100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 383: Invincible swallow star

Ivan was stunned.

--what's the situation? Janata... just spoke to my father?

"Ivan... Is it the Whole Day?"

Janata looked at Ivan blankly, this expression was infected by Ivan, and was exactly the same as Ivan.

"No, I didn't make any jokes, I just..."

Ivan stunned and said: "I did see it... or... can you contact Tun Xing again?"


Janata nodded, walked to the desk, picked up the quantum entanglement landline, and selected the button on it.

Soon, the virtual projection of the swallowing star appeared.


"What's wrong... daughter?" Tun Xing opened his arms in the universe... while swallowing his psionic energy, he asked.

"No... nothing, check if you still... still... um! That's it!"

After Janata finished speaking, she was about to hang up the link. Tun Xing understood her daughter and quickly asked, "What else? Tell me what's wrong!"

Half the talk, isn't this appealing?

"Still... alive..." Janata said under questioning.

Tun Xing's face turned dark: "..."

——Are you the one who cursed to be a father like that?

Then Janata hung up the connection.


Janata looked sideways at Ivan, showing an expression of 'you don't believe it yet'.

"Yes...is that so..."

At this time, although Ivan was very puzzled as to why the swallowing star was like a normal person, he felt a sense of relief for no reason!

Both body and mind relaxed.

"That's great."

"The guy you called the rune...has been sanctioned..." Janata asked.

"Well, it was destroyed by me."

Ivan smiled and said, "I'll go see your father first!"

Huh, Ivan flew through the roof to the sky... Then he broke through the atmosphere and reached the universe in an instant!

The piercing through the roof refers to the 'physical wall penetration technique', that is, recovery after piercing.

After a moment of searching, in the universe full of spiritual energy, the figure of swallowing stars has been discovered by Ivan.

At this moment, the swallowing star is actually doing research on a mini planet the size of one percent of the moon!

He moved his former research base and the planet here!

"Well... Ivan, you're here."

Tun Xing raised his head, the vision of the universe made him quickly discover the existence of Ivan.

At this time, Ivan's brain was running fast, and he took a while to think about why 'Swallowing Star' was still alive.

If it wasn't Tengxing who died, who would it be?

Soon there was a guess in Ivan's heart.

——The rune... It's true that it killed the swallowing star.

——However, it was not the swallowing star in front of him that was killed, but the swallowing star in the first inner layer of the universe where the Fantastic Four were!

The reason for his guess is very simple. He remembered that in the movie "Fantastic Four 2", Star Swallow appeared as the main BSS!

As Ivan guessed before, there is Quicksilver in the movie X-Men series, so there will be an extra Quicksilver in the second inner universe, and the same is true for swallowing stars!

There are Fantastic Four in the first inner universe, so it is not surprising that there is a 'second swallowing star'.

In addition, in the previous conversation with Shenfu, Shenfu revealed that he can travel through the multiverse at will, which makes more sense. His so-called hunting of the strong... is hunting in various universes!

Of course, Ivan didn't fully guess. In fact, the rune didn't come to hunt the main universe swallowing star in front of him.

He's been here, but...

Hit a wall!

It was like this at the time. In order to make the killing stronger, the rune came here to find the 'Swallowing Star' with great interest. He has all the memories of eternity and knows that the Swallowing Star is extremely powerful.

And when he found the swallowing star, the first words he put forward were still 'alliance', 'destroy the universe', 'create a new universe' and other words, which is no different from Ivan.

Tun Xing's first reaction was that this guy was sick and abnormal, and he had a 'contempt' attitude towards the rune.

Shen Rune was angry on the spot and was about to hunt and kill the swallowing star. You actually look down on me?

If you can't get it, you can absorb it into your body and turn it into your own power. This is the life motto of the rune.

However, in the battle, the rune found that the swallowing star absorbed the psionic energy in the universe as a supplement while fighting, and the strength was much stronger than the swallowing star in the eternal memory!

Can't beat it!

He was brutally murdered by swallowing stars three times in a row, and swallowing stars seemed to have endless power!

The terrifying strength created a shadow in the rune's heart.

Then Tun Xing abused him and said things like 'beyond his own power', which made him angry.

That's right, as long as he is in this psionic universe, the combat power of swallowing the star is full, stronger than when he fought with Ivan at the beginning.

After all, when Tun Xing and Ivan fought, they were only in a 'half-full state', and now Tun Xing... It's not just a state of fullness, it's just a belly burst!

The swallowing star, who is full of food, is already comparable to the other three gods in the universe except for eternity, and it can even be called the fifth largest **** in the universe.

It can be said that only Ivan deity, eternity, and the court of life can defeat the swallowing star in this psionic universe.

Since the rune did not kill all the seven eternal sons, the evolution was not in place, and it was obviously not qualified.

It can be said that he was strangled in the cradle by Ivan.

At that time, when Shen Rune faced the swallowing star, he was thinking, I can't beat you, okay, I can't afford you! Just wait!

I'll go to the first inner universe and find your creature of the same name to vent my anger!

And the swallowing star didn't know about the first inner universe at all, and he didn't even know that there was another swallowing star.

Seeing the rune running away, he didn't bother to chase after him. After all, the power of the rune is not overpowering. He was able to suppress the rune so deadly~www.wuxiamtl.com~ is entirely due to Ivan's psychic power.

If you chase it and get out of this psionic universe, then the swallowing star may be consumed by the 'infinite reorganization' of the rune.

In this way, the rune went to the first inner universe, and found the swallowing star of that universe to vent out happily, and finally cut off the swallowing star's head.

That's right, the star-swallowing star in the universe where the Fantastic Four lives is not full at all, just like the state that the star-swallowing should be in of course... I'm hungry every day!

Such a swallowing star is less than one-third of the strength of swallowing a star... let alone the swallowing star in the main universe, which is "supported" by Ivan.

Tun Xing, who was kept in custody, gulps psionic energy every day, lives a luxurious life, and eats as round as a pig!

The subconscious thoughts of swallowing stars are probably like this - the days with Ivan, I am really full~!

——Boss Ivan 666!


Chatted with Tun Xing for a while, and played with Janata on Xandar Star for a while.

In the morning, Ivan opened a portal and returned home.

Opening the bedroom door, he wanted to lie on his bed and 'study' the Ultimate Eradicator.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered the room, Ivan found a black... sitting on the only swivel chair in his bedroom! Turn your head to yourself later.

Suddenly, Ivan was startled—who is this?

The chair turned around slowly, and Nick Fury stared at Ivan with his sharp one eye.

"We have to talk... Salvation Light."

He "deliberately" aggravated the tone of the words "light of salvation"!

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