The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 885 Wentian’s method


Xiao Chen saw her weird expression and walked closer to the boulder again. Hua Weiyang felt nervous, she must not let him see her little brother at this time, so she quickly stopped her and said, "Okay, okay, why don't you come down and find me?" Are we going back?”


Xiao Chen's expression condensed and he stared at the back of the boulder. The real energy in his palm slowly revealed a chill. Hua Weiyang was startled. She didn't know what to do at this moment. She suddenly stood on tiptoes and leaned forward, like a dragonfly touching water. Kissed him lightly on the face.

", what are you doing?"

Xiao Chen was stunned by her sudden move, and all the true energy that had been condensed in his palms dissipated. Hua Weiyang felt funny and a little embarrassed, lowered her head and said, "No, no, okay, okay. , Be good, let’s go now..." As he said that, he dragged him out of the valley.

"Weiyang, was there anyone over there just now?"

"No, you are thinking too much..."

"But... something happened just a while ago. Please tell me where you are going in the future, okay? Otherwise I will worry... If you are going somewhere, I can let Bai Luan and the others follow you."

"Yeah, I know, I won't do this next time, hehe, don't be angry, be good..."

The figures of the two people gradually disappeared, and Wentian also slowly walked out from behind the stone. Looking at the direction in which the two people left, he shook his head and said, "It seems that my little sister... has indeed grown up and has someone she likes." ,only……"

When he said this, his eyebrows were slightly furrowed and he sighed softly, "No matter whether you are destined to be in conflict with each other or not, he is a member of the human world after all. If his father knew that he might be related to the man from ten thousand years ago, he would It is impossible to agree to it under any circumstances. Little sister, have you thought clearly about what is waiting for him... I really don’t know how long I can keep it secret from you..."

At the end of the conversation, Wentian walked out of the valley. This time, the second thing he did when he came out was indeed to investigate the seven spiritual veins in the human world. But when he arrived outside the valley, his eyes suddenly turned cold: "Wutian Temple." …”

Two days later, fluctuations in the formation's spiritual power continued to spread throughout Wuyu Tian, ​​causing clouds to surge in a radius of hundreds of miles. Under the punishment of heaven that day, both the four valleys of Lianhua Palace and the disciples under Wuyu Tian were all Many have lost their bodies, and their souls are wandering in this vague void.

Today, Xiao Chen, Madam Xianshu, the Wuqing Valley Master and others cast spells to extradite the souls of those disciples back.

The spellcasting lasted for a day and a night. During this day and night, Hua Weiyang thought of what her second brother said three days ago, and she was always worried. There was always a bad premonition and an uneasy feeling in her heart...

Just like back then, even this time the feeling is heavier. I always feel that something big is going to happen soon. Even after a short period of sunny days, dark clouds are covering me layer by layer. Just like at this moment, the entire Wuyu sky is covered. of haze.

That night, the stars and the moon were dim, and in the desireless sky, Xiao Chen, Madam Xianshu and others were still casting spells. At this time, in the Lingxu Realm, Taiyin Mountain, layers of cold air enveloped the entire mountain, turning into a Layers of cold smoke filled the air, and there was still a sense of severity amidst the strangeness.

In the past few days, the Taiyin Palace's defenses have been many times tighter than before. The restriction formations everywhere have been activated. The entire mountain is shrouded in layers of powerful restrictions, but they are just invisible.

All the elders who were outside have returned in the past two days, and the entire Taiyin Palace feels like a storm is about to come.

But at this time, in the main hall of the Taiyin Division, I heard waves of women's screams and charming laughter. Under the dim candlelight, I saw seven or eight naked and charming women surrounding the Taiyin Division. At this time, the Taiyin Division looked like a demon, constantly absorbing the Yin Yuan of these women.

It turns out that the Taiyin Xuan Gong he practices requires absorbing the Yin Yuan of women, and these women in the palace are all his training cauldrons. That day in Wuyu Tian, ​​he was first seriously injured by Hua Weiyang, and then by Xiao Chen , now if he wants to recover from his injuries, he can only continue to absorb the woman's Yin Yuan.


At this moment, I saw blood-red lines all over his face and neck, and his eyes became blood-red. He was constantly absorbing the Yin Yuan sent by the women around him, and his whole person seemed to be transformed. "Boy, wait until my skills are improved." Recovery will definitely raze your Wuyu Heaven to the ground!"

In fact, his cultivation level is not low. No matter how low it is, he is still a quasi-sage. However, he did not expect that day that Hua Weiyang would suddenly have the power to bring down heaven's punishment, causing him to be seriously injured and having to sacrifice his blood energy later. Improve your skills, thereby causing yourself to suffer backlash again.

Although he now knows that he was used by Zhenjun Xuanxiao that day, no matter what, at least the powerful soul body beside Xiao Chen is gone, which is beneficial to him.

"Boy, wait for me, wait for me to come out...and that woman...hehehe...hahaha!"

