
Seeing his indifferent look, the woman in red frowned even deeper, but when she thought about it, he had just saved her again...


In the end, she just snorted softly and stopped paying attention to the other party. Instead, she turned around to see how everyone was injured.

Although many people were injured, the Qin family also had a lot of miraculous elixirs. After taking the elixirs, everyone practiced cross-legged exercises to heal their injuries, and their injuries were not serious.

At this time, the woman in red turned around again, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Um...who are you?"

At first, when she saw Xiao Chen with white hair and appearing here for no reason, she thought he was from the Snowy Region. But just now when she saw the Dragon Song Palm and Ten Thousand Swords Techniques used by him, she immediately realized I have recognized the wrong person. These two techniques should be the techniques of a certain Taoist cultivator of immortality, not like the techniques in the snowy area.

Xiao Chen did not answer her, but slowly walked over and said calmly, "You are... members of the Qin family in Qinling."

The woman in red looked at him, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, thinking that with his ability just now, it would be easy to kill herself and others, so why save herself and others, but with his cold appearance, he didn't look like that. What an ordinary person.

Therefore, in her heart at this moment, she still retained some vigilance, frowning and said, "Yes, who are you? Why do you appear here? Do you know where this place is? You can't just come here. The scene just now Law……"

Before she could continue chattering, Xiao Chen had already approached, with his hands behind his back, and interrupted, "I just ask if you are from the Qin family, you don't have to say so much."


Seeing that he interrupted her and didn't take her words to heart at all, the woman in red frowned again, "I said yes, what do you want to do?"

"Since I am a member of the Qin family, there is no need for me to look for him. Take me to see your family leader." Xiao Chen looked at the people behind her and said calmly.

Hearing his lukewarm and domineering tone, the woman in red frowned even more, thinking that this person must be used to giving orders, but she didn't want to do this, she frowned and said, " Who are you? The Qin family, how can you just go there..."

Maybe she has always been willful at home, but at this moment, the people behind her are all on tenterhooks. Judging from the person's methods just now, his cultivation level is probably on the same level as that of the head of the family. If the young lady continues to argue like this, I'm just afraid that something will happen.

At this time, a middle-aged man who looked a little older came out and looked at Xiao Chen with a trembling look, "Um, I just wanted to thank you, Master, for your rescue... I haven't asked you yet, what do you call this Master?"

However, Xiao Chen put his hands behind his back and remained silent. Seeing his cold and indifferent look, the woman in red became even more angry and stamped her feet, "Hey! Don't think that just because you saved us..."

"Little sister, don't be rude."

At this moment, in the wind and snow in the distance, a clear man's voice suddenly came, and then a figure flew over here, but it was a handsome man in green clothes.

The man looked gentle and elegant, walked forward, raised his hand to Xiao Chen, and said with a smile, "My dear Qin Yue, this is my little sister Qin Yao. I just thanked you for helping me, but I didn't ask...what do you call me?" "

"The surname is Xiao..."

Xiao Chen still put his hands behind his back and said calmly.

"Your surname is Xiao?"

The woman in red, Qin Yao, frowned behind her and murmured in a low voice, "Why is it someone named Xiao... Could it be that she is from the Xiao family..."

But when she heard that the other party's surname was Xiao, Qin Yue was slightly shocked. Could it be that she really...

But at this moment, he still had a smile on his face and said with a smile, "It turns out to be Mr. Xiao. My little sister has offended me just now. Mr. Xiao, please don't take it to heart. I just heard that Mr. Xiao has something to do to find the head of the family. It just so happens that the head of the house has an old friend." Come later, a banquet has been held at the village, Mr. Xiao, please..."

But Qin Yao stood behind, with a face that didn't know anything. She was thinking about when did her grandfather become an old friend, and what on earth was the elder brother saying? Why was it that she couldn't understand it? This time, Shouldn't it be those people from the Snowy Region who are coming to snatch my sister away?

After about a stick of incense, Xiao Chen followed Qin Yue and others to the Luoxue Villa of the Qin family. They saw the red walls and green tiles in the village, which seemed orderly. Among the falling snow, the red plum blossoms were just beginning to bloom. Compared with the wind and snow outside, it was colder. , the scenery inside is very elegant.

After walking for a while, Xiao Chen saw the disciples dancing swords in the falling snow, the old servant sweeping away the snow and making tea, and the maid picking plum blossoms with a sweet smile...

Today, I saw the eldest young master and the third young lady bringing back a strange white-haired man. Many people in the village were whispering about the origin of this man.

The entire Luoxue Villa is very large, with numerous peaks, cliffs, and islands suspended in the air. The pavilions and pavilions above are elegant, just like the jade buildings in the fairy world.

After walking for a while, they approached the main hall. Qin Yue turned around and said to Qin Yao, "Little sister, you go to Lian'er first. I will take Young Master Xiao to see his grandfather."


Qin Yao pursed her lips and glanced at Xiao Chen again, then turned and walked towards the Zhu Corridor on the other side. Qin Yue smiled and asked Xiao Chen, "Mr. Xiao, please."

