100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 121: Billy Russo

Ivan's sudden acceleration surprised Bullseye!

How is this going? too fast? Why is there an illusion that even the height has risen?

Bullseye was shocked. He didn't know that Ivan could do this, because he had never seen Ivan use other abilities. In his impression, Ivan was a weapon tinkerer, in short, a weapon enhancer!

Is it Lu Taidian? still...

"Is this car off the ground?" Bullseye, who is very sensitive to balance, quickly asked!

"Yes." Ivan replied calmly.

"This car! Has an anti-gravity suspension system been installed?!"

The scene in front of him reminded Bullseye of a man named Howard Stark many years ago!

He was the first to invent a flying car named Laura!

This should be that kind of car, right?

How much does it cost! Could it be that this former student named Ivan Jones has become a millionaire now?

Thinking like this, Bullseye couldn't help but take a deep breath!

——I try my best to make money! Live the days of licking blood on the tip of a knife! But none of the students have money?

——This car... is really nice!

"Anti-gravity suspension?"

Ivan smiled and shook his head: "Sit tight, it's almost there!"


With the acceleration of thought power, everyone quickly arrived at their destination! Orchard Residence!

"Let's go in and have a rest." Ivan said with a smile, "This area is all around me. I sell fruit."

——Is the fruit business so profitable now? Can you even afford a flying car? Damn! Did I really choose the wrong career?

——Huh, I'm so tired, let's... take a rest...

"Huh...Thank you very much!"

Bullseye rubbed his hands, his fingerless gloves were tattered: "I'll leave after a short rest, I can't stay here for long, I'm being hunted down!"

Ivan smiled: "Which gang are you fighting with? Why are the 100% throwers so embarrassed?"


Bullseye said so, took out a bag of chewing gum, took out a piece, and chewed it in his mouth.

Then he flicked his fingertips and flicked the other two pieces of chewing gum to Ivan and Jessica in the front seat.

This skill is quite accurate!

"It's not too embarrassing! Haha, eat candy!"

Bullseye laughed dryly while chewing gum, as if chewing gum could hide his embarrassment.

"I heard you say before, what are you doing with a guy named Billy... Billy?"

As Ivan spoke, he opened the chewing gum into his mouth and chewed it.

Jessica took a sniff after peeling off the candy, and then put it in her mouth and chewed it.

"Billy Russo! He and his lackeys!" Bullseye got a little excited when he mentioned Billy Russo!

It can be seen that he suffered a big loss.

After a few people chatted, they all got out of the car and walked towards the house.

The light rain outside the car was getting heavy, and Ivan noticed that Angel had returned. He was covering the desktop game consoles one after another with a transparent cloth outside the house to prevent the consoles from raining.

"The Billy Herrington you mentioned, is he good?" Ivan asked jokingly.

"What Herrington? His name is Billy Russo! A murderous gang leader!" Bullseye corrected.

Ivan smiled: "So that's the case."

Angel saw Ivan coming back, and first said hello to Ivan! Then set your sights on Bullseye!

"This one?"

"Don't you remember? When we went to school together in Townsend Harris, he served as a bodyguard for us." Ivan laughed.

"Security!" Bullseye corrected after hearing this!

Jessica smiled and said, "It's all the same, it's all to protect our safety!"

Angel stared at Bullseye and frowned for a few seconds, and then suddenly said, "Oh...I remember! That doorman in the holster!"

Thinking of Bullseye's bizarre outfit at the time, it is truly unforgettable after seeing it!

"Don't give me a blind nickname!"


After a few people returned to the house, Banner and Loki both met Bullseye. After the introduction, Banner didn't say anything, but Loki laughed.

"You said that you have the ability to throw a hundred shots."

Loki smiled: "I think it's a useless ability. If you don't believe me, throw at me with anything, and I can catch it."

Bullseye raised his eyebrows, are you provoking me?

Every time he throws bullseye, he is challenging himself. He has been practicing over time, and he is even practicing throwing scalpels on the hospital bed. Bullseye is quite confident in his hit rate! He thinks this is an ability that no one can question!

"Then you pick it up!"

He immediately picked up the remote control beside Karen and threw it at Loki!

Swoosh~ Smack!

As soon as Loki raised his hand, he grabbed the flying remote control tightly in his hand.

Bullseye's eyes widened, he looked at Ivan, he didn't expect Ivan to have such a powerful friend!

In this regard, Bullseye admires it.

Ivan also admires it. Loki caught Hawkeye's arrow with his bare hands in Avengers 1! Eagle eye! That's a long-range expert who is also known for being 'quasi'!

It's a pity that the remote control won't explode, otherwise Loki's appearance must be very fun!


After some exchanges, everyone went back to the house, each doing their own thing.

Jessica went to the second floor to accompany little Lisa, Banner went back to the house to sleep, and Angel went back to the house to play the handheld game console he won in Kathmandu.

Loki said he wanted to go out for a walk, but Ivan didn't stop him, just told him not to cause trouble.

Karen put the remote control next to the TV and went back to the house by herself, letting Bullseye rest on the sofa.


Bullseye was lying on the sofa, feeling the tranquility of this moment, he was relieved.

"Ivan, do you know what I was thinking when I was lying on the side of the street?"

At this moment, there are only Bullseye and Ivan sitting on the side sofa and playing with his mobile phone in the entire hall.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking, why do people have to be so lonely."

Bullseye said with emotion: "I want to be rich and buy what I want, but at the same time I have lost a lot."

"Then why didn't you go back to Townsend Harris as a security guard after you were freed a few years ago?"

"Well... During my time at your school, the students liked me very much and talked to me a lot. I felt very good. After I was discharged from the hospital, I wanted to go back to work as a security guard, but at that time you all After the holiday, I was thinking about continuing to pick up jobs, so that I can make money quickly."

Bullseye said: "After that, I had a feud with a gang leader nicknamed Tombstone. I kept trying to kill him, and finally did it~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Then his remnants chased me, and then they broke up. Well, it's over."

Ivan nodded and said nothing.

Bullseye looked at the ceiling light: "Ivan, anyway...Thank you, when you lifted me up before, I felt a gentle force on my back, and at that moment I had a kind of loneliness that was dispelled a feeling of."

Ivan smiled. He used a little mind power when supporting Bullseye, but the feeling of loneliness being dispelled should have nothing to do with that.

"Can loneliness be dispelled?"

"Yes, but I should be alone."

Bullseye thought for a while and said, "Otherwise, my profession will be enmity and friends will be implicated."


Ivan glanced at the bullseye, and when he saw the bullseye, he stared straight at the light, not afraid of eye pain.

"Aren't you afraid of glare? You rely on your eyes to eat."

"Thank you, but it's fine, my eyes are not afraid of this..." Bullseye said, "Thank you anyway, Ivan, you helped me avoid the rain outside and let me rest in such a good place..."

Bullseye said gratefully, "I'll leave when the rain stops."

"Well... what conflict happened between you and that Billy?"

"That...it's actually quite obvious..."

Bullseye paused.

"I'm a man who runs for money, but I don't take on indiscriminate killing of innocent people. This leads to basically all the jobs I receive that conflict with these gang bosses. Billy Russo is one of them!"

Bullseye continued: "My employer, Frank, is a poor man. His entire family was killed in a restaurant! According to him, he investigated the boss behind the restaurant..."

"It's Billy Russo!"

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