100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 386: Doctor Doom (Part 1)

After returning to Earth, Ivan found in the state of spiritual vision that the world was filled with a cool blue-blue color.

And when the spiritual vision state is turned off, this blue tone is not obvious, but it still exists.

This is because the sunlight first passes through the 'Blue Star 1' and then transmits it to the earth.

Although the tone does not look so warm, it actually feels much better than the previous experience, because the sunlight and the light of the blue star cross the human body, which is very comfortable!

This has led to humans prefer to be in the sun in the future, but in the past, after people were exposed to the sun for a long time, the skin generally produced melanin and turned black.

Now somehow, prolonged exposure to the sun...the skin turns blue!

But even so, there are still many people who love to bask in the sun. They lie on the beach and enjoy the blue light bath.

Scientists were amazed at this phenomenon, and astronomers explained that it was caused by the birth of a small star covered in blue flames in front of the sun.

They couldn't explain the origin of this planet, how it was born, but said it was a miracle.

The famous cosmologist James Peebles said that this is not in line with his previous published theory of the birth cycle of planets, saying that the universe is far more mysterious than human imagined, and human beings need to overthrow some of the existing incorrect science.

"Placed in front of mankind...is the endless unknown."

Peebles said so.


Ivan was thinking, it would be great if the 'Ultimate Eraser' could create a planet suitable for life to live in, so that one could be created next to the earth to allow the earth to immigrate.

It's a pity that the ultimate eraser can only create stars after being infused, and it is impossible for this thing to live in people, just like the sun can't live in people.


The next day, hell.

Ivan came here to visit the Fantastic Four and brought a bunch of food.

Johnny is healthy under Mephisto's care and has recovered from surgery.

A few people chatted for a while, and Ivan asked if they wanted to return to the first inner universe.

"Of course."

Reed said without hesitation, "We need us there."

"Yes, we need us." Johnny said the same.

The words are synonymous with different meanings. Johnny's thoughts are different from Reed's. He is thinking that this universe is too terrifying.

Originally, in their first inner universe, there were no superheroes, and their Fantastic Four were the only cool existences! Loved by the world!

If there are so many superpowers living in this universe, wouldn't no one think that they are cool and powerful?

He was right in his thinking. In this world, the guy who can get on fire is not very prominent, because just the 'Flame Emperor' can give him the Torch.

The same is the 'flame ability'. The Flame Emperor is top-notch. If he can mix in the universe, his Human Torch will definitely not work.

Although the Flame King was also beaten by a certain Groot Tree King...


A portal opened when Ivan raised his hand.

This portal was opened directly to the place where Ivan had been before the inner universe... that is, the street where the riot occurred at that time.

And as the portal opened, there was a 'fierce explosion' coming out.

"What's the situation?" Human Torch Johnny frowned.

At the same time Johnny asked, but listened to the shouting inside.

"Reed, if you don't come out again, it will be the citizens of New York who will bear my anger!"

"There is a situation, it's Doom!" Reid said, rushing directly into the portal.

The Thing, Johnny, and Susan follow!

Ivan was stunned for a moment - as expected, New York in their world... is not very peaceful.


Sparks burst out from the streets at night, and a man in green clothes and a metal mask generated electricity with his hands.

The neighborhood was devastated and devastated, with sirens all around, and incapacitated law enforcement officers everywhere.

"If you don't want to die, just find the Fantastic Four for me."

Doom's voice carried a strong BOSS aura, and at the same time, it was not difficult to hear the deep bitterness and hatred mixed in it.

Ivan, who was watching this scene in another universe, immediately understood who it was.

Before he crossed over, he had a certain interest in the Marvel character Doctor Doom, and knew him quite well. In the movie Fantastic Four, this Doom also appeared.

Doom has a strong personal grudge with the Fantastic Four. He was accidentally stabbed by Reed because of the space station problem, which resulted in disfigurement and ruined his bright future.

In addition, his ex-girlfriend, the invisible girl Susan, was kidnapped by Reed, which led to a great relationship between him and the Fantastic Four.

He wanted to take revenge, to launch unilateral revenge on the Fantastic Four, and now destroying the streets... is just a means of drawing out the Fantastic Four.


It is not the first time that Doum in this first inner universe has fought against the Fantastic Four.

Last time, he wore metal armor and released dark magic in his hands. He fought the Four Heroes in a majestic three-hundred round, and was finally defeated by Reed's newly developed black technology weapon.

In the end, Doom escaped. He seriously realized that his strength was insufficient and he needed to further develop his armor, so he found a hidden place to work hard...

But just a while ago, Doom suddenly realized... that he couldn't use dark magic anymore!

It was too sudden, without any warning!

Doom found that the magic that he casted using the experience of casting black magic in his memory turned white!

Quite strange, he had no idea why.

Of course he couldn't think of it... This is because the source of magic in the first inner universe is taken from the main universe, and the source of black magic in the universe~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The dark space has been infused by Ivan! Become a white light space!

In other words, this situation is due to Ivan.

He and Ivan did not know each other and were shot while lying down.


If this happened to Casillas, it would be fine. After all, Casillas is mediocre, and he doesn't know what to do when he encounters such a thing as dark magic mutation.

But who is he Doom? He is Doctor Doom, a genius-level character who knows how to become stronger. He is often contaminated with various great powers in comics and becomes extremely perverted.

In terms of borrowing power, he is more exaggerated than Thanos.

Doom, who lost his dark magic, was not discouraged by the sudden change. On the contrary, he thought it might be a turning point.

So he spent a lot of time, day and night, studying his abilities, constantly trial and error, and finally developed his new power!

Now he is stronger than ever!


With the appearance of Reed and the other three heroes, the battle was about to break out.

"You finally showed up, Reed."

"Dum, we are just personal grudges, but you have repeatedly endangered the safety of the people."

Reed stretched out like rubber and punched Doom in the face, only to see Doom wave one hand and say loudly.

"Stop talking nonsense, and see my new power!"

The words fell... A blue-white light suddenly appeared!

Seeing this, Ivan's pupils shrink slightly...

Is that... psionics?

No...probably not!

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