A moment later, Xiao Chen followed Qin Yue to the outside of the main hall. The disciples seemed to have been sent away in advance. There was no one outside the main hall, but there were only two people inside. One was a white-haired old man, standing with his hands behind his hands, looking at There are portraits of ancestors hanging at the head of the hall, and the other person is an old woman with gray hair, sitting on a chair with a cane in her hand. Looking at the look on her face, she seems to be waiting for something anxiously.

"Grandpa, grandma, Mr. Xiao is here..."

Qin Yue walked into the hall, and the old woman stood up from her chair. At this moment, looking at Xiao Chen, even the crutch in her hand began to tremble slightly.

The white-haired old man also turned around and looked at Xiao Chen motionlessly. At this moment, it seemed that he had returned to that stormy and snowy night more than forty years ago...

"Qin Yue, you go out first..."

As if because of excitement, the old man's voice trembled slightly. He was the old head of the Qin family, Qin Guan, and the old woman next to him was his wife.


Qin Yue cupped her hands and immediately went outside.

"Like, so similar..."

Mrs. Qin stared at Xiao Chen blankly. At this moment, her palms couldn't help but tremble. The scenes of that year, that snowy night, everything appeared before her eyes again.

"Are you really...the son of your benefactor?"

Qin Guan's hands were trembling slightly as he walked towards Xiao Chen step by step. Both his appearance and eyes looked so similar to Xiao Zhufeng back then...

"My child, you must have suffered a lot in these years..."

Mrs. Qin also walked over slowly with a cane. Looking at Xiao Chen's white hair, she couldn't help but shed tears in her eyes. Back then, on that windy and snowy night, she personally delivered the child into the world. Yes...

"You...really know my parents?" Xiao Chen looked at the two old people in front of him, and at this moment, he didn't know what to say.

Qin Guan slowly walked towards him, his old eyes were a little red, he looked at him and nodded, "Your father is an upright hero, and your mother, she is the gentlest person in the world..." "

"Sure enough...Father and mother, have they been here before..." Xiao Chen took a deep breath. Everything Taiyin said that night was true...

Qin looked at him, his cloudy eyes gradually became clear, "It was very windy and snowy that night. It was your father, Daxia Xiao. He came to Luoxue Villa carrying your mother, Su Rou, on his back. That night... Mrs. Xiao was about to give birth... …”

At this moment, Qin Guan clearly recounted what happened that night, as if the scenes were still before his eyes.

"Old man, go out and take a look. Someone seems to be knocking on the door outside..."

"Just now I sensed several extremely strong auras coming this way. You are in the room. Don't come out. I'll go take a look."

"Xiao...Xiao Shaoxia, why is it you...come in! What's going on? I heard some time ago that you already have the qualifications to go to the Ancient Immortal World. Why is it so short..."

"Old Qin, don't talk anymore, Arou is about to give birth..."

"Okay, okay, I'll call Xiaoyu."

"Young Master Xiao...are you injured?"

"Nothing serious..."

"How many people are there outside? Otherwise..."

"No, no need, let me deal with those people outside..."

"But you are so seriously injured. If you don't heal your injuries, I'm afraid..."

"It doesn't matter, Arou will ask Madam, I will go outside to resist them..."

"Young Master Xiao!"

Scene by scene, Qin Guan took a deep breath, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "That night, my wife delivered the baby for Mrs. Xiao. As for your father, Daxia Xiao, he was alone outside to resist those people." Man...when he came back, I saw that he was covered in blood."

At this point, Qin Guan stopped, as if the scene that year was still as clear as yesterday. After pausing for a while, he continued to say, "Xiao Daxia was afraid of scaring Madam, so he didn't enter the house, but how could he expect that Madam I was frightened along the way, which actually led to dystocia, but the house leaked and it rained all night. At this time, a few more powerful experts came outside..."

"Then what!"

Xiao Chen squeezed his fingers tightly. Even if he just listened to Qin Guan's words at this moment, he could still imagine how nervous he was at that time... His father was alone, in order to protect his mother and his unborn self...

Qin Guan sighed, "Xiao Daxia was seriously injured at that time, but he still went out to meet the enemy. Even if he risked his life, he could not bring those people closer to Luoxue Villa, but in the end, in the end..."

"What happened in the end! Who are those people!"

Xiao Chen's expression suddenly became a little excited. Mrs. Qin next to her trembled slightly. She quickly pressed him down and stroked his arm. She said softly, "My child, don't be anxious. In the end, mother and son were safe that night. Listen to the old man tell you slowly." …”

Recalling that scene, even though it had been more than forty years ago, Qin Guan's eyes still showed shock. He only heard him say, "Xiao Daxia was seriously injured at that time, and he was probably no match for those people." But just when those people are about to break through, right at this moment!"

Speaking of this, the look of shock in Qin Guan's eyes became obviously heavier, and even his voice became a little trembling. "At this moment! Tens of thousands of rays of light suddenly fell from the sky, and that white light turned the cold night into day, just like It came from outside the sky. According to the records in ancient books, this kind of vision was the only one in the ancient land of Immortal Yuan Dynasty thousands of years ago!"

At this point, Qin Guan tried his best to calm down, and under Xiao Chen's gaze, he continued, "Then, I heard the cry of a baby coming from the room, and you were born at that time..."

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