The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 880: Heaven’s Punishment is Ruthless (Part 2)

Originally, Wentian was worried about Weiyang just now, but now he slowly calmed down, turned around and looked at Wangu's back, and said, "I think this person is probably for... the twelve souls passed down from our clan. pulse.


Wan Gu stopped, pondered for a moment, and turned his head slightly, "What the second brother said is very reasonable. Now that this person is getting stronger, the second brother thinks that his 'Swallowing Heaven and Earth Devouring Demonic Skill' is inferior to that of his father." How about "Moonlight"?

Wentian raised his eyebrows and said, "Even if my father's sun and moon are without light, if he were to face his sky-devouring and earth-devouring demon skills, there is probably only a 50% chance of winning."


Wan Gu nodded slightly, continued to walk up the hall, and finally sat on a chair, saying slowly, "Soon, this person will start a rebellion."


Wentian frowned deeply again. Regarding the political issues of the You clan, he had never been as thorough as the eldest brother in front of him, and he was not interested in power and status at all.

"Second brother, there is no need to worry. I have...invited someone to go to Ji Mie Tian's side." Wan Gu said calmly.

"Invite someone?"

Wentian frowned and noticed that he said "please" instead of "send" at this moment.

Wan Gu said, "That person has always acted as he pleased and is not subject to the constraints of our You Clan.

"who is it?"

"One leaf of flower, one leaf of dust, the flower falls overnight without leaving any dust... I must have seen him before, my second brother." Wan Gu said calmly.

"It turns out it was him..."

Wentian suddenly thought of the man who held a feather fan in his hand and always wore a pure white feather coat, unstained by dust... Hearing what he claimed, he came from a different dream and did not belong to this world, so he was not subject to any clan. constraints.

It's just that that person has never been loyal to any clan or anyone. How could he be persuaded by his elder brother this time to hide beside Nirvana? For a moment, Wentian felt a little strange.

"Maybe he just finds it interesting, that's all, let's not talk about it..."

Wangu stood up slowly again, looked at him and said, "How is my little sister lately? I cried again for some reason when I saw her that day. I always feel that there is something weird about her lately..."

"Little sister..."

Wentian frowned again, and Wangu immediately saw the clue in his eyes at this time, and raised his eyebrows and said, "What's wrong, little sister?"


At this moment, Wentian knew that he could no longer hide it, so he had no choice but to tell everything about what happened that year.

After Wei Young was brought back that year, she was locked up and not allowed to go out again. However, with her little temper, she would cry, make trouble, go on hunger strike, and even run away in the end. If she really ran away, she might encounter some dangers. , Wentian knew he couldn't stop her, so he made a puppet exactly like her, concealed the truth and helped her get out.

Just because Wentian's puppet refining skills are so powerful, the puppets he makes are almost the same as real people. Even Weiyang's emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy can be imitated exactly the same. No wonder even Wan Gu and Emperor You couldn't see it. Maybe the high priest Si You saw it, but Si You never said a word.

"You really let her do whatever you want."

After hearing this, Wan Gu frowned and his face was very stern. Wentian frowned and said, "Now we have to find a way to get to the human world..."

"But now the restrictions between the world of humans and ghosts are so heavy that even the high priest can't get out. How can you and I get out? If we break the restrictions rashly, it will definitely give the Nirvana Heaven an opportunity to take advantage of."

Wangu put his hands behind his back and was silent for a long time. The two brothers looked at each other and said at the same time, "There is another place, between gods and demons."

"Yes, gods and demons can also lead to the human world..."

Wentian nodded and spoke, but before he could say the next words, he was interrupted by Wan Gu extending his hand, "No, the place between gods and demons is an ancient forbidden place. No living thing can enter. It's too The danger is, if it is seen by those gods and demons, even the gods in heaven will not be able to escape death..."


Wentian frowned deeply, "If there is no other place that can lead to the human world except between gods and demons, as for the gap between the six realms, there is no need to think about it..."

Wangu turned around, squeezed his fingers tightly, and said coldly, "If something happens to my little sister in the human world, then I will let the entire human world..."


Thunder continued to ring in the sky, and the heavenly punishments fell mercilessly. Hua Weiyang's power was getting stronger and stronger, and she was about to unlock the second layer of seals. The soul seal of the Nether Clan between her eyebrows also became stronger and stronger. Come stronger!


The Taiyin Division secretly thought that something was not good. At this moment, he knew clearly in his heart. I am afraid that just like what Zhenjun Xuanxiao said just now, once the power of the You clan in this woman's body breaks out, let alone take down Xiao Chen today, he just wants to kill him all over again. It might be difficult to retreat!

At this moment, he had made a decision in his heart. He would stop her no matter what today. Even if he couldn't stop her, he must resist her offensive!

He knew in his heart that even if the opponent unlocked the seal, his power would increase countless times in a short period of time, but it would only last for a moment. He could see that Hua Weiyang simply couldn't bear such a strong force, so he only had to hold on for a moment. Can!

At this moment, he no longer hesitated, bit the tip of his tongue hard, and spurted out a mouthful of blood. The blood and blood immediately enveloped his whole body and turned into blood curse talismans. Even if he did not hesitate to use 30% of his blood, he still had to kill today. You can't kill Xiao Chen! At this point, he has no way out!

At this moment, he saw blood all over his body, his eyes turned blood red, and blood mist wrapped around his body. In just a short moment, his cultivation level increased by two levels, reaching the level of The strength of a seventh-level quasi-sage! Comparing to the powerful ones in the Holy Realm!

At this moment, a strong wind blew between heaven and earth, and a thick layer of blood mist enveloped the entire Zhaotian Cliff. Even the disciples of the Taiyin Palace felt frightened at this time. They had never seen such a terrifying thing. Taiyin Division!

"it's over……"

I saw the Taiyin Secretary's cold eyes, his whole body shrouded in blood mist. He raised his hand, and the shrill wind sounded like thousands of ghosts roaring. In just a blink of an eye, he instantly turned into a streak of blood and attacked Hua Weiyang in mid-air. Suddenly Set off a huge turmoil!

At this time, the heavenly punishment above the sky finally disappeared. Hua Weiyang had unlocked the second layer of seals on herself. At this moment, her aura also strengthened countless times, and her eyes were as cold as frost. "If you want to hurt him, you are not worthy!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she pointed her finger at the void, breaking the raging waves of the Taiyin Division. Before the Taiyin Division had time to react, she only felt a pain in her chest, a sweetness in her throat, and then a mouthful of blood rushed out, and her whole body It has flown backwards.

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