100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 152: battle of gods

The first moment of the moonlight is extremely bright and moving!

At this moment, the moonlight is constantly dimmed, and at the same time, the mummified Moon God Kongsu has a completely real body! A light-like object of Wakatsuki was gradually born in the back of his head!

"Faithful, you have disappointed me so much."

The Miao Miao Divine Voice echoed in the ears of several people. A huge coercion spread from the air!

Little Cora curled up uncontrollably under this pressure!

This is... the Egyptian moon **** Kongsu!

In Egypt, some of the great myths that people believe in!

When Mark's faith was shaken, it suddenly appeared in the perspective of several people! Also rekindled Mark's faith!

I saw Mark's originally bewildered eyes re-firm at this moment!

Seeing the presence of God in person, my heart is lifted!

Of course, Mark's eyes are hidden in the shadows, and others can't see it!

Ivan understands the reason why the Moon God Kongsu appeared at this time. His own number one believers have been shaken by their beliefs. If his Moon God doesn’t come out again, it is estimated that Mark’s belief will be completely powerless to go back!

And as soon as the Moon God appeared, it turned out that Mark's faith had not collapsed due to his divine might...it quickly recovered!

Now Mark really feels that he has let Luna down! He has a feeling of 'guilty' in his heart! Even getting rid of a threat requires Luna to go out in person, and also doubts his own god...

"Forgive me, great moon god!"

At this moment, Mark, who was clenched by the big psionic hand, looked a little embarrassed: "I... I am guilty."

Luna looked down at everything below and also at Mark, his hoarse voice Gujing had no waves.

"What are you guilty of?"

"I...I shouldn't doubt your...you are the moon shining on the earth...and I..."

Hearing this sentence, Ivan subconsciously looked at the moon in the sky.

The moon was already a little dim.

Ivan didn't think that this moon **** Kongsu was the moon in the sky. On the contrary, he felt that this moon **** Kongsu seemed to have some ability to absorb power from the moonlight. This may be the reason why the moon quickly dimmed as soon as he appeared.

Just as Ivan was thinking and lost his mind, a strong white light impacted on Ivan's condensed psionic hand! In an instant, the energy exploded, and Mark fell directly from the air to the ground, and fell to the ground!

He was smoking all over...but he finally got out of Ivan's clutches!


Mark struggled to get up while coughing. He knew that it was the Moon God who rescued him from the big hands of the Demon King. Although his body was in pain for a while, his eyes lit up with even greater worship for the Moon God!

——If there is no Moon God in the world, then if this Demon Lord grows up... everything will be over!

- I'm sorry, as your disciple, your agent...I can't do anything, I'm just...a drag.


The moon **** Kongsu was wrapped in numbness, only revealing a pair of sharp eyes, and he stared at Ivan with these eyes.

"The world needs a more stable space, and you are the unstable factor in the space. All instability should be eradicated, and you will be no exception."

"That...a little question."

Ivan floated on the ground with his feet, and slowly rose to a height equal to that of Luna.

"Why do you see me as a destabilizing factor?"

"You have the evil power to heal evil spirits, and you did use this power to heal a evil spirit that was about to be eradicated, didn't you?"

Luna's hoarse voice seemed to be in Ivan's ear: "What's more, I sensed the budding darkness in your body. Before it grows, I will get rid of you."

Hearing this, Ivan looked at Little Cora on the ground. She was raising her head to look at Ivan and Luna in the air, her little face was full of tension!

"Do you think she should be eliminated?" Ivan asked lightly.

Moon God Kongsu looked straight at Ivan's profile, his voice was hoarse and decisive!

"There are only two kinds of consciousness in the world, living things and gods, and evil spirits are the distortions of the souls that have not dissipated after death due to special factors. Their behaviors are strange and unpredictable, and even I don't understand the reason for their existence. Just wipe it out, that's the easiest way to deal with it, because..."

Although they are far apart, the voice of the Moon God is like a whisper in Ivan's ear: "They... shouldn't exist in this world, and you... are the same."

"I also want to say something when I hear this." Ivan said calmly.

"Say what?"

"Your voice! It's really hard to hear!"

"Ha ha..."

Luna laughed hoarsely, and the body wrapped in sackcloth suddenly burst into a pale light!

Miao Miao Divine Sound seems to be coming from all directions!

"These are your last words, human!"

The sound of the gods fell, and six pale rays of light surged out from behind the Moon God! They rushed towards Ivan with a curved trajectory in the air!

Spirit gathering! A blue light shield was generated in front of Ivan! The rays of light hit the light shield one by one! Just listen to the sound of explosions! The aftermath of every burst of light shook the blocks below!

Some houses with four floors or more have been cracked by the aftermath because the roof is close to the two!

In an instant, all six rays of light collided, and the air shook due to the shock wave!

The light shield in front of Ivan... dimmed!

"Break it for me!"

A hoarse voice accompanies Kamui! A column of moonlight shot out from the circular magic circle drawn by Luna! Crash into the bleak shield with speed beyond the limit!


The shield was destroyed, and the huge energy exploded in the air! The formed air wave spreads in a circle! Those cracked roofs collapsed in an instant!

Building a house too high has disadvantages!

However, Ivan did not retreat due to the explosion. His entire body was enveloped in a faint blue light, and his azure eyes stared at the Moon God from a distance!

Although the columnar energy destroyed the shield in front of him, it still hadn't broken through his last line of defense, body protection!

"You are indeed strong, and it seems that you can be stronger."

A hoarse voice sounded: "To eradicate you today, I made the right choice."

Ivan was about to speak, but saw the light of the Moon God rising again! The space on his left was distorted!

Then a sickle appeared next to him!

That is the weapon of the moon **** Kongsu - the moon-inducing white sickle!

Suddenly the wind howled! The Moon God picked up the sickle and swung toward the sky, and the moon in the sky seemed to twist up and become dim again! And that sickle is flourishing in white light at this moment!

Accompanied by an unprovoked thunder! Luna and his scythe turned into a white moon shadow and charged towards Ivan! With the power of moonlight!

The air vibrated and chirped in his dash! For a time it seemed like a hundred ghosts were crying! The world changes color!

Suddenly, Ivan's eyes turned lilac! Stretch out one hand...a blue and purple energy vortex is generated in front of you!


The stab of the white sickle collided with the whirlpool, and a strong explosion broke the bandage wrapped around Luna's body! A man with tanned skin is revealed!

His face was full of disbelief!

He only felt that the white sickle collided with the whirlpool! You can't step back by yourself! Because that vortex has a powerful force pulling him! The white sickle was smashed by the vortex!

The moon in the sky is completely dark! No more light!

If he hadn't used the power of the entire moon to resist this suction~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He only felt that his whole body would be torn apart by the energy vortex in front of him in an instant!

But this was the case, his body was slowly being sucked and pulled... inch by inch unstoppably approaching the vortex!

It seems that it will be sooner or later to be swallowed up by that terrifying vortex!


In the back, Ivan stretched out one hand to control the whirlpool, and the palm of his hand was opened by the thorn of the white sickle. A little bright red blood flowed in the palm of his hand, beautiful and moving!

He stared at the panicked Luna in front of him... struggling but unable to change the result...

He spoke lightly, without sound.

"Little **** of Egypt, you tried your best."

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