100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 403: Tricky and Destroyed

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The white awn spreads out and turns into a huge column of energy, and the great cosmic force bombards the body of the Heavenly God member on the left with all its strength!

The roar covered the sound of the explosion, and with a muffled hum, the 400-meter Tianshen team member split his chest! The whole body was knocked upside down and flew out!

At the same time, in the process of flying upside down... the cosmic beam of light gradually penetrated into the chest of this **** member, and penetrated through!


On the other side, grasped by the heart released by the goddess of death, ignoring the laws of physics and magic, it directly pinched on the inner core of the members of the **** group on the right.

A huge force was exerted internally by the goddess of death, and the attack of the member of the gods was stagnant for a second, and only this second...

Let the goddess of nemesis's attack 'infinite power' bombard it all.

That was the power of the Power Gem, it shone with purple light in the body of the Nemesis, and the powerful energy exploded outside the body of this goddess member!

Immediately, every inch of metal on the body of the Tenjin members was blown open inside!

It stands to reason that with the strength of this member of the Heavenly God Group, it is not worth the five gems Thanos, and he will not be afraid of people who only hold a power gem.

But the power gem in the hands of the goddess of nemesis and the power gem in the hands of Thanos are not at the same level.

No one understands gems better than Nemesis, because the gem itself is a split from the original full-body Nemesis, and she knows how to maximize the power of gems.

And now the gem is infused...but the Nemesis is infused at the same time.

This led to the power of the spirit-infused power gem itself to a higher level, and the use of the goddess of nemesis to increase the power, and the power of the layers was doubled!

Just hear the bang! The members of the Tianshen group on the right died in response!

This all happened in a short period of time, and the two left and right members of the gods were defeated at almost the same time!

Dormammu's eyes widened, looking at the scene in front of him, feeling that there are too many bigwigs in this world...

At the beginning, I was thinking of defeating Ivan, but now it seems that I am afraid that even Ivan's friends can't defeat it.

What devours the multiverse? Rely on... This goal now seems to be much more difficult than I imagined!

And...why do I even think about the word 'devour the multiverse'? Obviously my dark space is gone!

Dormammu thought so, but he breathed a sigh of relief for a while.

Fortunately, my dark space is gone. Otherwise, if there is a dark space, I will definitely be tempted by ambition... I can't stop thinking about it...

And once I have a bad idea and put it into action... I'm afraid...

The dark space is gone, and my addiction is also quit... I just live as a salted fish without a sense of existence, watching these big guys fight... It seems not bad!


The 'Flame Emperor' who was rescued by Xingchen laughed loudly: "The so-called **** is nothing more than that, just being careless, I shouldn't be close, as long as I use long-range attacks to defeat him from a distance like you guys, It's my negligence, it's my negligence."

"With all due respect, just relying on your strength..." Dormammu was not used to seeing the Flame Emperor, and said directly, "I'm afraid even other people's armor can't be penetrated."

"With my little power? Did I show my power before?" The Flame Emperor stared at Dormammu, "Do you know how high my temperature is?"

Dormammu sneered: "No matter what you say, you just lay on the ground and smashed the deck."

"Even if I'm lying on the ground, I have the courage to rush up! I was the first to get up, right? This shows that I have the courage and confidence, and you? You didn't dare to shoot from the beginning to the end! Coward!" The Flame Emperor sneered.

"You!" Dormammu was speechless, as if that was the case.

I was indeed frightened by the members of the Tenjin group... I didn't dare to make a move...

In such a comparison, it seems that the only flame emperor who is weaker than himself has the courage to explode himself!

——I...I am Dormam...I'm useless...

"Flame Sovereign." Tun Xing said coldly.


"Next time before Ivan starts, don't break out the fight without authorization." Tun Xing said to the Emperor Yan in the tone of an unquestionable eldest brother.

"Okay, okay, I know."

The Flame Sovereign stroked his bronze-colored body. To be honest, the casual palm of the Heavenly God member... he felt a little pain when he patted it.

"Everyone's doing a good job." Ivan smiled faintly, and the three of Zhao Tunxing, the Goddess of Death, and the Goddess of Nemesis gave a thumbs up.

And the Flame Emperor quickly flashed to the goddess of nemesis and greeted Ivan's thumb proudly, as if Ivan was giving him a thumbs up!

"This barrier is in front of us now." Tun Xing said coldly, "I just analyzed the hardness of this barrier. If I hit it with all my strength, it should be able to knock it open."

"You can't use a bull's knife to kill chickens, such barriers... leave it to me!"

The Flame Emperor smiled heartily, and the whole person turned into a fiery man, flying directly to the front of the orange barrier.

His right fist is clenched! A high temperature far exceeding the conventional flame erupted! Even the high temperature has to melt the Arctic glaciers!

"Break it for me!"


The Flame Emperor... was shot and flew out!

His flames went out... he fell on the deck and rolled over a dozen times... and then white smoke rose from his body...

The six people glanced at the Flame Emperor, and Tun Xing sighed. He raised his palm and was about to use the power of the universe to break the wall, but was stopped by the goddess of death.

"I know the barrier," she said.

"Know what?" Tun Xing asked.

"It is a protective barrier set up on the periphery of the **** group in the late stage. It is supplied by many **** members of the old nest... It has a special toughness." The goddess of death said.

"Special toughness?" Nemesis raised her eyebrows, thinking what word is this?

The goddess of death nodded and explained.

"Yes, this barrier can reflect any power mixed with energy, which means that the attack of the energy system is completely immune to it. For example, 'fire' is energy."

After a pause, the goddess of death continued: "But it has a big flaw, that is, it is afraid of pure physical attacks. Of course... even pure physical attacks must be strong enough, at least it can be broken. The level of three times the vibration gold."

After the goddess of death said this, everyone stared at it for a while, pure physical attack?

The big cosmic power that swallows stars, needless to say, must be an energy system.

Flame King, Dormammu, and Stardust are all energy-related.

The death ball of the goddess of death is an energy type, and although the heart mastery is not an energy type... but a special type, but think about it... a barrier... where does the heart or core come from for her to pinch?

And Nemesis's power gem~www.wuxiamtl.com~ is also a purple energy attack.

Even Ivan himself, psionic energy is also a kind of energy!

In other words, the seven people, including Ivan, are all energy-related! No one is good at physical attacks!

Ivan blinked, powerful physical attack? It seems that the powerful characters in Marvel are all energy-based...

Speaking of a character known for his powerful physical attacks, this can only remind Ivan of Superman in the DC universe for the first time. That guy is really a pure physical attack.

Having said that, the Hulk is also a pure physical attack...is it just powerful enough?

These thoughts flashed through Ivan's mind, and Ivan felt very troublesome.

Immediately, he took out the artifact in the space gem - the ultimate eraser!

"It's too tricky, let me erase its rules!"

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