"Who is speaking?"

Many people in the crowd were startled, but when they followed the voice, they couldn't find the person who spoke.

At this time, the man in black robe also stopped, his expression seemed to gradually become serious, and he said gloomily, "Which master, you might as well show up and see him."

The surroundings fell into silence, and everyone still couldn't find the person who spoke just now, and could hardly even sense the breath. The old man in green and purple in Wutian Temple also looked more nervous at this moment, and they could The person who makes the Taiyin Division fearful is definitely not a simple person. Sure enough, the Five Realms of Immortal Yuan are still Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons. They underestimated this place too much.

"Senior, don't you want to come out and see me?"

Taiyin Division concentrated on searching for the other party's aura. He knew that the Five Realms of Immortal Yuan were not as simple as they seemed on the surface. He would never dare to act rashly before finding the other party. But at this moment, he could not even sense the other party's aura. , who is it that can hide his aura so deeply? Even he can't find it...

"Ahem, old beggar, haven't you always been here..."

At this moment, the old man's voice came again from a big tree not far away. At this time, everyone finally saw that there was a person lying on the thin branches.

I saw that man with white beard and hair, holding a wine gourd in his hand, and shabby clothes. He looked like an old beggar in the mortal world. There was no aura of a cultivator in him, but there was no one on the tree just now. , how did he appear in the tree in the blink of an eye, and no one saw him?

"Oh? I wonder if this senior is..."

Taiyin Si's eyes were slightly focused, and his hands hidden under his robe were already secretly building up strength. He thought to himself, who is this old beggar? Why was there no aura of a cultivator on his body at all? Even he couldn't see through his cultivation. And how did he appear on that tree just now and no one saw him?

The practitioners of various sects on the mountain in the distance were also surprised. Although before this, none of them would deliberately pay attention to whether there was anyone on a tree, but it stands to reason that the tree was at the bottom of the mountain. If there were people on the tree, If so, wouldn't anyone notice? When did this old beggar go up there...

"Yun Shen, do you know who this person is?"

On the side of Motian Sect, the eyes of the Motian Patriarch were slightly focused. Even he had little impression of the old beggar in front of him. In short, he definitely did not appear that time more than 300 years ago. Otherwise, he would have been deeply impressed.

Could it be a character who has appeared in recent years? It doesn't look like it. In the past three hundred years, except for a few people from the Xuanqing Sect, there have been no figures in the righteous path of the Five Realms of Immortal Yuan. So the person in front of me should be a figure from a long time ago. If he is famous He must have seen this person before, but the change was so great that he seemed unrecognizable for a while...

Chu Yunshen slowly put away the folding fan in his hand, stared at the old beggar on the tree, and muttered, "It seems to be a bit impressive, but not too deep. It's hard to say..."

On the Xuanqingmen side, Ruoshui stood on tiptoes, clapped his hands and said with a smile, "This old uncle looks like he is having fun. The tree branch is so thin that he can lie on it. Which sect is this?"

When she said this, she waved happily to the people below, "Hey! Old uncle, can you hear me? Here, here..."

Seeing her expression of ignorance on the world, Qian Yu Nishang frowned and immediately held her down, "Ruoshui, don't make trouble, that senior is not an ordinary person."


Hearing this, Ruoshui covered her mouth with her fingers, looking surprised, and then smiled brightly and brightly, "Hehe, but he looks really fun..."

Qian Yu Nishang frowned deeply and ignored her. She stared at the old beggar on the tree, thinking that even this senior had come out...

On the other side, Mei Jianyi and Jiang Nanliu were a little confused. They didn't know who the person in front of them was, but Feng Xiaoyin had been in the school longer than them. At this time, he seemed to recognize the person and said attentively, "It's the person named Feng." My senior, the sword technique he used to cut off the spiritual veins just now was taught by him..."

"What did you say……"

Suddenly hearing this, Mei Jianyi and Jiangnan Liu were both deeply startled. This old beggar looked very extraordinary. In the past few hundred years, none of the five immortal realms had ever heard of such a powerful person. Character, how did Yichen get to know such a person?

Eyebrows murmured, "Senior brother, do you know this person..."


Feng Xiaoyin frowned slightly and stared down for a while before saying, "But I don't know much about it. I only know that this senior comes and goes without a trace, and in the past few hundred years, I haven't heard anything about him again." According to rumors about his deeds, it seems that he has not moved around in the world in these years, but back then... he should be as famous as Master Xuanyin.

"As famous as Master Xuanyin..."

Mei Jianyi and Jiang Nanliu were startled again, and both looked down. Master Xuanyin was the sixteenth generation head of the Xuanqing Sect, and the master of Master Qingxuan. This person was as famous as Master Xuanyin. Then he was a man of influence a thousand years ago...

At this moment, the dozen or so people in Wutian Palace held their breaths. The old man in green and the old man in purple were severely injured, and they did not dare to say anything at this time.

Not far away, Xiao Chen naturally recognized the person in front of him. It was the senior who taught him the three swords back then, Feng Moyao. Nowadays, this name is rarely known in the world.

