100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 175: red tank

The space gem is very convenient, and Ivan doesn't know how much it can store.

Because Ivan tried to put 'Angel's yellow pickup' in it, it was quite easy.

At present, Ivan has not tested the upper limit of the storage of space gems, and it feels like it can be loaded infinitely to Ivan!

So some things that may be used at any time, Ivan will put them in it, use the power of mind to take things, and use them anytime!

And according to Loki's test, he couldn't get anything out of this space gem at all!

In this regard, Ivan deduced that in order to take things out of the current space gems, the skill of 'mind power' is basic first!

That is to say, you can only use space gems if you have the power of thought!

However, the skill of mind power does not sound high-end, and there are not many people who know it!

As far as Ivan thinks of the Master of Psychic Power, he counts as one, and Thanos' subordinate Ebony Mouth counts as one.

Therefore, it can also be said that the contents of this space gem are equivalent to being encrypted, and most people cannot take it away. Even if Ebony Maw wants to take it, it has to be grabbed from Ivan first!

Now the space gem is a personal item for Ivan. He feels that he will use this gem more frequently than the mind gem, because Ivan has not studied the function of the mind gem in depth. He has two abilities of mind control and energy rays. are not very interested.

As far as the six Infinity Gems are concerned, what Ivan wants to play with is the 'Reality' Gem!


At this moment, after filling the large thermal insulation kettle with fragrant tea, Ivan chatted with Gu Yi for a while!

He heard Gu Yi tell the stories of the major evil gods, and he also got a general idea of ​​these creatures from other dimensions!

Although Gu Yi's speech was bland, Ivan felt very interesting to listen to it. It was also from Gu Yi's mouth that Ivan realized that there are so many dimensions in this world, far more than he imagined.

Some dimensions depend on the earth, such as Mephisto's hell, and the dimension of dreams mentioned by Dr. Miller at the time, which all exist based on the earth.

And some dimensions do not depend on other dimensions and exist independently, such as the dimension where the beholder is located, and the crimson dimension where the evil **** Cytolac is located!

After listening to Gu Yi said so much, Ivan feels that he has gained a lot of knowledge! very happy!

At least I won't be stunned when I encounter something weird again in the future! If you don't even know what the other party is, you will destroy the other party!

Later, he said goodbye to Gu Yi.

Now that he can use the secret door proficiently, going to and from Kama Taj is as simple as opening the door. With the blue circle drawn, the portal will bloom!

"Master Gu Yi, I'll go home first, and I'll listen to your story later~!"

"Yeah." Gu Yi smiled and nodded.

"Also, pay attention to your body, don't work too hard, and combine work and rest properly!"

"Okay, I will."

Gu Yi smiled gently, and few people would say things like 'pay attention to your body' to her.

She thought it was fun talking to this young man, and the time went by faster.


After returning home, little Cora also asked why Ivan came back so late! Did something fun happen again?

Ivan smiled, did not answer this, but shook the pot of 'the best tea' in his hand.

He took this out of the space gem and filled a full pot, just to take it back and share with his friends the goodness he had tasted!

So say hello to everyone, each one has a cup, and drink it!

After drinking, everyone was full of praise!

"Drink well! What kind of drink is this?" Little Lisa asked.

"This is... tea!" Ivan corrected.

Tea, as Ivan expected, everyone praised it!

It's just...one person didn't drink it!

Ivan looked around and asked suspiciously.

"Where's Jessica?"


At this time, Fourth Street in Manhattan, New York, was a mess!

The night fell slightly, and the heroes were busy subduing a big man in red with a steel helmet!

That's right, the Red Tank! Destroyer with a body as large as the Hulk!

This battle has been going on for a long time, and General Ross has long been out of the red giant form. At this time, he is naked and wearing only a pair of large underwear standing next to Coulson, watching the red tank fighting with several other heroes. !

Yes, Ross's red giant has been defeated in the previous battle. He failed to stop the red tank and was hit by a collision in the battle! It was hit and flew out, fell to the ground and changed back to its original shape!

Fortunately, Coulson has contacted many superheroes to help!

Many heroes are tired, the current main force against Red Tank is: Captain America, Daredevil, Iron Man, Armed Jessica, Deadpool.

In addition, Coulson has ordered to stop the army's fire suppression to avoid accidentally hurting friendly forces!

Regarding the accidental injury to the friendly forces, Ross, who had returned to his original form, yelled angrily at Coulson, saying that the SHIELD agent was bad, and the bullets were shot on him!

In this regard, Coulson said: "General Ross, I can't help it. After you transform into a red giant, you look more like a creature that needs to be suppressed by fire than 'that guy'!"

The implication is that the red giant that General Ross has become is too hideous, more like a villain than other people's red tanks! And these two guys are both red. When the two reds are mixed up when the fight is fierce, it will make people indistinguishable, and involuntarily divide the firepower on the more hideous big man!

"Is this your excuse for pouring 'firepower' on me?"

The naked General Ross was stunned by Coulson's blowing beard! Does that mean I'll get shot if I'm ugly?

The Red Giant is different from the Hulk, and the mind is complete after transformation! Sober up!

How about he fought hard in the front, and a bunch of his own people shot bullets at him in the back! Who is not angry!


boom! The miniature homing missiles fired by Iron Man burst into fiery red fireworks on the Red Tank! The US team held up a shield and acted as a meat shield in front. I saw the red tank smashing his shield with punch after punch, advancing as he smashed it!

And Captain America is defending and retreating! The expression is sad! Obviously, the power of the red tank is too strong, so he can't stand it!

At this time, Deadpool and Jessica attacked the Red Tank in two ways! Daredevil is outflanking from behind!

Just listen to the beast-like snort overflowing from the red tank's helmet~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The big man turned around and punched Jessica!

clang! Jessica raised her shield to block it, and a blue light flashed on the shield! This spirit-infused power made the red tank stagger, but she herself flew out backwards. Deadpool took this opportunity to slash the waist and abdomen of the red tank with both knives!

Zira! The flesh of the blade and the red tank burst into flames!

"My God, what's the meat of this thing made of? Steel plate?"

As soon as Deadpool made a rant, he was blown away by the red tank! And Daredevil jumped from the back with a sap and hit the red tank on the head!

Clang! The guide stick in Daredevil's hand spun and flew out!

Red Tank turned around and let Captain America keep attacking his **** with his shield. He stared at Daredevil with the eyes in his helmet!

"Do you want to be smashed into bones? Blind dwarf."

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