The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 853: Old Times (Fourth Update)

When Xiao Chen, Zi Yuan and others returned to Wuyu Tian, ​​it was completely dark. Xiao Chen suddenly stopped, looked at Zi Yuan and the others and said, "You guys go back.

"Your Majesty...won't you go back?"

Zi Yuan turned around and looked at Xiao Chen motionlessly, wondering if he would go to find Miss Luo Die again...

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and looked in the direction of Xianyuan Zhongtu, which was the direction of Xuanqing Mountain. Ziyuan understood what he was talking about and said nothing more.

"Also, tell Weiyang to let her have a good rest these days and not to worry about anything. Just listen to Shen Jing's arrangements for everything."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely bring the message to you."


Xiao Chen nodded slightly, lifted his feet a little, and rode the wind away. In an instant, he disappeared under the vast dusk.

Three days later at night, he returned to Ningcun. Today's Ningcun has long been deserted, leaving only the ruins of the ruins, the weeds and thorns on the ground, and the small earthen tombs that are tall and short behind the village.

"Auntie, I'm back..."

Nothing in the room seemed to have changed. There was still half a piece of cloth that had not yet been woven on the spinning machine, but it was already covered with dust and cobwebs.

The tables and stools in the main room are still neatly arranged, and there are still two bowls and two pairs of chopsticks. Auntie must be waiting for her to go back to eat...

"It's still early. How older are the two cows next door than you? They are all married now, how about you? You spend your days either running up and down the mountain or fighting with others. If you continue like this, which girl will like you in the future? I will tell you these later If you use your annual savings to build a house in the city, you can marry someone in style."

"I dont go."

"Why don't you go!"

"If you don't go, you won't go. I won't get married."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I want to become an immortal!"

"You're so good, what kind of immortality do you want to cultivate?

"When I learn Xuan Qingmen's magic, I will beat Zhao Wangsun so hard that he will be unable to get up!"

As if he saw the shadows in the room again, Xiao Chen stretched out his hand, and those shadows dissipated in an instant. It turned out that there was nothing, but tears wet his eyes and blurred his vision. There was nothing in the room.

"Auntie, I'm sorry..."

"If I had known earlier, I would not have cultivated immortality..."

"If I had known earlier, I would have listened to you..."

The moonlight was as cold as frost, shining only on a sad person.

Xiao Chen came to the grave behind the house. It seemed that the weeds on the grave had just been removed, and there were traces of cleaning in front of the grave. He had not been back for a long time. Thinking about it... only Qian Yu Nishang would come here.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's heart suddenly felt empty, and he recalled that year when he and Qian Yu Nichang went home to see his grandma. He still remembers the smile on her face that day...

At this moment, he looked at the words on the tombstone and remained motionless for a long time.

Even if you become a saint, what's the use? Will it be able to make my mother live again...

He closed his eyes.

I'm sorry, grandma, I haven't been able to avenge you yet...

Maybe Aniang doesn’t want him to take revenge, maybe Aniang just wants him to live well, get married, and have children...

This is the smallest wish of a mortal mother.

The night seemed a little deeper and a little colder, like a huge shadow, trapping him inside and unable to get out.

I don't know how long passed like this, Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes, and at this moment, he suddenly felt an abnormal spiritual power fluctuation. Although it was very subtle, he also felt that it came from the Xuanqing Seventh Peak.

He slowly gathered away his aura and walked outside with concentration. Regarding the Xuanqing Seven Peaks, he now naturally knew that there was an earth spiritual vein suppressed under the Xuanqing Seven Peaks.

Unlike the Eye of Spiritual Vein, the earth spiritual vein under Xuanqing Mountain is a real earth spiritual vein. As long as the Xuanqing Seven Peaks are still here, it is impossible to move this earth spiritual vein. Therefore, It can protect the five realms of immortality and the spiritual energy will never be exhausted.

The Xuanqing Seven Peaks are arranged with the Big Dipper in exactly the same position. It is hard to imagine that such a clever seven peaks would be naturally formed here. They look more like an ancient formation...

But at that moment, Xiao Chen felt an abnormal fluctuation in spiritual power. Could it be that there was something wrong with the Xuan Qing Seven Peaks?

With doubts, he slowly approached, but now the restrictions on Xuanqing Mountain were beyond his imagination. Even though he was once very familiar with this place, and even though his cultivation level is no longer what it used to be, if he had to go up the mountain from the main entrance like this, It will definitely be noticed by the Seven Xuanqing Lords.

But he knew there was a place where no one from the Xuan Qing Sect would notice.

After burning the incense, he quietly arrived at the foot of Xuanqing Hou Mountain. There was a trail leading to Pingyang Peak without any restrictions. He accidentally discovered it when he escaped from above.

Soon, Xiao Chen had passed this trail and returned to Pingyang Peak. Even though more than thirty years had passed, every plant and tree here seemed to have remained unchanged.

Looking at the old scene of the past, Xiao Chen couldn't explain how he felt at this moment. The small house he lived in in the past had long been dilapidated. It seemed that no one had been there in these years and had been occupied by three elders. Sealed.

I still remember that when he first came to Pingyang Peak, he thought it was so big, but this place was actually just the entrance of Xuanqing Sect, a small mountain peak, not even as good as the outer sects of other sects. Maybe they recruit people from Pingyang Peak. Maybe in a hundred years, one or two geniuses will be spotted by the Seven Lords and they will not be left behind.