What makes him feel strange is that the last time he saw this senior was three years ago when he went to Cuidian Mountain outside Qingzhou City for a ten-year appointment.

At that time, this senior still had the aura of a cultivator, but today, how could the aura on his body be so weak?

Suddenly, Xiao Chen recalled the past. Although the old beggar's cultivator aura had always been very weak, it seemed that every time he met, the cultivator's aura on him would become weaker. Today, it is almost close to No more. If it weren't for his keen consciousness, he would never be able to feel that there is still a trace of cultivation aura on the other party's body.

But why is this? Nowadays, throughout the ancient land of Immortal Yuan, a large amount of spiritual energy is pouring into the heaven and earth. Everyone's cultivation level is advancing by leaps and bounds, and the aura of cultivation will inevitably become heavier and heavier. But how can the aura of this old senior become weaker and weaker?

This is definitely not a deliberate attempt to conceal one's cultivation, because if one deliberately conceals one's cultivation, then traces will be left no matter what, even for him. If one conceals one's aura, then a person who has been cultivated to a high level or has a spiritual consciousness A keen person can see through it at a glance.

But this old senior does not have any traces of cultivation, so his cultivation is getting lower and lower. But how can his cultivation become lower and lower? This is completely unreasonable, what is going on...

Xiao Chen slowly remembered that when he first met this old beggar, he asked him to find four dishes: steamed sea bass, braised carp, Linyuan fish, and the water was clear and fishless.

The first two dishes are naturally simple, and any cook in Qingzhou City can make them, but the third dish, "Linyuan Fish", requires mandarin fish from Suzhou City. There was no mandarin fish in Qingzhou City at that season, so He wielded a sword for two thousand miles, and in one day, he went to Suzhou City to find mandarin fish.

But when he went to the edge of Taihu Lake in Suzhou, he met a white-bearded old man in a bamboo hat and coir raincoat. At that time, he wanted to save trouble and bought the mandarin fish caught by the white-bearded old man, but the white-bearded old man smiled and took the fish away. He fell back into the lake, and finally lent him a fishing rod and let him catch the fish by himself.

It's strange to say that those two hours passed by in a moment, but he realized a mysterious state of "returning to simplicity and truth". Later he learned that most cultivators believed that heaven and man are one. It is the supreme state of Taoist cultivation. As everyone knows, after the union of heaven and man, there is another state that is more difficult to comprehend. Among millions of people, it is difficult for one or two people to understand it. This is to return to simplicity and return to true nature.

Could it be that... what this old beggar is practicing is to return to basics and return to his true nature!

Xiao Chen seemed to finally realize that at that time, when the white-bearded man was fishing on the edge of Taihu Lake, he couldn't feel a trace of cultivation aura from him at that time. Could it be that the white-bearded man had returned to basics and returned to his true nature? Even higher than the old beggar!

Then the cultivation level of these two people has actually reached...

At this moment, the expression on Xiao Chen's face remained unchanged, but there seemed to be a huge wave in his heart. There was such an extraordinary person hidden in this small mortal world. How could that white-bearded man in Suzhou City be? People also...

At this moment, the atmosphere at the scene gradually became tense, especially since no one spoke. This feeling made the two old men in Wutian Temple feel even more depressed. The old man in green clothes trembled and said, "Master Taiyin Division" …”

He was about to say something, but before he could say anything, Taiyin Secretary suddenly raised his hand and interrupted him. Then he looked at the old beggar on the tree and said calmly, "Senior didn't speak. Could it be that today, I want to Are you taking care of this matter? Here’s a piece of advice, no matter who your senior is or what his background is, it’s best not to get involved in Wutian Palace’s affairs, so as not to... get burned. "

"Wutian Palace..."

This time, people from all the sects on the mountain finally heard it clearly. The younger generation of disciples looked confused and didn’t know what Wutian Palace was. The elders of those sects, the more senior they were, the more senior they were. The look of surprise on his face became more obvious at this moment.

"It turns out that they are people from Wutian Palace. No wonder just now, I vaguely heard them saying that they should not be enemies of Wutian..."

Many people still looked shocked. On the other side of the Xuan Qing Gate, Ruoshui said curiously, "Senior Sister Nishang, what is this Wutian Palace? Are they very powerful..."

At this moment, the expression on Qian Yu Nishang's face became serious. She looked at the man in black robe below and said, "Wutian Temple, they used to be a mysterious force in the ancient Eastern cultivation world, but now they are hidden in the Lingxu Realm. This person is one of the seven temples, the priest of Taiyin Temple..."


Ruoshui nodded as if he understood, and hummed in a low voice, "They still want to capture senior brother. They are sneaky and hide their heads and tails. At first glance, they are not good people..."

Qian Yu Nishang's eyebrows were slightly knitted, and she stopped talking at this moment, while underneath, Feng Moyao was holding the wine gourd in his hand, and said with a smile, "Old beggar is not from Wutian Palace. What matters about you Wutian Palace, Lao Beggar I don’t have enough time to take care of flowers…”

When he said this, he suddenly sat up from the branch, looked at the Taiyin Division and said, "But the old beggar is a human being. Do you think the old beggar can control these human affairs, or can he not?"

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