"What did you say?"

As soon as he heard that he was not the opponent of that person, Xiao Cangtian's face immediately showed a look of doubt. Of course, Xiao Chen only provoked him. In fact, even he himself didn't know who had defeated the three corpse demons back then. in his body.

"Boy, what do you mean, who injected the three zombie demons into your body?"

The more he didn't say anything, the more anxious Xiao Cangtian became. Xiao Chen smiled slightly, "So, senior, are you willing to return to Wuyutian with me?" ✼✮


Xiao Cangtian thought carefully and asked again, "Tell me, when did that person infiltrate the three corpse demons into your body?"

Ordinary people generally cannot detect the three corpse demons in Xiao Chen's body, and may not even recognize them at all, but how can Xiao Cangtian be an ordinary person? In the past, when the three corpse demons were completely dormant, he was unable to notice them. Now that they have awakened, how can he still not notice them?

Xiao Chen said, "Not long after I was born, someone... punched a three-corpse demon into my body."

"What did you say!"

Hearing that not long after he was born, someone had punched a three-corpse demon into his body. Xiao Cangtian's expression suddenly changed, but then he waved his hand and said with absolute certainty, "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Xiao Chen said, "Why are seniors so sure?"

Xiao Cangtian still waved his hand, turned his back and said, "You don't understand the Three Corpse Demons. If someone had beaten you into the Three Corpse Demons not long after you were born, then you wouldn't be alive until now! Absolutely impossible!"

Seeing that he was so sure, Xiao Chen's expression remained unchanged, "Senior is right. If master hadn't picked me up at the foot of the mountain, I would not be alive now..."

"You...you mean!"

Xiao Cangtian turned around. At this moment, he seemed to have finally realized something. He looked at him with some disbelief. At this moment, he finally thought about what was going on and murmured, "No wonder, no wonder you had Ling Yin in your body." Xianyuan, I thought she was just renewing your life, but I didn’t expect her to... no, no..."

At the end of the words, I saw his steps were shaky, as if he still didn't believe it, and murmured: "How is it possible? Is it possible that she is not even afraid of the three corpse demons? No, it is absolutely impossible. She is a cultivator of immortals. She is the most powerful person." Afraid of the Three Corpse Demons, even if she is the Three Flowers Gathering, it is impossible... The Three Corpse Demons can contaminate her Three Flowers Gathering, it is impossible, it is impossible for her... Ah——"

Suddenly, Xiao Cangtian covered his head with both hands, as if he thought of something, but was in great pain. Upon seeing this, Xiao Chen pressed his shoulders. At this moment, he felt his extremely disordered inner aura, and immediately got over it. Entering a layer of true energy to help him stabilize his inner breath.

"Senior, how are you?"


Xiao Cangtian finally woke up, but his eyes were still a little dull. He looked at him and said, "I seemed to suddenly think of something just now. It was related to Ling Yin, but now, now I suddenly can't remember it. It's a very important thing." It's something, but I just can't remember it..."

"It doesn't matter, since you can't think of it, senior, don't think about it..." Xiao Chen looked at him and said softly.

"No, that's not right..."

Xiao Cangtian still shook his head and said slowly, "You don't understand the Three Corpse Demons, you don't understand... it's definitely not as simple as you think..."

Xiao Chen really didn't know much about the Three Corpse Demons, but he also knew how powerful they were, because that time at the Tomb of Gods and Demons, he saw records about the Twelve-Fingered Heart Demons, and even the high god in heaven couldn't do it in the end. Not even the gods in heaven can escape the three zombie demons devouring their minds, let alone a mortal...

After a while, Xiao Cangtian seemed to wake up completely. At this moment, his expression became extremely solemn. He looked at him and said, "How many inches and minutes are the three corpse demons in your body already?"

Xiao Chen said, "About... one inch and seven minutes long."

"One inch and seven minutes..."

Xiao Cangtian fell into deep thought again and said to himself, "If it grows to three inches and three inches long, the three corpse demons will definitely wake up and explode. If that happens..."

"Senior Ku Lingzi once said that by then, I will definitely die."

Xiao Chen looked at him, his face was extremely calm at this moment, as calm as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

And now, Xiao Cangtian finally understood that he had clearly transferred the demonic essence into the young man's body, but now in Xiao Chen's body, he could not feel the demonic essence he had transferred into the body. It turned out that these demonic essences had all turned into three corpses. Demonic nourishment...

Back then, Ling Yin used the immortal essence to suppress the three corpse demons. If it hadn't been for his demon essence, probably the three corpse demons in Xiao Chen's body would not have awakened so quickly. Thinking of this, Xiao Cangtian felt quite guilty. Taking revenge on Ling Yin, but implicating an innocent young man...


With a long sigh, Xiao Cangtian thought of his calm demeanor just now and asked, "Aren't you worried at all now?"


Xiao Chen still looked calm and said calmly, "What's the use of worrying. To untie the bell, you have to tie the bell. Within the next two years, I want to find the person who put the three corpse demons into my body..."


Xiao Cangtian nodded vigorously, Xiao Chen looked at him and said, "But now, Wuyutian is surrounded by enemies. If I leave, I would be a little worried, so I want to ask senior to go back and guard Wuyutian..."

"I see, you could have said so earlier!"

Xiao Cangtian was quite happy, not to mention that he felt guilty about Xiao Chen. After hearing the whole story, he decided to go to Wuyutian no matter what.

"It's just kid. I haven't seen you for more than ten years. I would like to know how your cultivation is now?"

"Senior, how about giving it a try?"


