100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 390: Ivan's Plan (Part 1)

A 'bad' aura pervaded Ivan's main orchard.

The corners of Hela's mouth were slightly raised, and she saw Lorelai who closed the notebook.

"The Siren Banshee? What an ancient species, I didn't expect that this kind of scourge can still be seen..."

She raised her head slightly and looked directly at Lorelai: "Do you want to work for me?"

Saul staggered to his feet and rushed towards Hela's back.

And Hela didn't look back, just raised her elbow and slammed it back, directly on Sol's chin, and then a sword was born in her hand, which pierced Sol's waist and reached his kidney.

Swish! As the blade was drawn out, a little blood splashed out, and this combination of blows directly knocked Saul's Deng Deng Deng back three steps, and he was half-kneeling on the ground.

Hela smiled slightly, her domineering hand leaked, and Lorelai's eyes widened.

She knows Saul's strength. If you don't need to be charmed, it is an existence that hangs her.

He wields Thor's hammer and is an extremely powerful warrior...

But now... Thor's Hammer?

Why doesn't he use his hammer?

Lorelei was puzzled.

But it was obvious that Sol and this woman were not in the same group. He couldn't beat this woman and was beaten while hanging.

It is true that Hela's power comes from the entire Asgard. The stronger and more stable Asgard is, her power is infinite, as Odin said.

Having said that, now a question is placed in front of Lorelai. How should she respond when such a powerful woman says, "Do you want to serve me?"

"Who are you?" she asked.

At this time, Angel, Karen, Banner and others heard the movement of the Rainbow Bridge and walked out of the Zhenjin house one after another.

And Jessica is currently back in the Clinton administration to help the police investigate a group of criminal gangs, not in the orchard.

"Hella." Hela smiled and introduced herself, "The Lord of the Underworld, the current Queen of Asgard."

"No one will admit you!" Sol gritted his teeth.

"Really?" Hela turned her head slightly and glanced back with her eyes, "Very good, Sol, I won't kill you, I will let you see that scene, and everyone will surrender to me."

"Where did the old woman come from? What are you talking about?"

Angel was wearing a purple sweater with his hands in the pockets of his jeans and said lightly, "Do you know..."

Huh! Before Angel finished speaking, a silver thorn that was almost invisible was thrown out of Hela's hand and pierced through Angel's abdominal muscles.

"Hmm." Angel was in pain, kneeling on the ground clutching his stomach.

"Angel!" Karen looked at Angel's momentum with concern, and so did Banner.

But I saw Angel wave his hand: "It's not in the way!"

"Mortal, when you meet me, you should kneel down!"

Hela's eyes flashed, and two silver thorns flew out one after another, one stabbed into Karen's knee and the other into Banner's knee.

Karen knelt down, but Banner's body turned green and bigger!

Roar! The Invincible Hulk roared and rushed towards Hela! The fist style is mixed with green shadows! boom!

But Hela took it with one hand.

Bang bang bang bang bang! boom!

Hella is back! The Hulk was thrown left and right, dizzy.

At this moment, the light yellow superpower ball condensed by Angel hit Hela!

"This is incredible."

Hela raised her eyebrows and threw Hulk's huge body at the incoming superpower ball with a single throw!

boom! The Hulk not only blocked the super power ball for her, but also smashed Angel to the ground!

Chu Chu Chu! At this time, all the robots mobilized their machine guns from their arms and focused fire on Hela! However, those bullets were thrown away when they hit Hela's body, which was of no use at all!

Boom! Ultron flew from the sky and shot a row of blue flame bullets in his hand, which was swept into ashes by Hela's palm.

"They are your saviors? Which of them is Ivan?" Hela smiled faintly, obviously speaking to Sol.

Saul looked bewildered, what about Ivan? Where has Ivan gone?

Of course, Ivan is still bathing in the volcano, but he hasn't come back!

And Ultron... In the less than two minutes of confrontation, it thought about whether it wanted to notify Ivan.

For so many days, Ultron has dealt with countless troubles by himself.

It never wanted to trouble Ivan, so some troubles were solved by it even before Ivan got the news.

But now the situation...


The edge of the Stromboli crater.

Ivan is wearing clothes, this magma bath is really comfortable~!

It felt like the muscles and bones of the whole body were light and fluttering.

At this moment, Ivan's quantum entangled mobile phone vibrated.

Immediately, Ultron's voice came over.

"Sir, a vicious woman has invaded your orchard."

"A vicious woman?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, sir, I can't solve it." Ultron said, "Her body is so hard that she can't even penetrate a superspeed bullet, and she even cracked my new weapon with a wave of her hand. Paralyzed... wait, sir! She seems to have lost interest in us and is about to evacuate!"


With that said, Ivan turned into a meteor... and hit the orchard in a single thought.

Ivan first saw that Angel, Karen, and Banner were all injured, but they were all minor and not serious.

Seriously, Ultron, it became a pile of scrap iron, paralyzed to the ground.

A green portal slowly closed, and Hela's back only remained for a second.

She left and took Sol and Frigga back to Asgard~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Angel breathed heavily and briefly told Ivan the matter.

——Hella? I didn't expect it...she still came out.

——That Odin...

"By the way, Ivan, she took Saul away!" Angel said quickly.

"Well, I see." Ivan nodded.

——Meow, I just took a shower, and such a big thing happened!

At this time, Ivan was thinking, should he transfer the Goddess of Death or the Fire Emperor and others to his orchard?

Angel, Karen, Ultron, Banner, and Lorelei in the orchard right now. The five of them will indeed be hanged and beaten when they encounter someone like Hela.

After all, they're not at the same level, but if Hela is a man, it's okay to say, Lorelei is a man's nemesis...

Thinking so, Ivan decided to let the 'Goddess of Death', one of the top gods in the universe, live in his home in the future.

Who dares to look for trouble when I'm not around?

But Hela's words... Ivan was bored, so he decided to accompany her to have a good time~!

He already has a... diabolical plan!


Asgard, the teleportation room.

Heimdall... Thor collapsed to the ground.

"Heimdall, I have a question for you," Thor said.

"What?" Heimdall's voice was thick.

"My mother asked you to send me to Ivan's house. You know we need Ivan's assistance, but Ivan... doesn't seem to be at home?" Sol asked.

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