100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 110: Kama Taj

Nepal, Kathmandu.

The city surrounded and cared for by the mountains is now warm and full of exotic customs.

Walking on the street with Angel, Ivan found that people on the street generally had darker skin, and he and Angel looked much whiter.

There are still things for sale on the street. Ivan and Angel settled for dinner at a snack shop, and they ate fragrant hot buns!

"Angel, your hair is standing up, fix it!"

Ivan smiled and pointed to Angel's yellow hair, this must be because he flew too fast, causing Angel's hair to stand up!

"Uh... oh oh!"

Rao was Angel's daring and ruthless, so he couldn't stand Ivan's intimidation! The drop just now was really exciting! It's like a comet hitting the Earth!

"Ivan, I... what shall we do next?"

Facing Angel's question, Ivan smiled: "I said from the beginning that it's not that easy, if you want to see your brother, then go find it!"

After eating, when the boss spoke English, he had to ask for rupees. It was clear that the exchange rate of the US dollar was very smooth here.

In response, Angel slapped the table and stood up, shaking his voice: "Finding a fault?"

When the boss sees this big man, he will go crazy! Also received dollars!

After that, the two began to stroll in Kathmandu, a warm and pleasant city. Ivan turned on 'Spiritual Vision' to enhance his mind and sense of smell for the soul, and began his journey to find 'Kama Taj' under the coordination of various senses. .

In the end, Ivan found a very ordinary door as he wished! It is very inconspicuous, but it is located in a corner of the street, which is somewhat similar to the door in memory!

There were still a lot of people on the street. Many people were wrapped in headscarves. Ivan and Angel squeezed around, and finally came to the door!

"Ivan, I think the capital of Nepal is overcrowded." Angel complained a little.

Ivan smiled, he understood Angel's complaint, the city's population is indeed crowded.

"Do you think New York has a small population, especially our Manhattan area?"

"Yes, very few, at least it won't be crowded like this on the street. It's hard to imagine that there are so many people walking on the street every day!"

"Ha ha..."

dong dong dong!

Out of politeness, Ivan knocked on the door.

Soon, the door opened, and a young man with dark skin opened the door.

"Come in." The black man looked at Angel and Ivan back and forth with bright eyes.


Hearing the black man's straightforward words, Ivan was almost certain that he had found the right place, and the black man in front of him had a familiar face, as if he had seen a similar face in a movie.

"Karl Mordo?" Ivan asked tentatively.

The black man raised his eyebrows with surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect Ivan to say his name as soon as they met, but he didn't say much, just nodded silently, stared at Ivan for a few seconds, and then turned around lead the way.

Ivan knows Karl Mordu, the mage who helped Doctor Strange to lead the way to Kama Taj in the movie, and was also the big disciple of the ancient one.

But in the Easter egg at the end of the Marvel movie, he seems to be blackened!

I remember in the easter egg, Karl Mordo seemed to have acquired an ability to absorb other people's mana, and he was committed to abolishing other mages. He also said that he understood what was wrong with this world, that there were too many mages. .

Even Pangborn, who was cured of his disability by magic, was paralyzed by Mordu's abolition of his mana!

The reason for the blackening seems to be that he learned that Mage Gu Yi has been using the magic of the dark side to maintain his life, which collapsed his belief, and Doctor Strange also used what Mordo regarded as the The forbidden time magic makes him completely unacceptable. The education he has always received is that time magic cannot be used, and it will disrupt the order and balance!

From these, it can be seen that Carl Mordo is a very old-fashioned person, but at the beginning, when his belief did not collapse, he was very upright, so that when Mordo suddenly turned black at the end of the movie, Ivan looked confused.

Seeing Mordo at this moment also reminded Ivan of the dark mage Drum he met once. The two seem to have a few things in common.

They're all black people, they're all mages, and they're all blackened to make people feel a little nervous!

However, when Mordo turned black, Ivan felt that it had something to do with Gu Yi. If Gu Yi enlightened Mordo in advance~www.wuxiamtl.com~, he might be able to change his dark thoughts later.

"Is this... Kama Taj?" Angel's tone was suspicious. It looked... too ordinary.

A place like a slum, an ordinary brick house, an ordinary wooden door that can no longer be ordinary.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the Holy Land of Mage in Ivan's mouth.

In response, Ivan imitated what Mordo said to Strange in the movie. He said with a straight face and solemnly: "Forget everything that you think you understand!"

Mo Du, who was walking in front of him, was stunned when he heard these words. Why does this have a strange feeling...

Angel smiled and said, "Don't be like this, Ivan! You're really like an old god!"

While the two chatted, they followed Mordo inside.

When she thought of meeting her brother, Angel was very excited!

Passing through several promenades and courtyards, Ivan and Angel saw quite a few mages in the Kama Taj.

"Where are we going?" Angel asked quietly.

He is a little nervous! The atmosphere here is really different!

Ivan smiled: "It should be to see the Supreme Mage, Gu Yi."

Soon the two were led by Mordo to an quaint house.

"Master Gu Yi is waiting for you inside." Moro said so, he didn't mean to go in.

"Thank you." Ivan nodded.

When the two entered, it was Gu Yi who was standing in the small room. She was wearing a commoner and had a straight waist. She smiled and turned to look at Ivan and the two.

"Looks like a guest is coming."

Angel was stunned!

He never dreamed that there was such a tall and prestigious existence as the 'Supreme Mage'... he was actually a bald scoop!


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