I saw Taiyin Si's eyes were blood red, and his whole person was as crazy as a demon. Even though he was injured in Hua Weiyang's hands that day, in the past two days, whenever he thought of the power of Xuanyin in the other party's body, he would salivate.

If such a woman with pure yin power could be used as a dual cultivation cauldron, how would his skills be improved? Maybe after overcoming the tribulation, it may not be impossible to become a saint in one fell swoop...

Once he succeeds in becoming a saint and possesses the power of a strong person in the holy realm, then who will Lian Zhensi be? What does Ziweisi count?

"Hahaha, hahaha..."

Just as he was thinking about it, at this moment, there was a sudden movement outside. The movement was not small. It seemed that the restriction had been violated. Several women in the hall immediately stopped, and one of them said, "Master Taiyin, outside... Something happened?"


Taiyin Secretary's eyes turned cold, he stretched out his hand, took some clothes and put them on, and said coldly, "Wait for me to go out and see if anyone dares to break into our Taiyin Mountain!"

Just when he was going out, he happened to see four elders being beaten upside down. The four elders were originally of high cultivation, but for some reason, they were all screaming in agony. Upon closer inspection, Next, their bodies were burned by five invisible fires, as if they were suffering from the pain of burning inside and outside. Even their souls were tortured and could not escape...

"The five...the five aggregates are blazing!"

At this moment, there was a look of fear in Taiyin Si's eyes. He seemed to recognize what these five invisible fires were. He had only seen it in books and had never actually seen anyone perform this method. He did not expect that in this world, There really are people who have acquired such magical powers!

At this moment, the shock in his eyes was getting heavier and heavier. Looking at the man not far in front, and thinking that the man completely ignored the restrictions of Taiyin Mountain, his already pale face became even more pale this time, and even his voice became dull. He became slightly trembling, "You...who are you!"

Under the dim light, the handsome man was naturally questioning the sky. On his left hand, there were still five invisible fires beating.

Looking at the five invisible fires, Taiyin Si couldn't help but tremble. He practices Taiyin Xuan Gong, and he knows better than anyone how terrifying these five aggregates are in full bloom!

The five aggregates are blazing, which is also the "five yin blazing". According to Buddhism, the eight sufferings of life are birth, old age, illness, death, separation from love, the meeting of resentment and hatred, and the inability to seek, and the five yin are blazing.

The five yin are also the five aggregates. The five aggregates gather into the body and burn like fire. The first seven sufferings are born from this. If a person suffers from it, he will definitely suffer the most painful suffering. In the end, both body and soul will be destroyed, and he will not even be able to enter reincarnation. Of.

Seeing the other party walking towards him, Taiyin Si could not help but tremble and kept retreating. In the end, his feet touched the steps and he sat down limply.

He has never been so scared, let alone in his own place, but the pressure on him from this person in front of him is too great...

Slowly, Wentian came to him. His eyes looked at him calmly, like two giant mountains pressing on his shoulders, making him unable to breathe. " Who is it..."

"You don't need to know who I am, you just need to know that she is my little sister. If you dare to touch her again, I don't mind, one more puppet..."

Wentian put his hands behind his back, leaned forward, and looked at him condescendingly. Taiyin Si was so frightened that his whole body couldn't help but tremble. He had never been so scared since he reached Quasi-Sage, but at this moment, the person in front of him was... It was like a mountain, weighing him down. Could it be that he was a powerful person in the Holy Realm...

"Did you hear that clearly?"

"Listen... listen clearly!"

Taiyin Si's face was as pale as paper and he nodded quickly, not daring to refute at this time.

"That's good……"

Wentian's voice was faint, he slowly raised his body, turned around and walked out, his hands still behind his back. It wasn't until he walked away that the Taiyin Division suddenly seemed to wake up from a nightmare. He took out a dagger wrapped in black energy and stabbed Wentian in the back like lightning.


However, when he was still about ten feet away from Wentian, he heard a sharp sound. At this moment, he only saw a black shadow flashing in front of him, and then he felt that his chest seemed to be broken, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his whole body It flew backwards, and with a "boom", the steps of the main hall were shattered.

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

I saw a black shadow appearing behind Wentian at some point. The black shadow was wearing armor. Black energy was constantly seeping out of the armor. His eyes were glowing with blood. His whole body was lifeless, and he did not look like a living thing.

"This...what is this!"

For a moment, Taiyin Si was so frightened that he trembled all over. The black shadow in front of him was obviously not a living thing, but he had never seen such a terrifying thing before, and his body-protecting profound energy was broken with a single move...

"It seems that you still don't understand..."

Wentian slowly turned around, and five invisible fires of different colors suddenly appeared on his left hand. In Taiyin Si's frightened eyes, those five fires flew towards him.

"Ah! Ah——"

Five rays of Yunhuo wrapped around Taiyin Si's body, causing him to roll on the ground. He wanted to extinguish the Yunhuo on his body, but this Yunhuo was invisible and emitted from the inside. How to extinguish it?

The charming women in the hall had already turned pale with fear, and the elders and disciples around them were all stunned. At this time, no one dared to step forward.

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