100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 117: dream space

The light in the room is gone...

Because all the light is wrapped around Jacob!

"This... me, what should I do now?"

Jacob was a little flustered. He heard that Ivan was helping him, but he didn't know how to cooperate.

"Don't move! Don't resist!"

"Uh... well!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a squeak, like the sound of a fire being extinguished!

A wisp of green smoke came out of Jacob's head!

"what happened!"

That voice was too close to Jacob! It made his heart beat violently!

"I think it's almost done."

Looking at the green smoke, Ivan withdrew the psychic energy from Jacob, guessing that the source of the nightmare had been ruled out!

And just when he was thinking so, that wisp of green smoke rushed towards Ivan! In an instant, it turned into green light and completely wrapped Ivan!

Jacob's eyes widened: "What! What's going on!"

The situation in front of him really made his head big!

Ivan didn't understand what was going on either. He only felt that a powerful force was colliding with his spirit!

"Ivan, are you okay! Hey!"

Seeing that Ivan didn't answer and was covered in green light, Jacob hurriedly asked!

But in Ivan's perspective, everything has changed.


He is in a white and green grid world.

There are countless green souls around!

"You did a wrong thing, human."

A voice resounded in this space.

Ivan was stunned for a moment, here... Am I being drawn into the spiritual world?

"Where is this place? Who is talking?" Ivan looked around, and there was nothing else but the wandering green soul.

"You use your power to exclude me from the spirits of others, so you should accept me! You will be the source of nightmares in Shinjuku! Give up resistance... Integrate with me in this dream world..."

The voice fell! Countless wandering green souls merged into a spiral column and charged towards Ivan!

Whoosh~ Bang!

Just raising my hand...the group of souls are broken! Turned into a little green light and disappeared without a trace...


Ivan lowered his arms and said calmly, "Do you think that since I can exclude you from Jacob, I will be successfully boarded by you?"

Perhaps Ivan's attack was too shocking, and he responded silently for a while.

It wasn't until twenty seconds later that the voice continued.

"You just expelled me before I wasn't paying attention. If your power is really strong enough, I'm already destroyed now, how can I talk to you here?"

There was a flash of light and shadow, and this small space was suddenly torn apart, and a one-eyed eye emerged from the background, staring at Ivan.

It was a round eye the size of a villa! It looks terrifying and chills down the spine!

And a row of slits opened under that round eye, opening and closing like a mouth to speak!

"You can't get out of this dream world, where I will launch endless attacks on you! And you..."

"Are you Nightmare Cass? This is the dimension of dreams?" Ivan interrupted it, he remembered that Dr. Miller had mentioned to him that Nightmare Cass was the ruler of the dimension of dreams.

"Um... No, I'm just the manager of this independent dream world. Of course this is not the dimension of dreams..."

"You arranged the nightmares for Jacob every day?" Ivan asked curiously.

"That's right."

"So you are actually equivalent to artificial intelligence..."

"I don't understand what you said, and you don't have to ask these questions. What awaits you is endless attacks! As the manager of this dream world, I have endless power here, which will never be exhausted! And you..."

"You should be considered a dream maker." Ivan thought.

"Can you let me finish my sentence!"

"Yes... please continue..."

"I will never be exhausted, and you will gradually tire, and eventually I will completely invade you! Then you will return to reality, and every time you fall asleep you will fall into nightmares and taste the fear that goes straight to the bone!"


Ivan looked at the one-eyed eye, and his pupils had quietly turned blue.

"It's over..."


When the voice fell, Ivan raised one hand and his psychic power suddenly exploded!

The dark blue air waves directly bombarded the round eyes! Just hear the bang! The round eyes were bloodshot under the impact of the air wave! The whole turned red and quickly dented!

"How is this possible!"

The hoarse voice resounded in this space! The next moment, the eyeball burst into a pool of white and green clear air! The entire small space was also cut in half by the spreading aftermath at the same time!

Rumbling, the surroundings began to tremble...

"Is this already... over?"

Ivan was stunned: "I'm just a tentative attack! Hey! Is that manager still there? Hey?"

He tried to call the existence of the self-proclaimed dream manager just now~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but there was only a space tremor in his ears...

Then, the two-half grid world cracked like a mirror...

Broken into pieces!


All of this is like this from Jacob's perspective in reality.

At first, Ivan was enveloped by the green light. After a while, the green light shook for a while, and then it dissipated in two!

Now, Ivan, who was sitting on the bed with his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes at this time.


"It's done."

Ivan smiled, looked at Jacob in front of him and said, "That dream has been completely shattered."

"What, what do you mean..." Jacob was at a loss!

"That's why you don't have to have nightmares anymore."

"Is this...really?"

Jacob already had a hunch, but he still couldn't believe it: "I won't have nightmares every day from now on?"

This is the nightmare that has plagued him for years!

"Well, yes." Ivan smiled, "If you don't believe me, you can try it later."

Since he was expelled from the green smoke by Ivan, Jacob felt that his mind was much lighter than before. Ivan's words were very confident, which made him feel that his matter had probably been resolved!

And when Ivan downplayed the experience just now, he immediately felt gratitude in Jacob's heart!

He could imagine that Ivan encountered a thrilling danger! But Ivan said it so easily!

At this moment, Ivan's image jumped up several levels in his heart!


"No need to say thank you! Who told you to make delicious noodles!"


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