100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 142: Norman Osborn

At night, Bullseye was lying on the big bed in the rented house, tossing and turning.

Women's cries and calls for help always come to mind.

"Damn hallucinations!"

In the end, he sat up again with dark circles under his eyes, looked at the target plate on the wall, found a throwing knife, and started to practice shooting while sitting on the bed!

However, he was a 100% hit, but he missed the third throw!

He was surprised, and then kept throwing the flying knife in his hand towards the target plate!

But not a single shot hit the bullseye.

This is really... incredible!

Bullseye's eyes widened, did I stay up too long?

It must be, try to sleep hard!



Orchard Residence.

"Angel has been up late every day recently."

After some washing, Ivan ran into Karen in the hall.

Karen is sitting on the couch, pressing the remote.

"Actually, he has already woken up and is playing games under the covers."

Karen said: "It's been like that these days, sometimes from his game console, I can hear the girl's gasping voice, and he said it was a game called Sailor Moon: Castlevania, where the protagonist was killed. When monsters attack, you will inevitably pant."

Ivan smiled. Of course he knew what game Angel was playing. The cassette of "Memories of Love 3" was clearly seen by him!

Unexpectedly, Angel is a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes! Play this game!

Looking around, Bullseye is very late today and has not come yet.

Ding Ding Deng! Little Lisa took her small steps downstairs. She looked around the hall and saw no bullseye figure.

"Where's Mr. Bullseye?" she asked Ivan.

According to the past, little Lisa had to go to school at this time, and then solve the breakfast at the fast food restaurant near the school.

"Obviously, the pros are late!"

Ivan smiled: "It doesn't matter, Angel will send you to school today."

"Yeah!" Lisa nodded.

Really unreliable bullseye, usually so punctual, did you oversleep today?

Ivan thinks that he can't blame him. After all, he was out of energy all day yesterday, so it is normal to oversleep at night according to the mechanism of physical fatigue.

At this time, Angel's door opened, and he walked to the bathroom with a biscuit in his mouth.

"Angel, Bullseye didn't come today. Little Lisa handed it over to you."

Angel took the biscuit from his mouth, turned around and said, "Okay!"

"Don't forget to take Lisa to the breakfast shop by the way."

"Don't forget!"

Angel often skips breakfast, and Ivan, Jessica, and Lisa's breakfast are usually served at the breakfast shop when they go to school!

As for Karen and the others, because they didn't study, they often didn't know when to eat breakfast.

"Rocky, when Bullseye arrives, tell him that little Lisa will be handed over to Angel today."



After a short period of time for breakfast, Ivan and Jessica got into the car, started and headed to Albany Private University.

On the way... Ivan saw a person lying down on the side of the street, and there was a bicycle next to it!

Jessica sharp-eyed: "Isn't that Bullseye?"

"Indeed, why is he lying in the street?"

It was normal for Bullseye to lay down on the street last time, when he was a professional thug with Billy Russo and was chased by two supervillains.

But now he doesn't seem to provoke anyone... Does he have any enemies before?

Although Bullseye was jokingly called 'unreliable Bullseye' by Jessica, but no matter how much he is stronger than an untrained person, Ivan feels that Bullseye can kill twenty gang members alone. ability.

Such a strong bullseye, will this fall again?

Stopped the car and checked it out.

"Hey, Bullseye? What's going on?"

Ivan checked that the bullseye was breathing, and the soul was still there in the state of spiritual vision, and there was no problem.


Bullseye rolled over at this time and slowly opened his eyes...

Then he sat up suddenly: "Oops, I fell asleep!"

Ivan was speechless: "You didn't sleep last night, did you? Don't sleep at home, lie on the street and sleep?"

"Cough... I can't sleep at home! As soon as I get to the street, I will be sleepy!" Bullseye rubbed his face and said bitterly.

Hearing this, Ivan was stunned.

"Have you seen the doctor already?"

"I saw it, I saw it yesterday, and the doctor said I'm fine!"

"That's okay, you are weird. I can visit your house after school tonight. You can go to my house for a day's rest."

Hearing this, Bullseye showed gratitude: "Thank you, but Ivan, do you think this has something to do with my family?"

Ivan nodded: "Yeah, didn't you say that your house was rented at a super low price? You also said that it felt very cost-effective, and it felt like being favored by God."

Bullseye was stunned: "Uh... I did say it."

"Then don't have it! Super low price, how can there be such a good thing? Come on, we are too late! Come on!"

"Hmm! Okay...thank you!"


Today's campus life has a small episode.

Tomorrow is Columbus Day. According to tradition, it is a holiday. The principal did announce that tomorrow was a holiday, but during the commemorative speech, he asked a businessman named Norman Osborn to also give a speech.

As the financial sponsor of Albany Private University, Norman Osborn, the BOSS of the Ostrich Group, the main purpose of his visit is to seek some volunteer reinforcement experimenters.

After saying some words in memory of Columbus, he claimed that recently the company is developing a reagent product that can strengthen the human body. Resistant to any disease! cancer!

This caused a stir in the school, but because Norman Osborn mentioned a small amount of risk, it made most students reluctant to agree to participate in the experiment.

And Mr. Osborn doesn't seem to be in a hurry, just said that students who are considered can come to his company to participate in the experiment at any time.

Ivan, who was in the audience at that time, looked at Jessica and asked, "Jessica, what do you think?"

Jessica also glanced at Ivan...

——Why do you ask me what I think about everything! I have no opinion!

After thinking about it this way, Jessica still said: "I think... the development of fitness products is a good thing, and I support his career!"

Ivan shook his head: "Jessica, I mean, what do you think about this Mr. Osborn?"

Jessica thought for a while: "A very good gentleman. As a businessman, he didn't let his interests blacken his heart. At least he suggested that his research had a small amount of risk, and he didn't hide it from others."

"But Jessica, is the risk really small?"

Ivan looked at the stage and said: "Generally, this kind of businessman will call a big risk a small risk. If you ask an experiment related to the human body, if there is no risk, I'm afraid no one will believe it?"


Ivan said with a smile.

"I don't believe that if we really go to participate in his experiment, he will come up with a contract, which is all about risk-taking and so on. It will be miserable when we are tricked."

Ivan is familiar with the name Norman Osborn. He has seen the old version of Spider-Man filmed by Sony Pictures, and a famous villain Green Goblin is called Norman Osborn, but according to the current situation, This Norman Osborn seems a little different from the one in the Sony movie.

In fact, in the past few years ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Ivan has never heard of Spider-Man fighting criminals in New York, that is to say, Spider-Man has not even been born!

This is not surprising to Ivan. He judged that the Spider-Man in this world should not be the Spider-Man in Sony Pictures, but the little spider in the Marvel movie Avengers main universe.

And Peter Parker, the little spider of the Avengers universe, is now estimated to be less than 10 years old! Naturally, he hasn't become Spider-Man yet.

Ivan remembers this version of Spider-Man, who became Spider-Man after being gifted with Spider-Man by Tony Stark.


After school at night, Ivan, who was driving a car on the way back, met Blade on the street before.

At this time, the blade was sitting on the motorcycle. After seeing Ivan's car coming this way, he immediately waved to Ivan, and then blocked the motorcycle across the street.

It seems that he has been waiting here for a long time, just to block Ivan.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

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