaviest one has become the real... the boss of the Tenjin group with both the name and the actual body!

"Goodbye, Ivan Jones."

The heaviest waved to Ivan, and what he had to face next was to rectify the gods and recall the gods outside...to deal with everything that happened recently.


And Ivan and the goddess of death and others converged outside.

After informing a few people of the development of the matter, the Flame Emperor gave a thumbs up.

"As expected of Ivan, even the boss of the **** group will give you face."

"People are obviously cowardly." Dormammu said.

Several people chatted for a while on the **** ship. Since the matter of the gods group was solved perfectly, Tun Xing said that he had to go back.

Ivan nodded, there are feasts all over the world, this time everyone gathered together to solve the difficulties, and everyone should break up and return to life.

It's just that I will go to the 'disaster sun star' in Eternal's mouth, to find the **** slayer... and the blade of the 'black death sword'.

This requires a navigator. After all, Ivan doesn't know which planet is called the 'disaster sun'.

The Flame Emperor said that he knew the planet, it was a very 'hot' planet, and it was a comfortable planet for the Flame Emperor.

As a result, everyone except the Flame Emperor was disbanded, and Dormammu was sent back to the deep blue dimension by Ivan.

Ivan himself also went back to the dark blue dimension with the Flame Emperor.

"Frog map, observers...I have important news for you!"

Ivan hangs high in the deep blue dimension, and his voice resounds throughout the dimension.

Observers ran out of the hut one after another.

"You don't have to be afraid of anything from now on, the outside world is no longer in danger."

Ivan said with a smile: "I talked to the gods and persuaded them to know the truth of peace! Now they regret their previous actions, they have completely withdrawn the order to hunt you down, and they claim to be with you. You will always live in peace!"


"This is real?"

As soon as Ivan finished speaking, the observers exploded the pot, and their eyes were full of joy, disbelief, and excitement.

Does anyone think Ivan is joking? After all, Ivan likes to joke.

Ivan directly created a suspended projection screen, and the screen played the part of the boss of the **** group, the heaviest, loudly announcing peace!

All the observers were boiling for a while! They believed that Ivan didn't tease them this time! My heart is filled with infinite joy and gratitude!

The observers are not fools. They understand more or less that the Celestial Group cannot give up exterminating the observers, especially the judges, just because of a simple 'talk'.

If a simple talk could make peace bloom, then their observers would have taken the initiative to talk.

They know that the **** group is willing to 'peace', it must be because of the person 'Ivan'! They know that there would be no peace without Ivan's efforts!

At this moment, Ivan's status in the hearts of the observers has been infinitely upgraded, this is the matter of the **** group! Even Eternal is unwilling to help them, and will not spend energy to help them!

And Ivan helped, and he helped! Just ask how such Ivan is not loved by observers!

On this day, the observers all wanted to give Ivan something to eat, and they celebrated!

And Ivan felt that the black death sword was not too anxious, so he played with the observers for a few days, and the Flame Emperor was of course very happy! He loves to play! And Jessica and others who were on Earth, and Janata who was on Xandar were also called by Ivan, and everyone celebrated!

I have to say that the observers have a lot of fun. During this time, they have developed a lot of manipulative robots, that is, people who enter the abdomen of the robot and can manipulate the robot.

And their observers use these robots to play outdoor games invented in the early years.

Everyone ate, drank and had fun, and soon spent a few happy days.

On the fourth day, Ivan and the Flame Emperor set off.

He opened a dark blue portal, indicating that observers can go out whenever they want.

Then after explaining to everyone, the two set off for the disaster sun star.

Jessica, Angel, Janata and others actually wanted to go with them, but according to the Flame Emperor, Calamity Sun Star was too hot to be used as a tourist attraction, and the human body was not suitable for frequent interstellar travel.

Janata is not a human body, but because of her pregnancy, her body is often uncomfortable, and she is not suitable for interstellar travel.

So Ivan didn't take them this time.


After a long interstellar journey, Calamity Sun is already within sight of Spirit Vision!

It was... a planet with a hot, steaming surface, and beside it, a large, hot star was quite close.

No wonder it is called disaster sun star, so close to the sun... can it not be hot?


"Kill! Hahahaha!"

The disaster sun star, on a street with yellow sand everywhere and residential buildings on both sides.

A creature covered in scarlet with two big white eyes and no eyes on its face is running on the street, slashing residents and hunting the superhero of the disaster sun.

He shouted kill! While turning his hand into an axe, he cut open the skull of the superhero 'Cold Face Man' in front of him.

Immediately, blood and brains surged, the cold-faced man fell to the ground, and was slaughtered with another axe... Broken neck!


The wild laughter was unbridled, causing the legs of the government-level heroes of the Sun Star to go weak!

So far, this beast has killed nearly 2,000 civilians and 28 heroes.

This scarlet humanoid beast is the first-line villain of Marvel · Symbiote · Slaughter.

"Tell you! If it weren't for the heat of this land~www.wuxiamtl.com~ affecting my performance, I would have killed all of you!" Massacre grinned.

While laughing, he threw out the short axe he had turned into in his hand, with a swoosh! The axe blade is embedded directly into a hero's face.

With the blood rushing, the hero fell on the spot and greeted death.

"But fortunately, you are too weak, so weak that you can be killed by me wantonly."

"God! Please guide us!" A middle-aged hero with a beard knelt on the ground, folded his hands, and prayed to the sky, hoping that the gods could save them.

Yes, this is a planet where most people believe in gods, and even though gods never help them with their heat problems because of their prayers, they still pray to gods tirelessly!

"God? There is no **** in this world... Even if there is, I can't hear your cry for help!"

Slaying smiled and walked towards the kneeling middle-aged man step by step, and at this moment... the hot weather suddenly cooled down, and a blue figure appeared in the sky!

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