100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 406: oppression

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The Tenjin Group, the core and inner core area of ​​the old nest.

A celestial **** whose main body armor is red, with white lines as a secondary color is sitting next to the observation instrument... checking the 'accidents' that happened in the edge area.

Its face armor is red, dotted with six white horizontal stripes, making it difficult to tell whether it has six eyes or no eyes.

This is Judge Arisse, the leader of the Celestial Gods.

Its status may not be the highest in the entire Celestial group, but in the old lair...he is supreme.

Even the gods of the new nest have to listen to his dispatch.

In name, it is a judge, ranking below the real boss of the **** group, the 'heaviest person'. In fact, its authority is already the highest in the entire **** group, and it is responsible for dispatching all the **** groups to perform tasks.

Once there is a planet that other members of the Celestial Group cannot see, it is responsible for making a judgment on whether those visited races and planets... are eligible to continue to exist.

If not, it will send out the 'God Eradicator' to raze the planet to the ground and wipe out the races on it.

The verdicts of extinction it has issued so far... have been countless.

Especially after it recently replaced the Tenjin group with the "boutique policy", more species that it thinks should be eliminated... have been sent to extinction by it.

And those races that it looks at... are asked by it to 'super reproduction' and 'accelerate reproduction', and even it will ask a species to expand to other species' planets.

This is the universe **** group, the gardeners in the universe, all the planets and races are just plants in their eyes, and they take pride in cultivating good plants.

And about the 'judge' and the 'heaviest'.

The status of these two gods in the group of gods is equivalent to a prime minister with power and power, such as Zhuge Liang of the Liu Chan group during the Three Kingdoms period... that's the kind of position.

It's whatever Judge Arisse says.

And the 'heaviest one' is equivalent to Liu Chan, who is the emperor but doesn't care about anything, just has fun at home...enjoy...

The heaviest is also the most emotional of all the members of the **** group... the **** with the most emotional fluctuations.

At this moment, Judge Arisse, who is 1,000 meters tall, is sitting on a giant mechanical chair that fits his body. He shifted his gaze from the screen of the observation instrument to another **** who was 500 meters tall.

"Calculator Naizal, can you give specific data?"

The judge didn't make a sound, it was almost communicating with the 'Calculator Naizal' next to him with his mind.

In fact, the Tenjin group does not like to communicate information in a vocal way, and their internal communication is almost always through this silent way.

Only when emotionally affected by external influences, or in 'special circumstances' will they communicate with the voice body.

"There are seven lifeforms fighting against us."

The Calculator, Naizal, conveys a message to the judge: "It contains the Goddess of Death, the Devourer of Planets, and two of her subordinates."

It stretched out its fingers and pointed at the stills of Dormammu and of Ivan and Nemesis on the screen.

"The origins of these three are not very clear. According to preliminary estimates, this person should be a variant of a magical creature from another dimension. I think it is more likely to be Dormammu."

Naizal pointed to the image of Ivan and continued to analyze: "This is the original form of the opponent's light body. He is very powerful... and has a special energy to protect him. Our equipment cannot scan him regularly."

The judge did not respond, and his silence indicated receipt.

Then, a series of analytical data is generated in its mind.


【Name: Dormammu】

[Strength Rating: Weak]

[Damage caused to oneself at present: None]

[Threat level: no threat]


【Name: Purple Power Woman】

[Strength Rating: Very Strong]

[Damage caused to oneself at present: 2 kills, 1 serious injury, 1 minor injury]

[Threat Level: Moderate Threat]


【Name: Flame Emperor】

[Strength Rating: Weak]

[Current damage to oneself: Auxiliary purple power woman inflicts scratch 1]

[Threat level: almost no threat]


【Name: Stardust】

[Strength Rating: Normal]

[Current losses to oneself: Scratches 2, Minor injuries 1]

[Threat Level: Low Threat]


【Name: Goddess of Death】

[Strength Rating: Very Strong]

[The losses caused to oneself at present: 1 kill, 1 serious injury, and use the heart to master the goddess of nemesis many times. 】

[Threat Level: Moderate Threat]


【Name: Swallowing Star】

[Strength Rating: Very Strong-Extremely Strong]

[Current losses to oneself: 8 kills, 11 serious injuries, 1 minor injuries]

[Threat Level: Severe Threat]


[Name: Self-reported Ivan Jones]

[Strength rating: impossible to estimate]

[The current losses to one's own side: 24 kills, 38 serious injuries, no minor injuries, of which the 'Destroyer God' was instantly killed by a single blow! 】

[Threat: immeasurable! 】

After observing the precise data provided by Naizal, the judge's face moved.

Its six white-striped eye mechanisms glow white.

—Ivan Jones?

Slowly getting up, its height of 1,000 meters makes Naizal, who is 500 meters away, look as short as a dwarf!

Its anger cracked the metal walls of the entire inner core.

"Maybe...I'll have to go there myself."


boom! boom! Boom!

The universe is booming! Ivan's countless celestial groups are head-to-head!

The collision of the crystal-purple flame and the yellow-white celestial energy caused the surrounding to be shocked. Although countless enemies have been wiped out... But the celestial group who came to reinforce seems like there is no end!

Whoa! A one-eyed **** group is approaching! It is the eradicator who specializes in fighting and clearing! And even among the 'eradicators', they are among the best!

It took advantage of Ivan's inattentiveness and went around behind him!


A powerful punch swept away the nearby cosmic medium and blasted straight into the giant's flame!

However, it didn't hit the 'Ivan body~www.wuxiamtl.com~' which was in the center of the flame giant. Ivan's attention was completely attracted by the one-eyed god. He turned around with the flame giant, and his eyes swept directly to One-eyed god.

That gaze... as vast as the universe itself, the powerful sense of oppression... suffocated the one-eyed **** at this moment.

It's not that the Celestials are timid, and none of the Celestials are timid.

Just in this second, the one-eyed **** really felt that every inch of energy in his body trembled under the giant's turn!

Ivan killed too many! No **** would face the flame giant without trembling after witnessing the power of the flame giant! That is simply a killer!

Everyone killed is the **** group!

For many years...no one can do it...

Do it to smash the Cosmic Gods into pieces like Chinese cabbage!

It simply does not look like a creature born in this universe!

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