100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 157: supergiant

Ivan feels incredible!

The effect of the Green Goblin Serum infused with spirit is more magical than expected! Osborn actually had the idea of ​​doing charity and being a superhero!

The Green Goblin turned into a Blue Goblin, and the villain turned into a hero, which undoubtedly changed the fate of the Osborn family!

It is also equivalent to the villain Green Goblin, and its personality was strangled in the serum!

That is to say, Ivan did not launch any attack, and solved the Green Goblin!

This super villain who acts crazy... will cause disaster in the future, was wiped out before it was born! Die in the cradle!

Yes, in Ivan's opinion, the Green Goblin is dead!

Just when the serum was infused, the 'green devil personality' in it was wiped out and evaporated!

In its place is the diametrically opposite 'personality'.

Looking at Norman Osborn with blue skin in front of him, Ivan thinks this serum works very well!

So he decided to take away the remaining half-pipe of Blue Devil Serum! It might come in handy later!

"Mr. Osborne, as I said earlier, I am very pleased with the results of this serum."

Ivan said: "So I will take this half of the serum as agreed."

"No problem! Meeting is divided into half! It should be!"

The Blue Devils agreed very readily! And he opened his arms to Ivan, wanting to give Ivan a hug!


A red shadow flashed over! The Blue Devil stumbled! It also interrupted the behavior of the Blue Devils!

Little Cora stared at the Blue Devil: "Hey! What are you doing!"

"Oh, sweet little one! A warm hug with this gentleman, of course!"

It seems that little Cora mistakenly thought that this blue-skinned monster was going to attack Ivan!

"Ivan." Jessica lowered her voice and approached Ivan and asked, "He became like this, is he okay?"

She was referring to Osborn becoming the Blue Devil.

"It's okay, at least I think it's much better than being a green goblin."

"Green Goblin?"

"Yeah, the serum itself can turn him into a green goblin. It's much better now. I'll explain it to you when I go back."


While the two were talking, the Blue Devil and Little Cora explained it, and then he faced Ivan, still wanting to give a hug!

Ivan waved his hand to refuse!

"Okay, we're not acquaintances!"

"Yeah! It's just that I see you now, I don't know why... I feel so kind!"

"I don't think so!"

When Ivan said this, he turned his eyes to the other two tubes of black serum: "By the way, although I don't have any hope, let's try it!"


Later in the laboratory, Ivan tried to infuse the remaining two tubes of serum, but the two tubes did not produce a blue reaction after the infusion, and one of the tubes even burst due to the infusion!

This surprised little Cora! She anxiously asked if Ivan was okay!

Ivan smiled, his body covered with glass shards.

"Small scenes, don't panic."

Originally, Osborn studied fortified serum, one is that his invention has a strong spirit, and the other is to get rich.

But now that he has become a blue devil, his interest in money has faded a lot due to his second personality! Full of other ideas! He doesn't care much about the loss of these two tubes of serum!

Several people chatted in the laboratory for a while!

When I left, Ivan saw Norman Osborn's under 10-year-old son, Harry Osborn!

Although his son is young, he looks like a handsome boy. Harry is surprised when he sees his father now! After all, that blue skin is like dyed with paint!

The Blue Devil explained it to Harry, and then he looked at Ivan.

"Mr. Jones, thank you very much for letting me feel the power of life! I will hold a company meeting and explain the serum to everyone. Would you like to join?"

Ivan smiled: "No, we're going back."


The Blue Devil nodded and said eagerly, "If you need help in the future, just speak up!"


on the other hand.


The Chitauri main ship is heading for the nearest space jump point!

They received an additional order from "Taoist" to meet a heavyweight who returned from a mission on the way to Earth!

The goal is to go to Earth with this 'big guy' to capture cosmic magic and soul gems!

Although the leader of Chitauri did not think that any additional assistance was needed to break the earth, and he did not take the human named 'Ivan Jones' on the earth and his intimidation in his eyes, Thanos had already issued an order.

They can't always say no.

At this moment, in the vast universe, a small ship has successfully connected with the main ship of Chita Rui!

In the inner hall of the main ship, the leader of Chita Rui stood here and waited in person! Seeing him look a little nervous!

Because he knows that the big guy who will come in soon is one of the five obsidian generals under Thanos! It is said that the ability is strange and unpredictable, and he is a master of playing with the mind!

As the hatch opened, a **** woman in a silver outfit walked in slowly.

The woman's dark blue skin is covered with expansive black stripes, and her entire eyes have only the whites of the eyes, but no kernels!

Seeing this woman, the leader of Chitarui immediately nodded his respects!




After Ivan returned to the orchard, Angel and others were loading fruit into the car.

And sitting on the stairs at the entrance of the house was a man, a man in white with yellow hair.

He was carrying a wooden box and chatting with Karen, who was also squatting on the stairs.

After Ivan sent the Blue Devil Serum to his room with his mind power, he stepped forward to talk to the man.

This is Mark, the Moonlight Knight. He has now taken off his clothes and returned to casual clothes. This time he came here to apologize to Ivan!

The wooden box contained a box of bottled milk, which was intended to be given to Ivan.

While expressing his apology, of course he also noticed little Cora beside Ivan.

Mark took a closer look at Little Cora, and now he just thinks that this evil spirit can't do anything to harm people!

Recalling my previous attack on little Cora...

"Sorry, I..."

Mark whispered: "I'm such a bad person...doing bad things..."

Little Cora didn't seem to care at all, and smiled.

"Forgive you!"

In such a smile, the depression in Mark's mood was swept away!

The haze is gone!


That's right... How could such a lovely spirit be able to harm people...

Wind and sunshine.

Ivan, little Cora, and Mark sat on the steps and chatted for a while.

I learned through chatting that Mark has taken up the night duty security guard at Ivan's school. In the morning, he talked to the principal~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Since he didn't ask for any salary, and Mark did have the background of a mercenary, the principal agreed. His inauguration!

At this time, Karen came to report the situation in the morning. He said that today's work went very smoothly!

"Shall we continue?" Karen looked at the fruitless fruit trees!

"Take a break and continue in the afternoon!"


Little Cora jumped up and looked very happy!

"Sir, I'm going to play with Lisa first! Call me when picking fruit~!"


Ivan smiled helplessly, is picking fruit so fun?

How could it be work for us, but a recreational activity for her?

Whoosh! The red shadow jumps up! She entered the house directly from the second floor window!

"It's a very active little boy!"

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