100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 124: woman in the rain

Crimson meteorite collided with building! In an instant, a violent wind pressure was formed!

Air and smoke billowing...

The Obaddon Recreation Club has become a burning ruin, accumulated in a fiery crater!

The metal equipment was melted by high temperature! No objects were left intact, nor were the piles of corpses.

Those sinful people shot by Frank seem to have been perfectly cremated under this collision!

What madman Jim, fool Barracuda, these powerful perverted characters in the eyes of ordinary people, are also turned to ashes under this blow, without any exception!

Just like the "dedication" after "born equal"!

In an instant! The dust has settled!

Seeing all this, Frank was extremely shocked in his heart, and the terrifying destructive power undoubtedly set off a storm in his heart.

He has no doubt that if he hadn't been pulled out by that wonderful force, he would have been equal under this collision!


Hearing the sound, Frank looked at Ivan again. He saw Ivan's calm expression and knew that everything was under the control of this person!

Planning for a long time, hacking and killing for a long time, fighting to the death...

In the end, it was no match for the power of this thought.

"Meet your daughter?" Ivan gave Frank a friendly smile.

"My daughter...is there with you?"


"When... Of course, but can you... let me go first!"


on the other hand.

A few minutes ago, on the second floor of Ivan Orchard's house, little Lisa's room.

Bullseye stared blankly at Jessica.

"What about Ivan?"

When he was talking to Ivan before, after telling Ivan the destination, he saw a flash of blue light and shadow, and then Ivan disappeared!

This is too fast! With the eyesight of the bullseye, I can't see the slightest!

"Of course I went to the gym you mentioned!"

Jessica stared at Bullseye: "Bullseye! You are really unreliable!"

"Hey! I don't want to either!"

Bullseye pointed at himself with wide eyes and explained: "But I can't beat them! I tried my best to drag them! I can't do it! If I don't run, no one will collect my corpse!"

"I'm not saying this is unreliable."

Jessica said: "You were the one who rested here for a long time! Only then did you tell about Frank! Now no one knows what's going on there, maybe..."

She wanted to say that maybe Little Lisa's father was dead, but because Little Lisa was watching the exchange between the two pitifully, she didn't say anything.

Jessica didn't want to let Lisa's hope be dashed. Even if she said it or not, it wouldn't affect the result, but at least this moment... She didn't want to dash Little Lisa's hope.

Bullseye scratched his head: "This, this... I didn't know at first that Ivan had the strength to turn over a gang!"


At this moment, a certain neighborhood in Manhattan.

The dark clouds are thick, the light rain is continuous, and there is an increasing trend.

Loki likes the rain, walking in the rain makes him happy, and he will soon arrive at his destination.

The place he's going to is--Emmer Cinema.

This month, Loki made a lot of money by selling the Asgard sundries in the space and performing magic tricks.

He used part of the money to buy himself a new phone, and used it to watch many movies, including his favorite series, The Satan in Hell.

And recently "Hell Satan 4" was released, and the premiere period cannot be seen on mobile phones! Loki booked the movie tickets early and went to the movie today!

As he was walking, he saw a person in the rain ahead, a woman with black hair and a white leather coat.


As a **** with the blood of a frost giant, Loki is naturally reluctant in this cold and humid weather, but it is incomprehensible for this woman to stand in a daze in the rain.

What's more, Loki also noticed that the woman was holding an umbrella in her hand, but she didn't open it.

"Hello." Loki approached and greeted the woman.

As if hearing Loki calling her, the woman slowly turned around...

That is a handsome woman with a face as white as jade!

She smiled at Loki: "Sir, it's raining heavily, do you share an umbrella?"

With a sound of 'Huo', the woman opened the red umbrella in her hand.

The scene in front of me is not normal, it can even be said to be bizarre.

Rocky smiled: "I'm afraid we don't go the same way. I'm going to the cinema."

Om~ Om~!

Just then, Loki's phone vibrated.

He raised his eyebrows and watched the woman pick up the phone. Angel's voice came from the phone.

Said that he wanted Loki to help buy a certain type of game card back. He was tired of playing the games that came with the old handheld game console he won in Nepal.

Loki agreed, and added at the end.

"In addition to the game money itself, you have to pay for errands."

When the conversation was over, Loki hung up the phone.

At this time, the woman had slowly walked towards him, walked to his side, and propped the umbrella over his head.

"Let's go." The woman said lightly.

Loki lowered his head slightly, looked at the woman who was more than a head shorter than him, and smiled.

"Ma'am, I don't seem to know you."

"No one knows anyone from the beginning." The woman chuckled.

Loki raised an eyebrow.

"It makes sense."


Orchard Residence.


Little Lisa met her father as she wished.

After some exchanges, Frank has understood everything. He is very grateful to know that Ivan and Jessica have been taking care of Lisa. This warmth slightly dispels the darkness and anger in his heart.

Frank knows that it takes money to take care of a person, and during this time Ivan has been taking care of Lisa for free~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He wants to call Ivan a sum of money in return.

During this period of time, he seized many valuables from the gang, which he exchanged for money, some of them bought weapons and equipment, and some of them were stored in accounts.

To this...

(?ω?) Ivan readily accepted! Personal assets add another $30,000!

After chatting for a while, Ivan left Lisa's room. He planned to give Frank and his daughter some private space.

Before leaving, Ivan caught a glimpse of Frank and Lisa hugging each other tightly.

The lost family will become more precious when it is regained... Let people cherish it even more.

In the hall on the first floor, Bullseye stared blankly at Ivan going downstairs. At this moment, his view of Ivan has completely changed!

In his heart, Ivan is no longer a weapon enchanter! It's Flash Superman!

Because according to Ivan's dictation and previous performance, the gangster headed by Billy was destroyed in such a short time, and it was so fast to bring people back and forth!

In Bullseye: Isn't this Superman Lightning?

Bullseye has seen some hero comics in this world, he just thinks that Ivan is just like the man in the comics! Strong beyond his imagination!

Jessica was sitting on the sofa. Seeing Bullseye's dazed expression, she couldn't help saying.

"You unreliable bullseye!"

Jessica was happy because Lisa and her father got together, and this time she said that Bullseye didn't use a reproachful tone!

"It's endless, isn't it!"

Bullseye turned to stare at Jessica: "How many times have you told me? Isn't Frank okay! How can I become a reliable Bullseye!"

"Ha ha!"

Ivan smiled and said, "Bullseye, you can rest in peace now."

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