Further up, there are the three peaks of Yangguan, "Jiangjian Peak", "Medicine Refining Peak" and "Wu Nian Peak". Perhaps these three peaks can barely be regarded as the outer gate of Xuanqing Sect. The real Xuanqing Sect is It's Qifeng. If you come down from Qifeng, even if you're just a disciple, the elders like Xuan Guan and Yang Guan below will have to be polite.

But even so, Xiao Chen felt at the time that the three peaks of Yangguan were out of reach. Now he only needs a little breath to teleport to those three peaks. The three peaks of Yangguan are actually very small and far out of reach. Compared with the Xuanqing Seven Peaks, they can only be regarded as three short hillsides below the Xuanqing Seven Peaks.

Before coming up, Xiao Chen had already collected all his breath. At this moment, with his spiritual consciousness, he saw the three elders Yun Qing, Zhai Mo, and Wan Yan in the elders' pavilion. The candlelight in the room was flickering, and the brows of the three people could be vaguely seen. The three of them sighed, not knowing what they were worried about.

Xiao Chen swept his consciousness again and went to the medicine refining peak in Yangguan. In the alchemy room, a fat-headed middle-aged man kept fanning the fire and carefully guarded the elixirs inside with his true energy. But in the end, the alchemy furnace still emitted black smoke, and he hurriedly went to uncover the alchemy furnace. Unexpectedly, the alchemy furnace exploded, and his face was smoked like a burnt pancake.

But the next moment, I saw him finding a black elixir from the broken elixir furnace. His face was overjoyed and he shouted excitedly outside, "Master, Master! I succeeded! I finally made the Ziying Dan..." …”

Immediately afterwards, I saw an old man in purple hurriedly running in from outside. When the old man saw the scene in the room, his whole face seemed to turn into a pill furnace exploding on the ground. He kept beating his chest and stamping his feet, "Oh, feed my little ancestor, What are you doing, you, you, you, that’s all, it’s been almost thirty years, you really don’t have the talent for alchemy..."

"Ugh... Master, where did I go wrong again? Look, this is perfect. Although it's a little darker, you can still eat it after washing it..."

"You, you... you are not afraid of death, then you can eat it. Just don't let your sister come to trouble me again. Ouch, I owe you Zhao family in my previous life..."

This fat middle-aged man was none other than Zhao Wangsun back then. Thinking back to those days, he was only a few years older than Yichen. Now he has become a greasy middle-aged man. Although he has the help of elixirs, he has no spiritual roots. It's useless no matter how much you cultivate your roots, let alone have an everlasting appearance like his sister Zhao Ying'er.

Xiao Chen withdrew his consciousness, stepped on it with both feet, and instantly landed on another mountain. This is Wu Nian Peak, one of the three peaks of Yangguan.

He probed his consciousness into an attic and saw a young woman who looked to be in her mid-twenties sitting cross-legged in the room. She was wearing an apricot-yellow dress. Her face was covered with cold sweat, and she seemed to be making a breakthrough. Cultivation is hindered and seems very difficult.

This woman was none other than Huang Ying'er who lured Xiao Chen to Xuan Qingmen back then. She looked like fifteen or sixteen years old back then. Now, more than thirty years have passed. Although she doesn't look old, she still can't look like Qian Yu's colorful clothes and flowers. Weiyang and the others are like that, no matter how many years have passed, their appearance remains unchanged.

Xiao Chen didn't expect that after so many years, her cultivation was still at the early stage of spiritual refining, far inferior to the Zhao Ying'er he had seen before.

At this moment, he couldn't help but recall the past. When he first came to Xuanqing, he didn't know anyone. He only knew this senior sister. Whenever he was bullied, he was always the first to think of this senior sister. I don't know how many years have passed. Is she being implicated because of her own affairs...

At this moment, Huang Ying'er is sitting in the room, trying hard to break through, but no matter what, she can't break through this level of cultivation. Maybe everyone's qualifications are limited, and she is destined to stay in Wu Nian Peak for the rest of her life, but she is unwilling to do so. , no matter how hard she tries, is it useless? She was unwilling to give in, she struggled extremely, and suffered...

The bright moon was in the sky outside, and the breeze was blowing through the leaves. Xiao Chen's eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and suddenly he pointed a finger, and a ray of green light flew silently into the pavilion, and instantly pierced Huang Ying'er's eyebrows.

This ray of blue light was enough to enable her to achieve a breakthrough in cultivation, enough to enable her to achieve great success in cultivation within ten years.

Everyone has their own destiny. Tonight, Xiao Chen interfered with a person's destiny. In a sense, this was against the will of heaven.

But, have he done too many unnatural things in recent years? He gathers the power of spiritual veins everywhere to activate the ancient heaven-defying formation and change Weiyang's life. This is the most heaven-defying thing. Even if it is irreversible and wiped out, he has never been afraid...

In the room, Huang Ying'er opened her eyes like a flash of light. At that moment, her whole aura changed. The true energy in her body continued to flow. She could not break through the cultivation level for ten years. At that moment, she finally... A breakthrough, not only a breakthrough in cultivation, it even allowed her to rise to several minor realms in a row!

"what happened……"

At this moment, even she was surprised. A wisp of breeze blew in from the window. She seemed to sense something and rushed out of the house. However, outside the house, only the breeze stirred the shadows of the trees. There was no one outside the attic. nor……

"Just... was it him..."

Huang Ying'er stared blankly outside the attic, but there was only the wind blowing and the shadows of the trees swaying all over the ground. There was no one, and there was no trace of anyone coming. Looking into the sky, there was only the lonely Big Dipper hanging high.

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