100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 399: Light flame giant

Latest website: After Xie Kuo was thrown out, the mechanical door slowly opened, and Kang the Conqueror walked in.

"Leader, what's the result?"

"The people who come to negotiate on the other side are very stubborn and very superstitious about their 'creator'."

Ivan smiled and said, "It seems that we have to show them something."

Conqueror Kang smiled and raised a finger: "My giant virtual projection device has been installed in Temple No. 4 these days. Would you like to try it?"

Temple No. 4, the spaceship that Ivan is currently in, is one of the secondary ships held by Thanos. Its size is not as large as Temple No. 2, but it is still very stylish.

Of course, Thanos' spaceship...is Ivan's spaceship.

And the "giant virtual projection" that Kang the Conqueror said was naturally the bluffing thing he did when he invaded New York.

"You actually do these useless things." Ivan said helplessly.

At this time, Ivan's quantum entanglement phone suddenly vibrated violently.

He picked it up and saw that the person who initiated the contact was Thanos.


on the other hand.

Monostar, the periphery of the United Nations.

The magnificent metal city wall emits a bright yellow light, and it is covered with red high-power turrets.

The city wall is the outer umbrella of the entire central area, and the central area is where the important people of Mono Planet live.

At this moment, in a raised red fort... a conference room...

The top centurion director of Monostar's top legion narrowed his eyes, holding a fine broadcast device in his hand.

The previous conversation with Ivan was completely broadcast to everyone in the conference room through this device.

For a while, the sixty-three major high-level executives in the conference room were discussing each other.

The great dictator Yelou said coldly: "I thought that their supreme leader, Ivan Jones, might be more sensible than that conqueror Kang, but obviously, he looks down on the creators even more."

"And according to the laws of Monostar." The deputy commander said coldly, "Contempt or any expression of disrespect for the 'creators' must be punished by skinning."

"Yes, maybe this is a necessary war. Now the fleet of these aliens is parked over the south. We should launch a stealth surprise attack to knock them all down."

An old blue-skinned man said: "Flay that Ivan Jones, so the 'creators' will be very happy."

"Very good, most centurion director."

The great dictator looked at the middle-aged man with the broadcasting device in his hand: "How's the energy reserve of your top legion?"

"Unfortunately, half of my troops have not returned yet. The resistance of Maga planet is very fierce. It is said that there is a guy named Thanos who helped Maga planet resist us, which made our reproduction and colonization operations run into difficulties."

The centurion director said coldly: "Don't forget, if we cannot independently seed a resident planet within a year, then we will be looked down upon by the great creators."

Yes, at present, the top level of Mono Planet has launched the first step of their super life plan. They have sent half of the army to a resident planet called Maja, intending to **** the women on the planet to bring their race genes. Spread quickly.

And that planet was also arrived by Thanos, the director of Ji Yu.


The great dictator mused: "The situation we are facing now may require more troops."

"Don't worry...don't underestimate the strength of my top legion, even now..."

The centurion director sneered: "It's more than enough to peel off that Ivan Jones."

Boom! The voice just fell... A loud bang erupted outside!

I saw a giant covered in blue flames falling from the sky outside the central area of ​​Mono Star... smashing the city wall!

Even the red turrets on the city wall were destroyed in a row!

The blue-light giant is about 500 meters high, and its whole body emits a scorching high temperature! The temperature in the central area of ​​the entire Mono UN has risen by 30 degrees!

Luckily, they are extremely racially adaptable, as Sing Kuo said.

But obviously not at the level of being able to dance in the flames, because many people...were sweating.

The flame giant... it is Ivan, in the center of the giant's body... it is Ivan who controls the actions of the giant.

Psionic energy is flame... linking every inch of Ivan's skin.

The sound of the sound and the appearance of the giant alarmed all the nearby Mono star people, including Xie Kuo, who had just returned to the central area in a small aircraft, and couldn't help but look up at the giant!

It also includes all the high-level Monostars. Although they are not outdoors, they can see what is happening outside through the big screen.

"What is that...is that...the Creator?"

Si Kuo, who was standing on the ground outside, was stunned. Such a thought flashed in his mind for the first time, but the thought only remained in his mind for two seconds before disappearing.

This Big Blue...was different in appearance and features...from any creator he had ever seen before.

And...the giant came up and destroyed their walls! This is not something that a creator who loves them wholeheartedly can do!

"You...what are you!?"

Xie Kuo shouted, and then he understood that with his own voice, how could the flame giant in the distance be able to hear it?

Immediately, he ran all the way and took out the KS2 super-magnification amplifier from the small aircraft!

boom! At this time, the giant of light kicked the entire metal city wall into flames! That's right... the metal is burning!

Xie Kuo hurriedly shouted into the loudspeaker!

"Who are you? What do you want to do? I'm... I'm the leader of the Monopoly United Nations Supreme Corps! Stop your sabotage immediately!"

"Oh, we meet again, Sang Kuo."

Ivan's majestic and indifferent voice spread throughout the planet.

"Wh... what are we meeting again, have we... met before?" Xie Kuo asked loudly with a loudspeaker.

"Of course..."

The flame giant said: "I am... Ivan Jones."

In the entire central area, a blue sea of ​​fire was formed.

"What...what, are you..."

Just before, Ivan received a detailed report from Thanos, roughly that the top legion of Mono Planet killed 100,000 men in Magaxing, and successfully raped and seeded thousands of women.

And thousands of women were killed and injured in the process.

The news was outrageous and made Ivan clench his fists!

"Tell me, where your decision makers are now."

Whoa! With voice! The hot blue sea of ​​fire swept over! Just surround the scorpion in the middle!

The flames baked Sang Kuo's face, and his heart was beating violently. Sang Kuo had no doubt that as long as the flaming giant thought about it, he would be engulfed by the sea of ​​fire in the next second!

"In... over there... that bulging... red fort..." He instinctively told the whole truth, hoping that the surrounding flames wouldn't do anything to him...

But in the next second ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Gwanghae buried him and burned him to ashes in just one second.

Da Da Da Da! Thousands of weapons extended from the large red fortress body, and for a while, missiles and energy rays blasted towards the giant!

And under the brilliance of the giant's body, those Galway weapons seemed like a joke! I saw the giant lifted his hand, and five blue mini-planets were born out of thin air above the red fortress!

The God of Blue Creation - Ivan Jones!

I saw those blue stars spinning wildly in the process of being born... getting bigger and bigger, and then all of a sudden they fell and smashed into the fortress!


A series of roars that shattered the eardrums, the red fortress and the surrounding area instantly turned to ashes, and only five connected dark blue pits were left with curling blue smoke!

In the red fortress... The sixty-three high-level Monostars that were discussed more than just now were also collectively annihilated.

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