The Xiao Cang Tian Xuan Gong was shaken, and the surrounding trees suddenly trembled. He shouted, "Boy, pay attention!" As soon as he finished speaking, he struck out with a palm, and the mountains suddenly shook.

This palm does not have any fancy moves, it is just a mellow mysterious force, as deep as the sea. When the palm force is close, Xiao Chen puts his right hand behind his back, and his left palm suddenly comes out, with the same extremely mellow mysterious force. Hit it out with force.


The collision of the two palms was even more earth-shattering, but at that moment, the time around them seemed to have stopped passing. Not only did the flowers, plants and trees stop shaking, but even the fallen leaves that were originally floating in the air stopped.

After a while, the two of them each withdrew their palms, and the fallen leaves in the air fluttered down one after another, but the surrounding flowers, plants and trees were not injured at all.

"Haha! Not bad, not bad! Much better than those trash from Xuan Qing Sect!"

Xiao Cangtian raised his head and laughed, looking at Xiao Chen at this moment, his eyes were full of affirmation, "Boy, if you can survive this calamity, your future achievements will definitely be higher than Ling Yin's. Now you have discovered the Taoism of Zhenqi." , but no one below the quasi-sage can be your opponent. In addition, you are Wu Zhen. I think those second-rate quasi-sages may not be able to survive ten moves in your hands. Yes, yes..."

"Senior, you've been rewarded..."

The next day, the two returned to Wuyutian. The new disciples in recent years naturally did not know Xiao Cangtian, but they had all heard of it. As for Shen Jing, Hua Weiyang and others, they had met Xiao Cangtian back then. At this time Recognized immediately.

"That person... is Xiao Cangtian? I heard that back then, he taught me the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques..."

"Of course, Senior Xiao is a hero of our generation, and he is upright, but those righteous factions back then said that he killed someone. If Senior Xiao killed someone, he would definitely admit it. I think it was probably them who shouted to catch the thief..."

"It is said that when your Majesty founded Wuyu Heaven, Senior Xiao was there. However, I later heard that Senior Xiao felt that the life in Wuyu Heaven was too boring, so he traveled around by himself. Unexpectedly, this time, Senior Xiao God actually got him back..."

With the return of Xiao Cangtian, the entire Wuyu Heaven gradually disappeared from the gloom of the previous days, and the disciples cheered up again. At the same time, in the Lingxu Realm, seven thousand miles to the northwest from Taiyin Mountain , there is a mountain with a similarly heavy yin energy, named "Ghost Yin Mountain".

Under the cover of night, the entire Guiyin Mountain was gloomy and very mysterious. The master of this mountain, known as Guiyin Ancestor, frightened every sect, large and small, for thousands of miles around, including Wutian Palace. In my eyes, no one dared to do it in the past hundreds of years.

That night, the moon was as bright as ice, and it was even bone-chilling under Guiyin Mountain. About mid-night, suddenly I saw a figure falling in panic in front of the mountain gate. Two disciples from Guiyin Mountain immediately came out to stop him. Stop! Who!"

"I...I'm looking for Master!"

The man's face was pale and panicked. It was none other than the Taiyin Division.

"Looking for Master? Who are you?"

The two Guiyin Mountain disciples immediately became vigilant. Without saying anything, the Taiyin Division immediately took out a waist badge from his sleeve and handed it over.

One of the disciples took the belt in his hand, took a look at it, and read out the name on the belt: "Yin Wuchang...has Master ever accepted such a person?"

The two of them have been together for decades and have never heard of such a person. At this time, they looked at each other with doubts. The man on the left said, "Wait here and don't wander around. I will ask the junior brother to go to the master to report..." "

Just when he finished speaking, an old voice suddenly came from the mountain, "No need, he is your senior brother, let him come up..."

"Big... senior brother?"

The two of them were stunned for a moment. They had never heard of a senior brother after being here for so long, but then they realized what they were doing and quickly handed their badges back respectfully. "I don't know if it was the senior brother who came back. I was so offended just now. Please forgive me." Forgive me, senior brother..."

"Quick! Take me to see Master!"

Taiyin Si didn't have time to listen to them here. Seeing him in such a hurry, the two men didn't dare to delay any longer and immediately led him up the mountain.

Arriving at a secluded palace on the mountain, I saw the secluded fire floating in the palace, and vaguely illuminated a figure on the stone platform at the head of the palace. The man was as skinny as wood, with white hair and beard. Come on..."

"Yes, Master..."

The two Guiyin Mountain disciples immediately retreated outside. The Taiyin Division looked at the figure at the head of the hall, and his body couldn't help but tremble slightly. Although they had not seen each other for a hundred years, they were still very familiar at this time...


Ancestor Guiyin sighed softly, slowly opened his eyes, looked at the person under the palace, and said slowly, "Wuchang, you haven't been back for a hundred years, right? I thought you were in Wutian Palace these years." Being in a high position, I have long forgotten the way here..."


Taiyin Si only felt his eyes turn red, and with a plop, he knelt down, "This is because my disciple is unfilial. He has never been able to come back to visit the master in these years. The master also knows that the disciple cannot help himself when he is in Wutian Palace..."

"That's all..."

Patriarch Guiyin shook his hand. Yin Wuchang was the first disciple he accepted back then. Although he has gradually forgotten his origins over the years, if he has no feeling of master-disciple towards this disciple, then that's it. That's not the case, I just often think that if the other party can take the time to come back and have a look, after all, he picked up Yin Wuchang at the foot of the mountain and raised him since he was a child...

"Tell me, why did you come back this time?"


Taiyin Si had a miserable expression on his face and suddenly knocked on the ground, "This time, Master... I must make the decision for my disciple!"

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